


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
09ce8a63 08/13/2015 07:13 AM Ori Rabin

Fixes #4419 - rearranging smart class parameters edit form

c6fcfc9c 07/09/2015 07:32 AM Eric Helms

Fixes #11056: Configure base SETTINGS for test environment.

This change introduces the idea of having a base configuration for
SETTINGS within the test environment. This is captured in the
settings.yaml.test file. To be able to detect the Rails environment...

d697c426 07/03/2015 10:33 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #10470 - update fog to 1.32.0

09e44270 06/25/2015 11:06 AM Dominic Cleal

refs #10072 - derestrict fog-libvirt per semver

ce6cae13 06/19/2015 09:38 PM Dmitri Dolguikh

Fixes #10072: Support for user-data during image-based provisioning with libvirt (used for creating of Atomic libvirt VM)

3f414740 06/18/2015 03:43 PM Shlomi Zadok

fixes #10641 - Introduce select2.js for searching in select lists and apply to CR select

96fa0722 05/11/2015 11:08 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #10261 - update fog to 1.30.0

b65dd57e 04/24/2015 06:38 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #9982 - update fog to 1.29.0

d88ceee3 04/09/2015 03:17 AM Michael Moll

fixes #10099 - pin execjs gem for Ruby 1.9

a180c321 03/25/2015 04:49 AM Tom Caspy

fixes #8516 - removing the require 'fog' from the project, requiring only what we use

a6474423 03/25/2015 02:44 AM Tom Caspy

fixes #6568 - showing ovirt template version if applicable

8647e5e8 02/23/2015 06:37 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #9107 - update to fog 1.28.0, fog-aws 0.1+

afe02d30 02/18/2015 03:54 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Refs #3809 - Remove cop IndentationConsistency

20b093bf 02/12/2015 10:20 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Fixes #8641 - Update fog to 1.27

6f494082 02/11/2015 07:41 AM Tom Caspy

fixes #9212 - using headless browser in order to run Capybara tests

060a93cf 01/26/2015 05:37 AM David Davis

Fixes #9099 - Upgrade rubocop to 0.28.0

5a09c3ac 01/13/2015 07:06 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #8855 - remove unused oj gem

2383f58e 01/09/2015 11:24 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #8885 - pin google-api-client to retain Ruby 1.9 support

c873b3cd 01/09/2015 07:05 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #8802 - add Turbolinks support

ca277452 01/09/2015 03:35 AM Stephen Benjamin

refs #8747 - undo pinning google_api_client gem to 0.7.1

9e844bad 12/18/2014 11:43 AM Ori Rabin

Fixes #8747 - Temporary pin for google_api_client gem

e0af9fdc 11/27/2014 11:51 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #8527 - pin rest-client to version compatible with current rbovirt

Pin rbovirt a bit in preparation for a jump in versions.

6f6c0b3a 11/26/2014 11:36 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #8463 - remove i18n bundler group as it isn't optional

fast_gettext/gettext_i18n_rails are both runtime dependencies, not optional.
gettext_i18n_rails_js moved to assets as it provides no runtime functionality.

d14b40d8 11/26/2014 06:04 AM Shlomi Zadok

fixes #8357 - Set fog gem to version 1.25.0

51a88438 11/25/2014 07:37 AM Shlomi Zadok

Fixes #7233 - Drop Ruby 1.8.7 and revert Ruby 1.8.7 specifics

84347e48 11/14/2014 08:33 AM Shlomi Zadok

fixes #5018 - pin rbvmomi gem to the rbvmomi version in fog gem

5cd6de68 11/13/2014 06:09 AM Ohad Levy

fixes #8364 - Adds SQL N+1 Query detection using bullet.

4992e45f 10/13/2014 05:06 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Fixes #7879 - Update fog to 1.24.0

9645d895 10/10/2014 09:45 AM David Davis

Fixes #7861 - Update rubocop version

2a6d13fe 10/10/2014 07:18 AM Dominic Cleal

refs #7587 - precompile pwstrength JS, move gem from runtime deps

35e26ce8 09/03/2014 09:00 AM Imre Farkas

refs #3809 - Fix "`ruby_20` is not a valid platform"

:ruby_20 is unknown platform for older bundler versions

7ebd35e7 08/29/2014 12:27 PM David Davis

Fixes #3809 - Add rubocop to check Ruby code

ec0912fc 07/25/2014 06:38 AM Eric Helms

Fixes #6779: Restrict ci_reporter gem to less than 2.0.0 to fix CI.

a73990b5 07/22/2014 09:09 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Fixes #6670 - Update fog to 1.23

241590e5 07/18/2014 09:32 AM Greg Sutcliffe

Refs #6641 - Revert "Explcitly add fog-json and fog-brightbox for jenkins"

This reverts commit f16e76bfa3fd08404a17c45bef2b0b7cbadefe56. Looks like
the issues with Jenkins were due to a Bundler API issue, see for details.

f16e76bf 07/16/2014 05:21 PM Greg Sutcliffe

Fixes #6641 - Explcitly add fog-json and fog-brightbox for jenkins

dd6a0f34 07/07/2014 05:28 AM Michael Moll

fixes #6501: pin jquery-ui-rails

db6d37b9 06/15/2014 01:34 PM Amos Benari

fixes #5345 - customizable dashboard

52a68af1 06/12/2014 04:42 PM Greg Sutcliffe

Fixes #6191 - pin pry for ruby 1.8 compat

bb0d37fc 05/28/2014 10:24 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #5966 - pin execjs for Ruby 1.8 compatibility

a253106b 04/28/2014 11:28 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #5248 - restrict fog-core to compatible version (fog#2873)

5f45920e 03/24/2014 12:38 PM Amos Benari

fixes #4555 add ca certificate to ovirt

3d03e334 03/11/2014 02:35 PM Dominic Cleal

fixes #4123 - libvirt imaging support using backing volumes

acfbc458 03/03/2014 02:26 PM Marek Hulán

fixes #812 - new permissions model, user group role and nest support, role filters for better granularity

Contributions from:
8285778b 02/18/2014 12:23 PM Joseph Magen

fixes #4333 - added multi-select-rails gem

de0804f0 01/22/2014 04:50 PM Dmitri Dolguikh

fixes #3931: rbvmomi gem has been pinned to ~> 1.6.0

43c50b46 01/16/2014 11:58 AM David Davis

fixes #3992 - Removing unused coffeescript gem

cd74efcb 01/07/2014 10:45 AM Sam Kottler

Fixes #3945: pin fog to 1.19.x to fix VMware provisioning bug

d31eea8c 12/29/2013 11:22 AM Amos Benari

fixes #3811 - merge with new layout

bf4a13d3 12/29/2013 11:22 AM Walden Raines

Fixes #3811 updating to bootstrap 3

7d7cb380 12/16/2013 10:31 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #3882 - Revert "fixes #3855 - pin ruby-libvirt to 0.4 for Ruby 1.8 workaround"

This reverts commit c6d5131967fdb5ada9956fb9e83079db10ab1c29.

50904767 12/16/2013 10:30 AM Sam Kottler

Fixes #3881: pin locale to 2.0.9 or lower

63b3ed2d 12/12/2013 10:44 AM Lukas Zapletal

fixes #3539 - removed legacy mysql adapter

c6d51319 12/11/2013 04:25 PM Dominic Cleal

fixes #3855 - pin ruby-libvirt to 0.4 for Ruby 1.8 workaround

4cc18563 11/23/2013 07:21 PM Dominic Cleal

fixes #3717 - pin fog to 1.18.x

c3bd7d01 11/13/2013 11:18 AM Sam Kottler

fixes #3626 - add unf to the bundler configuration for proper encoding for fog

390e2281 11/06/2013 06:17 PM David Davis

fixes #3597 - removing rr gem, make tests consistent by using just mocha

d929ad8a 11/04/2013 10:36 AM Dolf Schimmel (Freeaqingme)

fixes #3568 - adding Facter gem to bundler config

d31ea09f 10/22/2013 10:11 AM Lukas Zapletal

fixes #3138 - move CR library loading into initializers, only show available providers

c05c7f3e 10/18/2013 08:24 PM Dominic Cleal

fixes #3369 - pin rubyzip to < 1.0.0 for Ruby 1.8

3035495f 10/18/2013 02:03 PM Greg Sutcliffe

Fixes #3293 add FactoryGirl to tests

a503cfce 09/30/2013 09:03 AM Lukas Zapletal

fixes #3167 - downgrade gettext_i18n_rails for gettext / 1.8 compat

2c5530ec 09/11/2013 09:24 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #2272 continuation - NameError: undefined local variable or method postgresql_version for ConnectionAdapters::SQLite3Adapter

4e057da2 09/10/2013 10:02 PM Joseph Magen

fixes #2400 migration to remove orphaned records and add foreign keys constraints to database tables

d5a28dec 09/09/2013 06:03 PM Lukas Zapletal

fixes #2942 - plugin i18n support

This is first phase of plugins i18n support. More to come later:

  • Extraction from model classes
  • JavaScript extraction and support
d1fa5fa3 09/08/2013 02:11 PM Romain Vrignaud

fixes #1719 - Add support for GCE

bdaf8880 09/01/2013 06:51 PM Dominic Cleal

fixes #3005 - restrict gettext to Ruby 1.8 compatible version

c5aa8c85 08/19/2013 01:23 PM Sam Kottler

Fixes #2540: bump fog version to 1.15.0

36a6345d 07/24/2013 04:35 PM Jason Montleon

fixes #2809 - send host subject as xpi opt to prevent ssl connect errors

c36baf86 06/25/2013 08:23 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #2701 - require correct minitest file

(cherry picked from commit f604723465b0effc63ee8d1b8b5622f01508ec16)

9e3f1dff 06/17/2013 11:53 AM Dominic Cleal

refs #2650 - fix minitest version

95234b21 06/17/2013 11:20 AM Lukas Zapletal

fixes #2650 - adding minitest dependency for console

a8d06d2d 06/13/2013 07:40 AM Greg Sutcliffe

Fixes #2657 - Use twitter-bootstrap-rails version 2.2.6

15e1a62b 06/11/2013 10:12 AM Dmitri Dolguikh

fixes #2596 - bumping up gettext-i18n-rails gem version to 0.10.0

0e5696d3 05/22/2013 08:15 AM Amos Benari

fixes #2316 Adding a disk to an existing RHEV 3.1 VM via Foreman results in an error

6f96a1b9 05/19/2013 05:00 PM Dominic Cleal

RPM packaging fixes

  • fix therubyracer require name
  • when Foreman launched twice within same PID, ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] is already
    set, causing bundler to load instead of bundler_ext
  • revert SCL additions to init.d script, spec file handles them
  • fix init script path...
8d3e45e0 05/09/2013 05:48 AM Dominic Cleal

gettext_i18n_rails_js shouldn't be required in prod setups to run rake tasks

3dfb6e4c 05/09/2013 05:07 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #2420 - extract strings for i18n from JavaScript, various i18n fixes

0d88c277 05/07/2013 03:07 AM Lukas Zapletal

removing ruby-debug from development group

0fe147c7 04/30/2013 11:31 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #2378 - added Minitest and other code cleanups

5d280ebe 04/30/2013 02:31 AM Amos Benari

fixes #2441

c48f1e06 04/24/2013 09:13 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #2427 - use RUBY_VERSION for pre-Bundler 1.3 compatibility

7735a19a 04/24/2013 05:33 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #2367 - Ruby 2.0 support

  • require bundler 1.3, preventing ruby-debug19 getting installed on Ruby 2
  • update 1.9 gems to install on 2.0 too
  • don't use empty arrays in Hash constructor, causes ArgumentError
74e0b0e3 04/24/2013 05:07 AM Lukas Zapletal

Feature #2368 - form helpers, exceptions and fixes

4e7ea9b8 04/22/2013 07:50 AM Marek Hulán

fixes #2417 - SSO abstractioning

Apache and Signo SSO reworked to a new general SSO concept.

You can use SSO service that comes with Katello for loggin in. It's
based on OpenID protocol with slightly customized provider.

b28e1ab9 04/11/2013 03:55 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #2327 - add simplecov code coverage reports

870e7fcc 04/10/2013 11:29 AM Amos Benari

flot charts

Use flot charts instead of highcharts.
flot charts license is more friendly.

This version of the code is feature compatible with the old charts,
pie: drill-down and expend.
stacked charts: zoom, hide series in legend.
all types has tooltips....

44b83201 04/10/2013 05:21 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #2385 - use Capybara 2.0.x for Ruby 1.8 compatibility

e1fcb38e 04/02/2013 02:55 PM Joseph Magen

fixes #2365 added quiet assets gem

f008ad71 04/02/2013 02:50 PM Amos Benari

moved spice console to spice-html5-rails gem

80422362 04/02/2013 09:50 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #2366 removes duplicate gems in bundler/test.rb

feacea35 04/02/2013 08:30 AM Amos Benari

upgrade foreman to rails 3.2.13

This commit updates from rails 3.0.x to 3.2.x, main changes include:

  • Asset pipline support
  • cleanup of existing assets (javascript, css, images)

Users who uses foreman in production, make sure that you now compile
your assets, e.g...

44463600 03/11/2013 08:32 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #2272 setup capybara and spork and modified test_helper for future integration testing

91de7d43 03/10/2013 10:17 AM Ohad Levy

switch to latest released fog

69be1641 03/03/2013 12:52 PM Bryan Kearney

fixes #2269 - Add gettext framework to foreman.

This patch adds a gettext based localization framework to the Foreman. This is done by adding the fast_gettext and gettext_i18n_rails gems along with their depdencies. An example translation is done to the login page and the users controller....

c2096fe0 02/25/2013 03:34 PM Amos Benari

fixes #2224 Selecting a RHEV 3.1 template does not work properly

1bf5debd 02/25/2013 03:34 PM Amos Benari

fixes #2163 New host installation fails with RHEV 3.1

5ebe0a14 02/21/2013 08:42 AM Ohad Levy

fixes broken build

one extra / unused test was added by mistake

57526a20 02/21/2013 08:25 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #1988 - CRUD Actions for nested parameters for host, domain, hostgroup, os


GET /api/domains/6/parameters
POST /api/hosts/6/parameters
PUT /api/hostgroups/6/parameters/100
DELETE /api/operatingsystems/6/parameters/100

03dba7c2 02/21/2013 04:51 AM Lukas Zapletal

bundler_ext require statements