



Bug #16084


uninitialized constant Rack::Handler::WEBrick::RACK_VERSION

Added by Christian Meißner almost 8 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:



i upgraded my environment

trusty -> xenial
foreman 1.7 -> 1.12
puppet 3.7 -> 3.8

But now foreman can't communicate with puppet.

If i open the smart-proxy url in browser i get the following error

uninitialized constant Rack::Handler::WEBrick::RACK_VERSION Did you mean? Rack RUBY_VERSION

How can i fix the problem?



proxy.log proxy.log 672 Bytes Christian Meißner, 08/12/2016 03:47 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 8 years ago

  • Subject changed from puppet smart-proxy is unable to communicate to uninitialized constant Rack::Handler::WEBrick::RACK_VERSION
  • Category changed from Puppet to Core

Can you run gem list and dpkg -l ruby*? If you have more information in the smart proxy log including stack traces, it would help.

Actions #2

Updated by Christian Meißner almost 8 years ago

Hi Dominic,

Dominic Cleal wrote:

Can you run gem list and dpkg -l ruby*? If you have more information in the smart proxy log including stack traces, it would help.

# gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

bigdecimal (1.2.8)
bundler (1.12.5, 1.11.2)
bundler_ext (0.4.1)
deep_merge (1.1.1, 1.0.1)
did_you_mean (1.0.2, 1.0.0)
domain_name (0.5.20160615, 0.5.20160216)
ffi (1.9.14, 1.9.10)
foremancli (1.0)
gssapi (1.2.0)
hiera (3.2.1, 2.0.0)
http-cookie (1.0.2)
io-console (0.4.6, 0.4.5)
json (2.0.2, 1.8.3)
mime-types (3.1, 2.6.1)
mime-types-data (3.2016.0521)
minitest (5.9.0, 5.8.4)
molinillo (0.5.0, 0.4.3)
net-http-persistent (2.9.4)
net-ldap (0.15.0)
net-telnet (0.1.1)
netrc (0.11.0, 0.10.3)
power_assert (0.3.0, 0.2.7)
psych (2.1.0, 2.0.17)
rack (2.0.1, 1.6.4)
rack-protection (1.5.3)
rake (11.2.2, 10.5.0)
rdoc (4.2.2, 4.2.1)
rest-client (2.0.0, 1.8.0)
rkerberos (0.1.3)
ruby-libvirt (0.6.0)
ruby-shadow (2.5.0, 2.4.1)
rubyipmi (0.10.0)
sinatra (1.4.7)
sqlite3 (1.3.11)
syck (1.1.0)
test-unit (3.2.1, 3.1.7)
thor (0.19.1)
tilt (2.0.5, 2.0.1)
unf (0.1.4)
unf_ext (
# dpkg -l ruby*
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                 Version                 Architecture            Description
ii  ruby                                 1:2.3.0+1               all                     Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version)
un  ruby-activerecord-deprecated-finders <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
un  ruby-activesupport-2.3               <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
un  ruby-activesupport-3.2               <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
ii  ruby-augeas                          1:0.5.0-3build4         amd64                   Augeas bindings for the Ruby language
ii  ruby-bundler                         1.11.2-1                all                     Manage Ruby application dependencies (runtime)
ii  ruby-bundler-ext                     0.4.1-1                 all                     Load system gems via Bundler DSL
un  ruby-debian                          <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
ii  ruby-deep-merge                      1.0.1+gitf9df6fdb-1     all                     recursively merge Hash elements in Ruby
ii  ruby-dev:amd64                       1:2.3.0+1               amd64                   Header files for compiling extension modules for Ruby (default version)
ii  ruby-did-you-mean                    1.0.0-2                 all                     smart error messages for Ruby > 2.3
ii  ruby-domain-name                     0.5.20160216-2          all                     Domain Name manipulation library for Ruby
ii  ruby-ffi                             1.9.10debian-1build2    amd64                   load dynamic libraries, bind functions from within ruby code
ii  ruby-foreman-bootdisk                8.0.1-1                 all                     Foreman Bootdisk Plugin
ii  ruby-gssapi                          1.2.0-1                 all                     FFI wrapper around the system GSSAPI library
ii  ruby-http-cookie                     1.0.2-1                 all                     Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265
un  ruby-interpreter                     <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
ii  ruby-json                            1.8.3-1build4           amd64                   JSON library for Ruby
un  ruby-ldap                            <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
ii  ruby-libvirt                         0.6.0-2                 amd64                   Ruby bindings for libvirt
ii  ruby-mime-types                      2.6.1-1                 all                     guess MIME type of files
ii  ruby-minitest                        5.8.4-2                 all                     Ruby test tools supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking
ii  ruby-molinillo                       0.4.3-1                 all                     generic dependency resolution algorithm
ii  ruby-net-http-persistent             2.9.4-1                 all                     Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP
ii  ruby-net-telnet                      0.1.1-2                 all                     telnet client library
ii  ruby-netrc                           0.10.3-1                all                     Ruby library to read and write netrc files
un  ruby-passenger                       <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
ii  ruby-power-assert                    0.2.7-1                 all                     library showing values of variables and method calls in an expression
ii  ruby-rack                            1.6.4-3                 all                     modular Ruby webserver interface
ii  ruby-rack-protection                 1.5.3-2                 all                     Protects against typical web attacks for Rack apps
un  ruby-rack1.4                         <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
ii  ruby-rest-client                     1.8.0-2ubuntu1          all                     simple REST client for Ruby
ii  ruby-rkerberos                       0.1.3-3                 amd64                   Kerberos binding for Ruby
ii  ruby-rubyipmi                        0.10.0-1                all                     A ruby wrapper for ipmi command line tools that supports ipmitool and freeipm
un  ruby-selinux                         <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
ii  ruby-shadow                          2.4.1-1build4           amd64                   interface of shadow password for Ruby
ii  ruby-sinatra                         1.4.7-3                 all                     Ruby web-development dressed in a DSL
ii  ruby-sqlite3                         1.3.11-2build1          amd64                   SQLite3 interface for Ruby
un  ruby-stomp                           <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
un  ruby-switch                          <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
ii  ruby-test-unit                       3.1.7-2                 all                     unit testing framework for Ruby
ii  ruby-thor                            0.19.1-2                all                     Ruby scripting framework
ii  ruby-tilt                            2.0.1-2                 all                     Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
ii  ruby-unf                             0.1.4-1                 all                     Wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support to Ruby
ii  ruby-unf-ext                        amd64                   Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby
ii  ruby1.9.1                      amd64                   Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby
un  ruby1.9.1-dev                        <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
un  ruby1.9.1-examples                   <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
ii  ruby2.0                        amd64                   Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby
ii  ruby2.3                              2.3.1-2~16.04           amd64                   Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby
ii  ruby2.3-dev:amd64                    2.3.1-2~16.04           amd64                   Header files for compiling extension modules for the Ruby 2.3
un  rubygems                             <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
ii  rubygems-integration                 1.10                    all                     integration of Debian Ruby packages with Rubygems
un  rubygems1.9.1                        <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)
Actions #3

Updated by Christian Meißner almost 8 years ago

Dominic Cleal wrote:

Can you run gem list and dpkg -l ruby*? If you have more information in the smart proxy log including stack traces, it would help.

attached you find the proxy.log with DEBUG output

Actions #4

Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

You have a local rack-2.0.1 gem installed that's overriding the 1.6.4 version provided by your OS packages, and the OS packages aren't compatible with it. Try running gem uninstall -v 2.0.1 rack to remove it.

The gem list ought to be pretty much empty on a Debian/Ubuntu installation by default.

Actions #5

Updated by Christian Meißner almost 8 years ago

Dominic Cleal wrote:

You have a local rack-2.0.1 gem installed that's overriding the 1.6.4 version provided by your OS packages, and the OS packages aren't compatible with it. Try running gem uninstall -v 2.0.1 rack to remove it.

The gem list ought to be pretty much empty on a Debian/Ubuntu installation by default.

Yeah, this fix it.

Many thanks and cheers


Actions #6

Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

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