



From 05/26/2012 to 06/24/2012


02:48 PM Bug #1642 (Closed): Puppet Runtime chart shows nothing
Applied in changeset commit:"59be369d3651f86d372ff6777a5e8ec7e4b951a7". Amos Benari
09:35 AM Bug #1486 (Resolved): No numbers on dashboard
Amos Benari
09:19 AM Bug #1699: Power Off / Power On on a virtual host isn't working
i use libvirt
Florian Koch
09:15 AM Bug #1699: Power Off / Power On on a virtual host isn't working
Please specify the compute type you are using (oVirt, Libvirt) ? Amos Benari
08:54 AM Feature #1702 (Closed): Bundler should always use https protocol instead of git
Applied in changeset commit:"3610d885deafc320e7a3f1d92d202450502d1a56". Romain Vrignaud
07:13 AM Bug #1487 (Closed): EOF sometimes not found (patch)
Applied in changeset commit:"ec80ab80c61ab0e4c063018f5ecf9d72df016abb". Ohad Levy
05:36 AM Bug #1473 (Resolved): EPEL rpm command fails if host is behind a proxy
this is a snippet instead, so you can simply update your snippet accordingly. Ohad Levy
05:35 AM Feature #1482 (Resolved): allow lookup of foreman settings from templates
Ohad Levy
05:34 AM Bug #1515 (Feedback): Servers fail to provision in second domain when using Foreman
I think this has been resolved already with 1.0, can you try and reproduce? thanks Ohad Levy
05:31 AM Bug #722 (Need more information): Root password doesn't preseed on Ubuntu
does this still applicable? I can't reproduce. Ohad Levy
03:19 AM Bug #1613 (Closed): Email address format validation preventing admin user creation
Applied in changeset commit:"111a4083f7d8cafb3138e48a70ce0636bf98d1c2". Ohad Levy


01:43 PM Feature #1703 (Closed): Add Ok Hosts as Bookmark
Add a default Bookmark called Ok hosts that displays the same information as the dashboard Corey Osman
05:20 AM Feature #1702 (Closed): Bundler should always use https protocol instead of git
As we are on restricted network behind a proxy,
this would be much easier for us to have a Gemfile
with only http ch...
Romain Vrignaud


09:47 PM Bug #1613: Email address format validation preventing admin user creation
I was trying with a local domain I had setup. The local domain is called, literally, 'localdomain'. So my root email ... Andy Shinn
03:06 AM Bug #1613: Email address format validation preventing admin user creation
Hi Andy,
I've tried to reproduce, but none of my test email addresses were failing, can you mention which email addr...
Ohad Levy
03:57 PM Bug #1701 (Closed): Audit search for "user = Admin" returns no results.
Looking for the internal actions only. they are listed as being done by "Admin" clicking on the Admin user for one of... Brian Gupta
03:09 PM Bug #1700: Large audit log takes a long time to pull up. (25 secs+)
Debug output.. Brian Gupta
02:51 PM Bug #1700 (Closed): Large audit log takes a long time to pull up. (25 secs+)
Need to set to debug, and see which query is taking a long time. Brian Gupta
02:46 PM Bug #1699 (Feedback): Power Off / Power On on a virtual host isn't working
the power off / on button don't change from "Power off" to "Power on" or the other direction, and the status message ... Florian Koch
01:28 PM Bug #1642: Puppet Runtime chart shows nothing
Shows same in Safari (5.1.5) and Chrome (19.0.1084.56) -- both on OS/X Lion.
Attaching screen shot.
Roger Spencer
01:22 PM Bug #1642: Puppet Runtime chart shows nothing
can you provide more details?
browser, etc, maybe screenshot?
Ohad Levy
01:21 PM Bug #1642: Puppet Runtime chart shows nothing
I'm experiencing this as well.
Foreman: 1.0 RC1
Puppet: 2.7.14
Roger Spencer
12:28 PM Bug #1695 (Resolved): Actions of non-sysadmin users not always audited.
Ohad Levy
11:48 AM Bug #1695: Actions of non-sysadmin users not always audited.
Just updated and it did fix the issue. Even past events that were not showing are there now.
Roger Spencer
10:17 AM Bug #1687: install from dev branch with mysql adapter does not work
thanks, worked perfectly Lex Rivera
07:19 AM Bug #1687: install from dev branch with mysql adapter does not work
ok, fixed in latest commit Ohad Levy
06:10 AM Bug #1687: install from dev branch with mysql adapter does not work
there is no manual tweaks to db. I also tried performing dropping DB and performing another migration and it fails on... Lex Rivera
05:46 AM Bug #1687: install from dev branch with mysql adapter does not work
this does not seems related, as you have a db migration failure.
I'm not sure exactly why do you get that as it clai...
Ohad Levy
05:41 AM Bug #1687: install from dev branch with mysql adapter does not work
Maybe that's related. Also trying to install with mysql, currently fails with
== AddInternalAuth: migrating =...
Lex Rivera
04:43 AM Bug #1687 (Resolved): install from dev branch with mysql adapter does not work
Ohad Levy
04:43 AM Bug #1687: install from dev branch with mysql adapter does not work
fixed by upgrading to rails 3.0.15 Ohad Levy
09:13 AM Feature #1354: Add vlan id and default gateway to subnet configuration
I'm not sure if its 100% duplicate or not, but we already have that functionality in 1.0, could you check and see if ... Ohad Levy
08:40 AM Bug #1698 (Resolved): "using_storconfigs" varible not working as intended
My foreman is on the same host as my puppetmaster and I want to use storeconfigs. There are two problems:
1) Forem...
Lard Farnwell
08:39 AM Bug #1649 (Closed): Puppet Class and Environment Import works only from the first SmartProxy
Ohad Levy
06:41 AM Bug #1631: dpkg fails with dash
When we release 1.0, I hope the new packages will make this go away :) Greg Sutcliffe
03:09 AM Bug #1631: dpkg fails with dash
as this is not a release related, moving it away from here. Ohad Levy
04:40 AM Bug #1488 (Closed): blank root_password in host group breaks automated provisioning
Applied in changeset commit:"f00eaf0746492189359177eb7a3664a21b79b70f". Ohad Levy
04:40 AM Bug #1495 (Closed): ENC output for root_pw is not correct when inherited from hostgroup
Applied in changeset commit:"f00eaf0746492189359177eb7a3664a21b79b70f". Ohad Levy
04:40 AM Bug #1586 (Closed): Root password inheritance doesn't seem to work properly
Applied in changeset commit:"f00eaf0746492189359177eb7a3664a21b79b70f". Ohad Levy
04:12 AM Feature #1028: Ability to edit custom fields in the host edit page
sadly i didnt get to finish this on time, hoping for a 1.1 quick release. Ohad Levy
04:10 AM Bug #1697 (Closed): The puppet modules are shown in all environments, while should be limited to the environment they reside in.
Applied in changeset commit:"8f34dc60a421cc7c9cd146db7bc5031a0b18fed8". Ohad Levy
03:13 AM Bug #1697 (Closed): The puppet modules are shown in all environments, while should be limited to the environment they reside in.
The puppet modules are shown in all environments, while should be limited to the environment they reside in.
The situ...
Alexander Chuzhoy
04:10 AM Bug #1544 (Closed): Updating a host fails if you cannot reach the SOA nameservers
Applied in changeset commit:"1f03a563bdabf5c981707eb880f002662b6c1e8e". Ohad Levy
03:07 AM Bug #1618: Time drift incorrectly worded
if you have the time, we'll add it to 1.0, if not, next release :) Ohad Levy
02:30 AM Bug #1556: Puppet rdoc generation is broken in Foreman
Yes, I can confirm this bug, it seems that when we moved the class importer to the proxy, we broke this feature.
Ohad Levy
02:08 AM Bug #1696 (Closed): no implicit conversion from nil to integer
already fixed in 09ce13649ce41444f392dde148d29eb3437be3c2 Florian Koch
12:52 AM Bug #1696: no implicit conversion from nil to integer
Started GET "/hosts/" for at Thu Jun 21 06:47:27 +0200 2012
Florian Koch


04:54 PM Feature #1377 (Closed): Foreman should support a "versioning" backend (for templates, params/vars, etc)
Applied in changeset commit:"09ce13649ce41444f392dde148d29eb3437be3c2". Amos Benari
04:48 PM Bug #1696 (Closed): no implicit conversion from nil to integer
after the update to the 0.5.1-10 rpm i get these error on non BARE_METAL Servers... Florian Koch
04:02 PM Bug #1695: Actions of non-sysadmin users not always audited.
we've just merged a pretty big change to the auditing code, can you confirm that its still broken after the changes w... Ohad Levy
03:11 PM Bug #1695 (Resolved): Actions of non-sysadmin users not always audited.
Foreman version 0.5
Granted non-sysadmin users rights to edit parameters of hosts they manage. Their actions in cha...
Roger Spencer
12:49 PM Feature #1694 (New): Add IPMI like support for non IPMI users
Some users are using super basic hardware for compute clusters and don't have IPMI to control and read Motherboard sp... Corey Osman
12:03 PM Feature #1691 (Closed): allow searching for fact values for hosts inside a hostgroup
Applied in changeset commit:"18c29e63c2443e62297d1046215b38692a236257". Ohad Levy
08:49 AM Feature #1693 (Resolved): VM creation on compute resource should propose to choose administration NIC
When we create a new VM on a compute resource we can now create multiple NIC for the VM.
However the MAC address sav...
Romain Vrignaud
04:08 AM Bug #1692 (Closed): Bookmark Edit not working from Bookmarks Overwiev Page
Applied in changeset commit:"0c21f5b33728a9ebf7bc99e5c8c261e9126e6bc6". Ohad Levy
02:28 AM Bug #1692 (Closed): Bookmark Edit not working from Bookmarks Overwiev Page
If i try to edit a bookmark via Bookmark Page its not adding the name of the bookmark into the corresponding field - ... Florian Rosenegger
03:48 AM Bug #1690 (Closed): Problem when trying to import puppet classes
This was due to a second smart-proxy with puppet enabled and misconfigured.
Romain Vrignaud


11:45 AM Packaging Bug #1514 (Resolved): Add wget to rpm dependency
This should be fixed in 0.5.1-9 Anonymous
11:44 AM Packaging Bug #1688 (Resolved): version is not correct
This should be fixed in the 0.5.1-9 packages. Anonymous
07:03 AM Feature #1691 (Closed): allow searching for fact values for hosts inside a hostgroup
currently you can't search for a fact value for specific hosts inside a hostgroup.
please add this search option if ...
Eyal Edri


05:14 PM Bug #1639: Trying to edit a host that was provisioned as a Libvirt VM results in Oops
The problem root seems to be that our Libvirt hosts use LVM-based storage pools and Fog chokes on that. There is no v... Andreas Ntaflos
09:50 AM Installer Bug #1689: Duplicate declaration: Class[Foreman::Install::Repos]
Yep, I do now, thanks. Will take a look later today hopefully. Greg Sutcliffe
08:46 AM Installer Bug #1689: Duplicate declaration: Class[Foreman::Install::Repos]
yes, you should have full permissions. Ohad Levy
08:35 AM Installer Bug #1689: Duplicate declaration: Class[Foreman::Install::Repos]
Ohad, I'll take this - I merged the commit that broke it, after all. Can I get permissions to take tickets on this pr... Greg Sutcliffe
08:34 AM Installer Bug #1689 (Resolved): Duplicate declaration: Class[Foreman::Install::Repos]
Since the following commit we get a Duplicate declaration error when following the foreman installer full install:
Marcello de Sousa
09:40 AM Bug #1690 (Closed): Problem when trying to import puppet classes
I have an error when trying to import puppet classes from
Error stack:
undefined method `map' ...
Romain Vrignaud
07:50 AM Feature #1377: Foreman should support a "versioning" backend (for templates, params/vars, etc)
It is possible to use the API to get the template content, and its even possible to use the API to store new content,... Ohad Levy
04:43 AM Bug #1607 (Closed): REST API calls /hosts/:id/puppetclasses fails with postgres
Applied in changeset commit:"cbf4be7cfaee8c2b82c833f0f24e914ab50ef238". Florent Castelli


10:03 AM Feature #1555 (Duplicate): Template should be audited and/or versioned
Ohad Levy
08:28 AM Packaging Bug #1688 (Resolved): version is not correct
when installing a recent RPM, the version at the footer is still marked as N/A Ohad Levy
06:58 AM Installer Support #862 (Closed): foreman deployment module doesn't work with puppet enterprise
Ohad Levy
06:58 AM Installer Bug #1285 (Closed): Missing support for ssl in external_node.rb.erb
Ohad Levy
06:30 AM Bug #1115 (Closed): Host parameters are not available via the API
Applied in changeset commit:"79cb5cc0a019c4757a90b4e69d3264a30f7f54d1". Ohad Levy


01:24 PM Bug #1687 (Resolved): install from dev branch with mysql adapter does not work
New to Foreman, I hope this helps some. Instead of just filing the bug, I have tried to work through some of the issu... Jason Gerry


02:26 PM Bug #1686: can't choose subnet when domain comes from hostgroup
i guess this is a minor regression in the recent changes we've added, Amos can you have a look? Ohad Levy
02:22 PM Bug #1686 (Closed): can't choose subnet when domain comes from hostgroup
when the domain for a server is predefined in the hostgroup, you can't choose a subnet, you first have to choose...
Florian Koch


10:24 AM Feature #1679: Having a change summary box when editing host / hostgroup
I agree that it should be optional Romain Vrignaud
10:18 AM Bug #1683 (Closed): EC2: When a compute resource is removed the hosts become broken
Applied in changeset commit:"ad824a4d58edc10448801d00e18a11c60142fcb7". Ohad Levy
05:00 AM Feature #1685: Windows DNS: Secure connection using GSS-TSIG
I would extracting the parameter handling into a seperate method, e.g. something like that
change the relevant line ...
Ohad Levy
03:33 AM Feature #1685: Windows DNS: Secure connection using GSS-TSIG
I also think this shouldn't be too hard to accomplish even with almost no ruby skills. I will start setting up a new ... Oliver Weinmann
03:27 AM Feature #1685: Windows DNS: Secure connection using GSS-TSIG
Thanks Oliver!
this is surely a big step in the right direction, and I assume should not be more then a bit of docum...
Ohad Levy
03:21 AM Feature #1685 (Closed): Windows DNS: Secure connection using GSS-TSIG
we are using foreman in our heterogenous windows / linux environment. Our Master DNS servers are running on Wind...
Oliver Weinmann


04:15 PM Bug #1684 (New): EC2: Test button sets the region back to the first.
When adding a region I clicked test to ensure connectivity worked which reset the selection to the first entry, creat... Ashley Penney
04:14 PM Bug #1683 (Closed): EC2: When a compute resource is removed the hosts become broken
If you remove a compute resource before removing the hosts they become broken:
Failed to destroy a compute instance ...
Ashley Penney
04:13 PM Bug #1682 (New): EC2: SSH key pair generation
During testing we discovered the following issues:
* If you edit a region to another it won't generate new keys.
* I...
Ashley Penney
02:38 PM Bug #1681 (Resolved): DHCP fails for subnets larger than /24
In our environment setting a host to build either fails to add a DHCP entry to dhcpd or leaves incorrect ones behind ... Ashley Penney
08:19 AM Smart Proxy Bug #1567 (Closed): Foreman-proxy ignores "include" directive in dhcpd.conf
Applied in changeset commit:"fcf097c2ef3d8eb6295293efec44b2e466c5c476". Anonymous
08:18 AM Bug #1678 (Closed): nested hostgroups and hostgroup/environment template association.
Applied in changeset commit:"9e65358caa49c34dd34c4dc86f4a13d14c091172". Steve Traylen
05:14 AM Bug #1678: nested hostgroups and hostgroup/environment template association.
Pull request: Steve Traylen
04:43 AM Bug #1678 (Closed): nested hostgroups and hostgroup/environment template association.

Using the nested hostgroup structure 'base/this/that' then the drop down box of
hostgroups on the template hostgro...
Steve Traylen
07:36 AM Smart Proxy Bug #1680 (Closed): Smart Proxy should work with ruby 1.9
More distros are moving to ruby 1.9, we should support it. The proxy currently fails in various ways. Patch incoming ;) Greg Sutcliffe
07:34 AM Feature #1679: Having a change summary box when editing host / hostgroup
Can we make this an optional feature? I'm happy for it to default to "on" but as an experienced user, I'm comfortable... Greg Sutcliffe
06:39 AM Feature #1679 (New): Having a change summary box when editing host / hostgroup
When I'm editting an host or hostgroup,
I think that a box appearing when I click on submit that sums me up the chan...
Romain Vrignaud
07:24 AM Bug #1115 (Feedback): Host parameters are not available via the API
This is not working yet. The patches are available here but are not committed in the current develop branch:
Marcello de Sousa
05:10 AM Bug #1470: Hosts with No Reports has a negative number
It seems that this is due to the host filter "not has last_report". At a glance, it doesn't work correctly with facts... Mattias Winther


10:23 AM Bug #1675 (Closed): Added puppet classes are not correctly sorted in host / hostgroup edit page
Applied in changeset commit:"214673711251f91b684c4d9df28eea3516894711". Amos Benari
08:40 AM Smart Proxy Bug #1567: Foreman-proxy ignores "include" directive in dhcpd.conf
Got a patch lined up, needs some more testing first:
Mikael Fridh
08:18 AM Bug #1677 (Closed): Fact pie chart alters fact strings to lower case
If you have a fact like "HP,Cisco,Juniper" then the pie chart will render it as "Hp,cisco,juniper". This means that t... Greg Sutcliffe
02:17 AM Feature #1561: Add new provision template types for EC2
any chance we can discuss this a bit over irc? I'm still not 100% sure on the flow that you are suggesting
Ohad Levy


11:29 AM Bug #1676 (Closed): Memory size in factor of 1000 (should be 1024)
Applied in changeset commit:"84fce85c7a12dd359d5eaf2f263065efc3c5374f". Jacob McCann
10:08 AM Bug #1676 (Closed): Memory size in factor of 1000 (should be 1024)
Currently memory size is determined in factors of 1000 and should be in factors of 1024 Jacob McCann
11:18 AM Bug #1495: ENC output for root_pw is not correct when inherited from hostgroup
Reproducible in 0.5.1. Josh Baird
09:58 AM Bug #1675 (Closed): Added puppet classes are not correctly sorted in host / hostgroup edit page
When I edit an host / hostgroup, already added puppet classes are
not correctly sorted.
See picture attached
Romain Vrignaud


10:04 AM Feature #1138 (Closed): Reducing the number of menus
Ohad Levy
10:01 AM Bug #1192 (Closed): Class display not sorted in nested hostgroup
Applied in changeset commit:"feed47584616d5aa4ff0b40340d6592b7fcf375b". Amos Benari
10:01 AM Bug #1389 (Closed): Add bookmark support for pages which are not in the main dialog
Applied in changeset commit:"c7946bf25e0fda15f2aec0366daa9eeb8c1206a4". Amos Benari
09:09 AM Bug #1667 (Closed): Creating a VM on Libvirt based Compute Ressource do not respect the amount of memory asked by user
Applied in changeset commit:"1c81c2b9dd8cda06ef9cf5c2d9a3627a357c2a0d". Ohad Levy


06:30 PM Bug #1656 (Closed): statistics page error 'Unknown string: "1.97 TB"!'
Applied in changeset commit:"c5ad288d3e715555779e2521f948d6a870e5e370". Ohad Levy
11:51 AM Bug #1656: statistics page error 'Unknown string: "1.97 TB"!'
Got it figured out I think!
Jacob McCann
11:20 AM Smart Proxy Bug #1674 (Closed): Error when modifying autosign.conf with commented line
I received an error when trying to modify autosign.conf file with a commented line:
smart_proxy_autosign_url failed ...
Joseph I
07:48 AM Bug #1673 (Closed): Foreman doesn't work with ruby_parser 2.0.6
Applied in changeset commit:"804198404e166a43f59f179f9a221f309b3835f1". Ivan Necas
03:08 AM Bug #1673: Foreman doesn't work with ruby_parser 2.0.6
Done :) Ivan Necas


07:51 PM Feature #1561: Add new provision template types for EC2
I am putting together a pull request, I have this working on my dev instance. While my original needs are pretty wel... David Swift
04:22 PM Bug #1634: Report filter does not work
That's a strange thing to "not mind" considering the purpose of a filter. I'd expect a selection of "Errors Only" to ... Adam Kosmin
03:37 PM Bug #1634: Report filter does not work
1. From "Hosts," click on a host.
2. On the host properties page, click "Reports"
3. Click on a report that had an...
Josh Baird
01:59 PM Bug #1634: Report filter does not work
you mean that the auto completer does not work? (e.g. it does not suggest values?)
does the search work? e.g. if you...
Ohad Levy
10:30 AM Bug #1634: Report filter does not work
I'm not sure what else can be said other than the filter displayed in the reports section doesn't work. Anything othe... Adam Kosmin
07:18 AM Bug #1634 (Need more information): Report filter does not work
can you provide an example of what is not working, and how should it work?
Ohad Levy
02:42 PM Bug #1673: Foreman doesn't work with ruby_parser 2.0.6
Do you want to send a git formatted patch / pull request instead? so we could blame you in the future? :) Ohad Levy
11:48 AM Bug #1673 (Closed): Foreman doesn't work with ruby_parser 2.0.6
Trying to run Foreman when @ruby_parser 2.0.6@ is installed fails with the following error:... Ivan Necas
12:29 PM Bug #1671: Field ptable not highlighted as error if blank
Version 0.4.2 Len Rugen
03:20 AM Bug #1671 (Need more information): Field ptable not highlighted as error if blank
Ohad Levy
03:19 AM Bug #1671: Field ptable not highlighted as error if blank
which version of foreman is this? I can't reproduce this with 0.5 Ohad Levy
09:09 AM Bug #1488 (Need more information): blank root_password in host group breaks automated provisioning
I was not able to reproduce the issue.
looking at the code, foreman copies the hostgroup password when creating the ...
Ohad Levy
08:54 AM Bug #1607: REST API calls /hosts/:id/puppetclasses fails with postgres
Covered by this patch: Florent Castelli
07:58 AM Bug #1607 (Need more information): REST API calls /hosts/:id/puppetclasses fails with postgres
is this still releavant? is this one of the merged pull requests and I just missed this ticket? Ohad Levy
08:20 AM Support #1598 (Feedback): dhcp
afair, range support into the proxy was introduced in the non stable repo, consider upgrading it from yum.theforeman.... Ohad Levy
07:53 AM Bug #1629 (Closed): Blank Page when clicking on Host Groups in Puppet Class Overview
fixed as part of commit:1b3cbe60e84f1671215c9971719a10eb23c0aee9 Ohad Levy
07:43 AM Bug #1619 (Closed): X-Forwarded-For multiple IPs
Applied in changeset commit:"267f1ea2e4089483513ddc894606843e72eb59ba". Ohad Levy
07:43 AM Feature #1648 (Closed): User filter on hostgroup could extend to new sub hostgroup.
Applied in changeset commit:"ba9f6cdd3ffbf43cc2031a436ff0f8391d8205c2". Ohad Levy
07:24 AM Bug #1650 (Closed): Session expiration prevent HTTP authentication delegation
Applied in changeset commit:"5bb288fe55fa67e983f8121d58b20a9bac7991f4". Ohad Levy
06:48 AM Feature #1553: Add a default newline to the end of provision templates (kickstart)
I think this depends on if you use %> as closing statement vs -%>
-%> means, no EOL, so maybe simply changing it to ...
Ohad Levy
06:08 AM Feature #1657 (Closed): Support Puppet http reports processor
Applied in changeset commit:"baa3d6f913bb0ed678df3eec661faa5e70bca3c7". Ohad Levy
05:17 AM Feature #1657: Support Puppet http reports processor
It will in Telly -- see Lauri Tirkkonen
04:40 AM Feature #1657: Support Puppet http reports processor
agreed - however note that puppet does not support SSL for a transport.
Ohad Levy
04:43 AM Bug #1656: statistics page error 'Unknown string: "1.97 TB"!'
Jacob McCann wrote:
> Oooh, incentives ... I'll give it a shot!
Ohad Levy
04:01 AM Bug #1660: Add the ability to set default filters for On-the-fly LDAP user creation
about ENC, it might be better to have a list of allowed servers to reach out for foreman (that should be a separate t... Ohad Levy
04:01 AM Bug #1660 (Resolved): Add the ability to set default filters for On-the-fly LDAP user creation
just change the default user role permissions.
Ohad Levy
04:00 AM Bug #928 (Resolved): Dependency problem with f15 / foreman.noarch 0:0.3rc1-1
Ohad Levy
04:00 AM Bug #1661 (Resolved): Dependency problem with f16 / foreman.noarch 0:0.4.2-0.1
Ohad Levy
03:59 AM Bug #1670 (Closed): Model / OS on "Hosts" page not getting updated properly
Applied in changeset commit:"8a20ac6d9d7a699dd466b3718282509e22af8941". Ohad Levy
03:59 AM Bug #1668 (Closed): Paramaters should be text fields.
Applied in changeset commit:"fb761846b4a670399b94e2177197b5ffe4d726f2". Ohad Levy
03:18 AM Bug #1672: included classes minus drops to next line if class name too long
Amos, was this already fixed in 0.5? Ohad Levy


01:09 PM Bug #1672 (Closed): included classes minus drops to next line if class name too long
I created a new class with a name longer than others, I noticed in the included classes area, that it didn't have a t... Len Rugen
12:33 PM Bug #1671 (Resolved): Field ptable not highlighted as error if blank
Defining a new system, submit wouldn't work, but no tabs or fields show in error. Error in log:
Failed to save: Pta...
Len Rugen
11:53 AM Smart Proxy Bug #1654 (Closed): Failed to list puppet environments: hash modified during iteration
Applied in changeset commit:"d54d06863ed6f91ff32e7aac09eed6eec95cbd1c". Florent Castelli
06:48 AM Bug #1572 (Closed): Selected Domains are not saved when importing Subnet from Smart-Proxy
Applied in changeset commit:"1b3cbe60e84f1671215c9971719a10eb23c0aee9". Amos Benari
06:48 AM Bug #1351 (Closed): New smart variable and match cannot be entered at same time.
Applied in changeset commit:"7a2e06bdc1247693dea53e0698117652402c4751". Amos Benari


03:23 PM Feature #1669 (Closed): epel repo should be a snippet
Applied in changeset commit:"0f6ea5a23bd075f9539782398370b2ff411eb85f". Ohad Levy
07:40 AM Feature #1669 (Closed): epel repo should be a snippet
As epel rpm location keeps changing, it makes little sense to keep it in foreman code vs. a simple snippet.
we'll ...
Ohad Levy
03:11 PM Bug #1670 (Closed): Model / OS on "Hosts" page not getting updated properly
When a host is provisioned from Foreman, the "Operating System" and "Model" columns are not getting updated properly.... Josh Baird


09:34 AM Bug #1575 (Closed): UI is broken when error message is displayed
Applied in changeset commit:"26e2d30d0501954100e7286b9502e132e3f1d76a". Amos Benari
06:52 AM Bug #1575: UI is broken when error message is displayed
i use jmontleons repo, so its not exactly the latest git. Florian Koch
02:42 AM Bug #1575: UI is broken when error message is displayed
Florian, I'm assuming you double checked that with git version? Amos, any ideas? Ohad Levy
06:16 AM Bug #1605 (Closed): Typo thier instead of their
Applied in changeset commit:"615679537771338a9febf9a0efbe1055f69eb7ae". Jim Bailey
03:12 AM Bug #1367 (Closed): Ensure all gems are defined in Bundler Gemfile
this has been resolved by the varios packages.
Ohad Levy
03:09 AM Bug #1572: Selected Domains are not saved when importing Subnet from Smart-Proxy
i've tracked this down to the edit_habtm helper, which defaults to the singuarlize method.
since this is a double nes...
Ohad Levy
12:00 AM Refactor #1622 (Closed): Refactor Gemfile "virt group" into three seperate groups
fixed at commit:6db04662 Ohad Levy


11:58 PM Refactor #1623 (Closed): Add support for Gemfile.local.rb
fixed at commit:ad69366c Ohad Levy


05:39 AM Bug #1192 (Assigned): Class display not sorted in nested hostgroup
I still have the problem with the develop branch of Foreman.
This quite complicate when we have a lot of (nested) hos...
Romain Vrignaud


09:08 PM Bug #1668 (Closed): Paramaters should be text fields.
I want to store SSL Certificates by hostgroup, the cert is truncated to 255 characters. The column is VARCHAR(255) / ... W. Andrew Loe III
12:06 PM Bug #1664 (Closed): Page 'Puppet classes' broken when changing hostgroup for an host
Applied in changeset commit:"6c8f473c6c97c612db7fbaed7ddb40cbb1b059f2". Amos Benari
05:41 AM Bug #1664 (Closed): Page 'Puppet classes' broken when changing hostgroup for an host
When I change the hostgroup for an host and then I click on 'Puppet classes' the HTML page layout is broken.
Romain Vrignaud
10:46 AM Bug #1667 (Closed): Creating a VM on Libvirt based Compute Ressource do not respect the amount of memory asked by user
When I create a VM on a libvirt based compute ressource, the VM has always
256MB of memory whatever the amount I ask...
Romain Vrignaud
08:20 AM Bug #931 (Closed): New user creation add automatically a Fact Filter
No longer reproctible. Romain Vrignaud
08:14 AM Feature #966 (Closed): VM's creation should allow multiple NIC creation
This has been done for compute ressources.
No longer needed.
Romain Vrignaud
08:14 AM Feature #913 (Closed): Hypervisor's use use should be restrictible to defined user / usergroup
This has been done for Compute ressources.
No longer needed
Romain Vrignaud
08:13 AM Bug #1338 (Closed): db:migrate doesn't create settings table in mysql
No reproductable anymore Romain Vrignaud
08:10 AM Feature #1666 (Closed): Ability to map a vm on an compute ressource with a regular host on Foreman
I have migrated all my former hypervisors into compute ressources.
I would like to be able to transform regular Fore...
Romain Vrignaud
06:54 AM Bug #1575 (Assigned): UI is broken when error message is displayed
hm is not fixed, look at the attached image
Florian Koch
06:29 AM Feature #1665 (Resolved): Allow interface PXE boot choice when creating vm with multiple NIC on a compute ressource
It would be very usefull to be able to choose on which vNIC we would like
to make the PXE boot when creating a vm wi...
Romain Vrignaud
03:46 AM Smart Proxy Bug #1663 (Closed): Smart-proxy does not support Ruby 1.9.3
Smart-proxy does not support Ruby 1.9.3 (on Fedora 17).
On top of this problem :
Romain Vrignaud


04:27 PM Bug #1661: Dependency problem with f16 / foreman.noarch 0:0.4.2-0.1
With the recent rpms the installation was completed without any problems! Thank You a lot Daniele De Lorenzi
04:06 PM Bug #1661: Dependency problem with f16 / foreman.noarch 0:0.4.2-0.1
can you try recent rpms from:
and let us know if you have any issues?
Ohad Levy
03:50 PM Bug #1661 (Resolved): Dependency problem with f16 / foreman.noarch 0:0.4.2-0.1
Clean F16 install, 'yum install foreman' it require "rubygem(sqlite3-ruby)" but the package "rubygem-sqlite3" was jus... Daniele De Lorenzi
04:07 PM Bug #928: Dependency problem with f15 / foreman.noarch 0:0.3rc1-1
latest working rpms can be found at
Ohad Levy
04:01 PM Feature #1662 (Duplicate): Add settings options to secure VNC sessions between Foreman server and client
Right now, in order to enable SSL for noVNC between the foreman server and client, it is necessary to update /usr/sha... Anonymous
03:32 PM Bug #1660 (Resolved): Add the ability to set default filters for On-the-fly LDAP user creation
Foreman is giving to much information to anyone who happens to log in via the on-the-fly LDAP account creation. They ... Anonymous
02:38 PM Feature #1652: Fix privacy for puppetclasses.
I agree with Brian's comments, both about moving Filter's to the group level and being able to restrict access to the... Anonymous
12:31 PM Feature #1597 (Closed): We should be able to restrict compute resource to users
Applied in changeset commit:"e170c3210ceccccc43ef0795c89a14f472a074f9". Olivier Favre


02:24 PM Feature #1658 (Closed): Provisioning template "preview" mode
Feature already exists in 0.5. Josh Baird
02:10 PM Feature #1658 (Closed): Provisioning template "preview" mode
Those of us who are migrating from Cobbler are used to seeing a "View Kickstart" button which will show the rendered ... Josh Baird
12:11 PM Feature #1657 (Closed): Support Puppet http reports processor
Currently you have to use a separate reports processor for Foreman, since Foreman apparently expects the YAML report ... Lauri Tirkkonen
09:18 AM Bug #1656: statistics page error 'Unknown string: "1.97 TB"!'
Oooh, incentives ... I'll give it a shot! Jacob McCann
09:11 AM Bug #1656: statistics page error 'Unknown string: "1.97 TB"!'
awesome, any chance you want to send this as a git patch instead? (so you'll get the credit:)) Ohad Levy
09:10 AM Bug #1656 (Closed): statistics page error 'Unknown string: "1.97 TB"!'
After on-lining some new systems that have 2 TB of memory our statistics page started receiving errors.... Jacob McCann
04:35 AM Feature #1223 (Closed): Provisioning engine for EC2
Applied in changeset commit:"dd42df0a3b5d8645ad6db731ec813e64b85a4120". Ohad Levy


11:15 AM Bug #1640: Oops when viewing a Libvirt VM where the Libvirt host has no "default" storage volume
Ohad, thanks, this seems to have fixed that particular issue. I can now view virtual machines of a Libvirt compute re... Andreas Ntaflos
06:51 AM Smart Proxy Bug #1655: Failed to list puppet environments: Attempting to initialize global default settings more than once!
Probably related to puppet 3 Florent Castelli
06:03 AM Smart Proxy Bug #1655 (Resolved): Failed to list puppet environments: Attempting to initialize global default settings more than once!
Happens with smart-proxy git when trying to import classes and environments twice from foreman without restarting sma... Florent Castelli
06:01 AM Smart Proxy Bug #1654 (Closed): Failed to list puppet environments: hash modified during iteration
Happens when trying to import environments and classes from foreman git using smart-proxy git.
Probably because of li...
Florent Castelli


01:37 PM Bug #1640 (Ready For Testing): Oops when viewing a Libvirt VM where the Libvirt host has no "default" storage volume
I've pushed an update to the fog library, could you please try to execute... Ohad Levy


09:20 PM Feature #1652 (Resolved): Fix privacy for puppetclasses.
So currently puppetclasses permissions seem to be settable at the puppet_env level. I don't think this is granular en... Brian Gupta

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