


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
69f89318 09/16/2015 07:56 AM Ori Rabin

Fixes #11468 - separate global and class parameters on host/hostgroup form

e54016da 09/04/2015 08:03 AM Marek Hulán

Fixes #10782 - global host status

Introduce new global host status that is composed of host substatuses.
Each substatus defines a mapping to the global one which can result in
three values
  • OK
  • WARN

Plugins can add their own substatuses. These are automatically...

fa8353d8 09/04/2015 03:34 AM Walden Raines

Fixes #11625: refactor the ace editor to make it reusable.

Make the ace editor reusable and include it on the global parameters

b3ac878a 09/02/2015 06:27 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #11466, #11462 - Improve layout of textareas

c88c48f5 08/31/2015 10:00 AM Ondřej Pražák

Fixes #11467 - Textareas in form may be resized only vertically

7027757a 08/31/2015 07:47 AM Shimon Shtein

Fixes #11596 - Changed the javascript to put the error near te ip field, not inside it.

9bc1f99c 08/31/2015 06:16 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #11388 - Popovers display with correct size and dismiss on next click

a9ea3490 08/26/2015 10:56 AM Amir Fefer

Fixes #11006, #11004 - Facts % is now in the center of the graph

Additionally, the value represented in the graph is trimmed for
readability, and a legend was added.

3a555277 08/13/2015 07:13 AM Tom Caspy

fixes #1881 - adding auto refresh button to dashboard

09ce8a63 08/13/2015 07:13 AM Ori Rabin

Fixes #4419 - rearranging smart class parameters edit form

befd6716 07/16/2015 05:54 AM Shlomi Zadok

fixes #10985 - Set css class for width of filter select on Puppet CA index

3f414740 06/18/2015 03:43 PM Shlomi Zadok

fixes #10641 - Introduce select2.js for searching in select lists and apply to CR select

510d53cd 06/09/2015 07:22 AM Marek Hulán

Fixes #7096 - Adds STI to templates

This commit converts Ptables to be just another type of Template so it
gets the same features as ConfigTemplate. ConfigTemplate was renamed to
ProvisioningTemplate to reflect UI and the name under it's commonly known.

8b8be6e4 06/04/2015 07:07 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #3856 - Make parameter value fields expandable

631807d7 05/28/2015 04:52 PM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #10638 - decouple full screen button from template editor

bc9558f7 05/18/2015 10:40 AM Shlomi Zadok

fixes #1213 - Get email reports of audit changes

10f1c579 05/12/2015 12:47 PM Shlomi Zadok

Fixes #9194 - displays full fact value

245180fd 05/05/2015 10:57 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #7515 - Prevent label line breaks in add bookmark modal

fa517d69 04/24/2015 07:25 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #9454 - Add axis labels and reposition legend in charts

2b6605c4 04/17/2015 08:05 AM Ori Rabin

Fixes #8217, #8214 - Rearranging override section in smart class parameter page and host page

71b46a72 04/09/2015 03:48 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #4787 - prevent unneeded AJAX requests on popover clicks

42117380 04/02/2015 09:22 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #8106 - Dashboard rewrite to allow better customization

1614aac7 03/19/2015 07:36 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Fixes #8898 - Caps lock warning in password fields

0575b5b0 03/19/2015 05:30 AM Tom Caspy

fixes #4424 - overriden attributes get overridden in the UI

6d05514a 03/05/2015 07:31 AM Tomáš Strachota

Fixes #9480 - multiple NICs integration with compute profiles

From users point of view:
- interfaces setup in compute profiles is back
- interface related compute attrs get merged into host NICs upon compute
profile selection
- NIC overview table displays details in the column "Type"...

958e87e6 03/04/2015 05:32 AM B Sh

Fixes #2135 - During puppet class import, puppet class description box should close itself

ded38d14 02/16/2015 09:08 AM Shlomi Zadok

fixes #9335 - adds toggle to puppet classes list & better ui

e2328c6d 02/10/2015 05:57 AM Tom Caspy

fixes #6371 - showing the vnc password

d109535d 01/28/2015 06:51 AM Tomer Brisker

fixes #8469 - css cleanup, whitespaces and remove dead code

43c4bd72 01/27/2015 11:58 AM Marek Hulán

Fixes #7456 - Extract primary interface from host

Contributions from:

All host must have at least one primary interface and one provision (can...

34c72bb1 12/30/2014 02:04 AM Shimon Shtein

Fixes #8804 - Align the dashboard to bootstrap columns

d755be52 12/25/2014 02:56 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #8417 - Correctly focus on errors in puppet form

fd94bf55 12/23/2014 02:31 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #7165 - Correct cursor behaviour on delete links for firefox

5355b6b6 11/27/2014 07:18 PM Dominic Cleal

fixes #7487 - remove unused background-image containing UTF-8 character

UTF-8 was causing BOMs to appear in the precompiled CSS, which then prevented
these styles being applied, so bullet points appeared on the dashboard.

1cca8e58 11/24/2014 07:42 AM Ohad Levy

fixes #8457 - auto complete search clear btn is now positioned correctly

in non index pages which uses auto complete (e.g. filters) the clear
button was not inside the input field.

7b22e769 11/11/2014 07:19 AM Jiayi Ye

Bug #7619 - [zh_CN] Localized string broken for Loading page

3154d77e 11/10/2014 04:43 AM Tomáš Strachota

Fixes #7462 - new UI for network interfaces

6e916e52 10/26/2014 02:25 PM Shlomi Zadok

Fixes #746 - Generate all the Host template when click on Build to avoid errors during installation

1222f853 10/13/2014 04:29 AM Ohad Levy

Refs #7587 - Refactor password confirmation

  • confirmation status is now linked to password field
  • extracted additional missing strings
  • simplified jquery selectors
  • switched to onKeyUp built in event
  • hide progress bar by default
  • fixed minor css
  • handle empty pw/confirmation...
9f2feee3 10/10/2014 04:12 AM Vanya Jauhal

Fixes #7587 - Adds client-side password validation

a783d2c8 10/02/2014 09:48 AM B Sh

Fixes #7588 - pagination info not a button and aligned

bf59cec1 09/22/2014 09:25 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #2232 - speed up Host view via AJAX

b8cb0413 09/16/2014 03:55 AM Ohad Levy

fixes #7434 - Setting descriptions are shown without wrapping

adb487e0 09/15/2014 04:54 AM Ori Rabin

Fixes #6713: Long names needs to be truncated while listing

6f1a2dde 09/15/2014 04:43 AM Ohad Levy

fixes #7432 - ensure btn with dropdowns do not span across lines.

72c1d0d8 08/15/2014 09:54 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #6982 - make tooltips appear above charts

84ab56ad 07/31/2014 05:06 AM Ori Rabin

Fixes #2940: Unable to remove smart parameter with long name

6addb89c 06/17/2014 12:35 PM Joseph Magen

fixes #5832 - org switcher does not collapse when moving mouse diagnally to submenu

db6d37b9 06/15/2014 01:34 PM Amos Benari

fixes #5345 - customizable dashboard

a33142b9 04/30/2014 02:08 PM Dominic Cleal

fixes #5038 - remove empty label causing template edit box indentation

111cde57 04/13/2014 09:24 PM Joseph Magen

fixes #4204 - add config groups feature - assign multiple config groups to a host or hostgroup

070b83fe 04/13/2014 02:36 PM Amos Benari

fixes #4122 and new charts design

8527c9f1 03/24/2014 12:42 PM Amos Benari

fixes #4733 lookup keys in puppet class form visual changes

3047aa28 03/18/2014 04:14 PM Amos Benari

fixes #4138 orgs list when the number of orgs is huge

d424cab5 03/11/2014 08:58 AM Stephen Benjamin

fixes #3827 - adds ldap avatar support

1fa008a4 02/19/2014 10:31 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #3912 - add inheritance for locations / organizations

8285778b 02/18/2014 12:23 PM Joseph Magen

fixes #4333 - added multi-select-rails gem

4318bfa4 02/11/2014 12:54 PM Lindani Phiri

Add header menu navigation

cbce647f 02/05/2014 06:12 PM Amos Benari

fixes #4220 dashboard and report-show pages chart-frame is not in place.

f615c7cc 01/28/2014 07:37 PM Daniel Lobato Garcia

fixes #4120 - fix border-collapse:collapse tables in Firefox with disappearing lines

8ee46221 01/01/2014 12:50 PM Amos Benari

fixes #3935 new login page RCUE style

1fa42669 12/30/2013 10:16 AM Amos Benari refs #3811 - additional bootstrap 3 updates/fixes
  • provisioning template "resolve" button ui fixes
  • form inline help and button lacation fix
  • host ip address help link fixed
  • fixes libvirt allocation buttons
  • host global parameters columns fixed
  • fix multi-select width
d31eea8c 12/29/2013 11:22 AM Amos Benari

fixes #3811 - merge with new layout

bf4a13d3 12/29/2013 11:22 AM Walden Raines

Fixes #3811 updating to bootstrap 3

19f55923 12/18/2013 09:14 PM Eric Helms

Fixes 3872: Provides a better customizable application layout that
conforms to HTML5 best practices.

This change aims to provide a more customizable application layout by first
splitting the base layout, menu and content out into their own view files.
The base layout provides generic hooks and only the most basic common data...

e3a220be 10/24/2013 01:35 PM Amos Benari

fixes #3279 roles edit page is long and missing a filter

5e2b847d 10/21/2013 07:54 AM Amos Benari

fixes #3274 moved config template to the new two-pane and add full screen editing

f60942c6 10/15/2013 11:50 AM Amos Benari

fixes #3254 - Added support for unobtrusive two pane control

fca6a9d2 07/14/2013 08:21 AM Marek Hulán

Fixes #2780 - Enhance puppet classes assignment

Allows you to assign/unassign puppet classes to a host/hostgroup by
clicking on it's name. You can still use the small icon on particular

1546388e 06/18/2013 08:29 AM Amos Benari

fixes #2646 Asset icon URLs are incorrect when under a different base URL

d8ba8842 06/06/2013 10:18 AM Amos Benari

fixes #2621 search box and search button alignment on firefox.

f3dd3bb6 05/22/2013 10:45 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #2440 remove unused files, code, unnecessary require statements

8b80115c 05/21/2013 09:09 AM Amos Benari

fixes #2511 Footer should be replaced with an about page

25ec6123 05/03/2013 03:51 PM Amos Benari

intruducing color variable and mixin in the scss files

5d280ebe 04/30/2013 02:31 AM Amos Benari

fixes #2441

dfd511ba 04/29/2013 02:11 PM Amos Benari

new top-bar navigation design and a new login page

870e7fcc 04/10/2013 11:29 AM Amos Benari

flot charts

Use flot charts instead of highcharts.
flot charts license is more friendly.

This version of the code is feature compatible with the old charts,
pie: drill-down and expend.
stacked charts: zoom, hide series in legend.
all types has tooltips....

feacea35 04/02/2013 08:30 AM Amos Benari

upgrade foreman to rails 3.2.13

This commit updates from rails 3.0.x to 3.2.x, main changes include:

  • Asset pipline support
  • cleanup of existing assets (javascript, css, images)

Users who uses foreman in production, make sure that you now compile
your assets, e.g...