



Bug #36696


upload-salt-reports missing module salt

Added by Viet Pham 9 months ago. Updated 8 months ago.

Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
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I went from Foreman 3.5 with Katello 4.7 to Foreman 3.7 with Katello 4.9 running on Rocky Linux 8.8.
I am running Salt 3004 using rpm install.

I started to get problem with the upload-salt-reports where it would output this error.
It was working on Foreman 3.5.
I am using this version rubygem-smart_proxy_salt-5.0.1-1.fm3_6.el8.noarch, this was on the foreman-plugin 3.7, and I don't see a fm3_7 version of this.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/upload-salt-reports", line 22, in <module>
    import salt.config
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'salt'

A "pip install salt" resolves this, but I am not sure if this would cause other problems with my rpm install.

Actions #1

Updated by Viet Pham 9 months ago

It seems like upload-salt-reports was using python3.9, and switching it to 3.6 works.

For Salt 3006, how would this work, since they are switching to onedir, and they ship with their own python3.10 version that is separate from the OS python.

Actions #2

Updated by Bastian Schmidt 8 months ago

Thanks for opening up the issue!

I think it is more difficult to use the script especially with the onedir installation. Therefore, I would actually promote removing the script and switching to the Salt Reactor-based report upload as shown here in the docs:

Actions #3

Updated by Viet Pham 8 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Bastian Schmidt wrote in #note-2:

Thanks for opening up the issue!

I think it is more difficult to use the script especially with the onedir installation. Therefore, I would actually promote removing the script and switching to the Salt Reactor-based report upload as shown here in the docs:

Bastian Schmidt wrote in #note-2:

Thanks for opening up the issue!

I think it is more difficult to use the script especially with the onedir installation. Therefore, I would actually promote removing the script and switching to the Salt Reactor-based report upload as shown here in the docs:

Thank you, I did not see that guide on 3.7.
The salt reactor works for me.
I'll test it with the new onedir and report back


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