



Feature #22486


Default record creation as "Host" type

Added by James Shewey over 6 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

DNS plugin
Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:


Within the infoblox, when Hosts are created, currently they are created on the Infoblox as "A" records. Infoblox however supports a superior record type of "Host" which can be a collection of records including an A record, multiple A records, reverse pointer records and/or additional types. By default a Host record when created will create at least an A record automatically. Therefore, it would be better to have the plugin allow users to configure their default record creation type: EG, when foreman asks to create an A record, actually create as a Host record or as an A record. I would recommend it create as a Host record by default.

Actions #1

Updated by Anonymous over 6 years ago

  • Difficulty deleted (easy)

Infoblox's host records are used to manage both dns and dhcp entries. Infoblox dhcp module supports both host and fixed-address records, and I don't think similar functionality is desirable in dns provider. If anything, correctly configuring both infoblox providers would become more complicated.

Actions #2

Updated by James Shewey over 6 years ago

So what to do for those who do not use both DHCP and DNS on the Infoblox, but only DNS?

Actions #3

Updated by Shawn Q over 6 years ago

Dmitri Dolguikh wrote:

Infoblox's host records are used to manage both dns and dhcp entries. Infoblox dhcp module supports both host and fixed-address records, and I don't think similar functionality is desirable in dns provider. If anything, correctly configuring both infoblox providers would become more complicated.

Unfortunately, simply enabling DHCP Infoblox provider, and Disabling DNS on the Smart Proxy results in a 404 error when trying to create a host, as foreman-proxy:8443/dns does not exist (likely as no DNS module is being used)

Updating this to use DNS Infoblox provider results in an additional error, as it times out. However, it does create a fixedaddress, despite failing to build the host.

Actions #4

Updated by Lukas Zapletal almost 5 years ago

  • Triaged changed from No to Yes

Infoblox now supports both HOST and FIXEDADDRESS types. Please confirm and close.

Actions #5

Updated by Lukas Zapletal almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Feel free to reopen. Cheers.

Actions #6

Updated by Jason Lingohr over 4 years ago

Lukas Zapletal wrote:

Infoblox now supports both HOST and FIXEDADDRESS types. Please confirm and close.

Hi, but err, where? I don't see it for the DNS module, 1.0.0-1; are mistaking this for the DHCP module?


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