


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
a9d585e2 04/02/2024 09:08 PM Leos Stejskal

Pin fog-vsphere to >= 3.6.4


08097fb6 02/15/2024 07:11 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #37092 - Use minitest_reporters_github in GHA

This is a specialized reporter to provide GitHub annotations on failure.
These annotations can be seen in the changes files tab.

c75e2951 01/24/2024 08:17 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #37093 - Drop single_test gem

The rails command (bin/rails test) provides mechanisms to run individual
tests while the last commit to single_test was 7 years ago.

b7935755 12/12/2023 11:08 AM Eric Helms

Fixes #36936 - Switch to terser

4fd1abcf 10/10/2023 09:02 AM Eric Helms

Fixes #36819 - Bump sidekiq to at least 6.5

2cadaaaa 08/08/2023 10:13 AM Evgeni Golov

Fixes #36651 - Support Minitest 5.19+

  • This reverts commit 1c3a4155f286352e0abbf0d0b298e47e81c2d6c5.
    Thus un-pinning minitest again
  • update minitest-spec-rails to 7.1+
    This contains a fix required for minitest 5.19+
  • Update mocha to 2.1+ for minitest 5.19+ compat...
90a5e4c3 08/01/2023 12:06 PM Evgeni Golov

update shoulda-matchers to 5.x

we had it pinned to <4.4 as 4.4 had a bug, but that is fixed since 4.4.1
and we really should update to the next major version

1c3a4155 07/28/2023 10:24 AM Samir Jha

Fixes #36617 - Pin minitest < 5.19 to resolve test failures

87c58713 07/12/2023 10:12 AM Bernhard Suttner

Refs #36518 - bump fog-vsphere version

e848148a 05/17/2023 11:46 AM Adam Ruzicka

Fixes #36330 - Fix plugin translations in frontend

- Add plugin:po_to_json rake task
- Load js locale files for all plugins
- Make i18n.js do multi-domain lookup

6b35aa2f 05/04/2023 12:20 PM Evgeni Golov

Fixes #36357 - allow Puma 6.x

a1dff937 04/03/2023 05:52 PM Evgeni Golov

Fixes #36262 - allow newer prometheus-client gem

While there were breaking changes, none of them affect us, so let's just
allow the new versions.

a2c20eab 12/16/2022 02:54 PM Chris Roberts

Fixes #35862 - Update fog-vsphere version in Foreman

cc7af718 11/04/2022 02:46 PM Leos Stejskal

Fixes #35088 - Remove GCE Compute resource code

All code related to GCE compute resource
is now in Foreman Google plugin

ac36213f 10/28/2022 12:13 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #35414 - Add sd_notify dependency to service

Puma has a soft dependency on sd_notify when systemd is used. In our
service we use this so we should make sure it's pulled in. Prior to
9b0652fed9f86fd429e237ce359422a1dba14a2a the dynflow_sidekiq group
pulled it in, which technically wasn't entirely correct but in practice...

9b0652fe 09/23/2022 02:07 PM Adam Ruzicka

Fixes #35414 - Drop sd_notify usage

Sidekiq should be doing this on its own behind the scenes

b0210b23 09/23/2022 02:07 PM Adam Ruzicka

Fixes #35414 - Bump Sidekiq to 6.3.z

As a side effect, gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher should get updated to >= 7.1.0.

Currently latest sidekiq is 6.5.5, but anything above 6.4.0 is rather
verbose about things being deprecated in sidekiq 7.0.0.

Similarly, latest redis is 4.8.0, but anything above 4.5.0 is rather...

68eb5702 08/25/2022 05:05 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #35430 - Update as_deprecations_tracker for Ruby 3

c3c697fa 08/16/2022 11:12 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #35371 - Update show_me_the_cookies to 6.x

This version brings compatibility with rack-test 2.x.

Fixes: a439e1e92e9f98f3dbc8ed2f204bd53cc861565e

d4a64e03 07/19/2022 02:08 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #35244 - Pin Faraday to 1.x

While Foreman doesn't depend on Faraday directly, it is pulled in via
fog-google which depends on google-cloud-env, googleauth and signet
which all pull in Faraday. This is not a bad thing, but our ecosystem is
largely incompatible with Faraday 2.x. Pinning to 1.x makes packaging...

a439e1e9 07/01/2022 12:06 PM Oleh Fedorenko

Fixes #35146 - Lock rack-test < 2.0.0 (#9288)

b797b977 05/23/2022 07:31 AM Evgeni Golov

Fixes #32686 - use fog-google 1.14+, compatible with Ruby 3.0

fog-google 1.13 started announcing 3.0 compatibility in the gem spec,
but 1.14 contains bug fixes to actually make it work

f9cbe74d 03/30/2022 10:06 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Remove duplicate puma gem declaration

This duplication doesn't show up in production, but in development and
testing it does. By declaring it in service.rb for both groups it will
still be included in both production setups and testing.

According to 36d17b1743569158e1a68d323e7222fa04168c0f puma is needed in...

5bbd1645 01/03/2022 01:31 PM Maria Agaphontzev

Fixes #34058 - extract multiline string for translation

1f8c9411 12/08/2021 09:42 AM Evgeni Golov

Fixes #22110 - allow minitest 5.11 and newer

b1f03b37 12/02/2021 03:02 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #26968 - Switch to minitest-reporters

ci_reporter_minitest is unmaintained and since minitest 5.1 it no longer
shows the class names. minitest-reporters does.

e98fc011 11/16/2021 01:24 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #27906 - Add FacterDB test

It should be noted that these tests are fairly slow. On my system they
add a minute of runtime to the tests.

8e45f67c 10/14/2021 06:19 AM Ondřej Ezr

Fixes #29481 - unpin capybara

Old capybara doesn't play well with new selenium-webdriver.
The pin is already few years old, we should not keep it anymore.

9f9190f1 07/22/2021 09:54 AM Lukas Zapletal

Fixes #33098 - update fog-libvirt to 0.9.0

db65dbba 04/27/2021 12:25 PM Lukas Zapletal

Fixes #32193 - enable byebug in development

37a0c481 01/26/2021 07:37 AM Marek Hulán

Fixes #22259 - bump fog-libvirt

20e36a5a 01/21/2021 08:32 AM Shira Maximov

Fixes #30835 - ovirt Filter SD by data and volume

aecc3187 01/08/2021 01:40 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #31431 - Update to Puma ~> 5.1

Puma 5.1 introduced a feature to synthesize binds for systemd activated
sockets. This removes the need to duplicate the FOREMAN_BIND in two
places (foreman.socket and foreman.service).

puma-plugin-systemd is no longer needed since Puma 5.1 gained native...

ed3448c9 12/24/2020 11:27 AM Shira Maximov

Fixes #30793 - Remove API v3 from fog-ovirt

ab9fa4a3 12/23/2020 03:00 PM Ondřej Ezr

Fixes #30889 - random unitialized constants failures

This new fog-vsphere release mainly contains a fix for sporadic unitialized constant failures.
Most likely caused by wrong autoloading in the gem namespaces.
The new release should fix it and we should get that release in as soon as possible.

375c2bcc 12/01/2020 07:22 AM Ondřej Ezr

Fixes #30925 - use the organization style gem

Use `theforeman-rubocop` gem to share common RuboCop rules with plugins.
It serves as base for our rubocop styles and rules.

e89169a3 10/25/2020 08:40 AM Adam Cécile

Fixes #28484 - Pass hostname to GCP API

2ab78e6e 10/20/2020 11:22 AM Ondřej Ezr

Fixes #31090 - drop poltergeist dependency

In 475cdc34 we've stopped using poltergeist for integration testing.
We have forgotten to drop the dependencies.
We were still installing and requiring it in Jenkins.

63900321 09/29/2020 08:12 AM Evgeni Golov

Fixes #30916 - pin puma to < 5.0

c2291d6e 08/31/2020 03:24 PM Adam Ruzicka

Fixes #30730 - Implement systemd notify support for dynflow-sidekiq

7369ebba 08/31/2020 01:28 PM Eric Helms

Fixes #29356: Use puma-plugin-systemd to provide systemd notify support

This points to a fork of puma-plugin-systemd maintained by theforeman
organization to ensure this works with Puma 4.

28016023 08/26/2020 02:18 PM Justin Sherrill

Fixes #30712 - pin shoulda_matcher < 4.4

6cc3bb9e 06/19/2020 01:18 PM Ondřej Ezr

Fixes #28226 - upgrade to sprockets 4

9b487e87 05/27/2020 08:59 AM Aditi Puntambekar

Fixes #29936 - Bump fog-aws version to 3.6.5

6405a502 05/26/2020 01:56 PM Shira Maximov

Fixes #29716,#29283 - Bump fog-ovirt version

a0b30428 05/21/2020 10:03 AM Michael Moll

Fixes #29870 - replace awesome_print with amazing_print

d2c03559 05/17/2020 12:46 PM Ondřej Ezr

Refs #28874 - bump fog version

8d852e3c 05/05/2020 07:42 AM Michael Moll

Fixes #29679 - Require fixed benchmark-ips version

6cb37796 05/04/2020 01:35 PM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #29284 - Drop Rackspace support

fcd68a89 05/03/2020 11:34 AM Tomer Brisker

Refs #29679 - Pin benchmark-ips

Version 2.8.0 is broken and prevents app startup.

2b44d402 05/01/2020 11:05 PM Michael Moll

Fixes #29676 - explicitly use Rails 6.0 compatible gems

dc0983d5 05/01/2020 09:33 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #29642 - drop sqlite support

1420d726 04/30/2020 05:02 PM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #29673 - Upgrade to Rails

Also clean up Rails 5 leftovers in gemfiles and initializers.

18a4f733 04/30/2020 02:18 PM Ondřej Ezr

Fixes #29670 - upgrade patternfly

2d5ab01b 04/23/2020 08:23 AM Ondřej Ezr

Fixes #29522 - upgrade jquery-ui-rails

50ce56bc 04/22/2020 12:50 PM Eric Helms

Fixes #29567 - Add nulldb for build environments

bd5f8c8a 04/07/2020 07:27 AM Michael Moll

refs #29481 - Pin capybara (#7569)

17b5c3c6 03/23/2020 08:10 AM Michael Moll

Fixes #29388 - Add rubocop-minitest

2f60e2c9 03/23/2020 08:05 AM Ori Rabin

Fixes #29390 - Unpin pry-byebug

a59960a9 03/11/2020 12:56 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #28320 - Allow sass-rails 5.x again

This partially reverts 26dda8dbbf32d357657c3d22018c9d247fb0cb4e. The
reason is that the sassc RPM packaging was broken. However, there's
nothing (yet) that really needs it. This allows testing with the newer
version wil allowing the older one as well.

26dda8db 03/09/2020 02:58 PM Ondřej Ezr

Refs #28320 - upgrade sass to sassc

8823aa3a 03/08/2020 01:17 PM Michael Moll

Fixes #29163 - Update Rubocop to 0.80

8abbebcb 03/05/2020 11:15 PM Michael Moll

Fixes #29276 - pin statsd-instrument

479e87ba 02/24/2020 02:40 PM yifat makias

Fixes #28268 - change v4 to be the default in ovirt cr

57654fc3 01/22/2020 08:59 AM Eric Helms

Fixes #28823: Pin pry-byebug to less than 3.7.0

dee170d2 01/14/2020 03:12 PM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #3678 - Make Pry default development console

Also added a few useful pry plugins that help debugging.

78b8b1dc 01/13/2020 06:58 PM Tomer Brisker

Refs #28217 - Use packaged coffee-rails gem

We currently have 4.2.2 in the rails 5.2 scl, but will need to upgrade
to 5.0 for Rails 6 compat. Using the case statement so we can start
testing Rails 6 before packaging is ready.

0f325dd9 01/13/2020 06:58 PM Ondřej Ezr

Fixes #28217 - drop turbolinks

95063696 01/05/2020 08:47 AM Michael Moll

Fixes #28638 - Require mocha 1.11+

33a4d679 12/30/2019 07:26 AM Michael Moll

Fixes #28586 - Add application setting to use Rails 6.0

ce63b54f 12/26/2019 08:54 AM Michael Moll

Fixes #28002 - drop Ruby < 2.5

b50324b4 12/18/2019 09:46 AM Ondřej Ezr

Fixes #28506 - fix upgraded prometheus

be2913a3 12/03/2019 03:54 PM Shira Maximov

Fixes #28121 - Bump fog-ovirt to 1.2.3

bdf54d4c 12/03/2019 03:50 PM Evgeni Golov

Fixes #28406 - pin mocha to < 1.10

8a6f9023 11/27/2019 04:26 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #27719 - Specify the fog-vsphere dep clearer

Our gem to RPM dependency converter is not that smart and has a too
verbose output. Before this change:

Requires: %{?scl_prefix}rubygem(fog-vsphere) >= 3.2
Requires: %{?scl_prefix}rubygem(fog-vsphere) < 4.0...

49f17215 11/27/2019 09:17 AM Michael Moll

Fixes #28225 - Update Rubocop to 0.75

5662ac26 11/27/2019 09:17 AM Michael Moll

Fixes #28001 - add rainbow gem to development group

7a3b1c8a 11/22/2019 03:47 PM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #28257 - Drop mysql bundler group

8c53f84f 11/04/2019 11:19 AM Michael Moll

Fixes #12063 - require fog-libvirt >= 0.7.0

bc37baca 10/24/2019 07:14 AM Ondřej Ezr

Refs #28064 - add sidekiq configs

417c21a2 10/24/2019 07:14 AM Ondřej Ezr

Fixes #28064 - initial script for sidekiq

8166863b 10/10/2019 02:22 PM Michael Moll

Fixes #28031 - pin signet on Ruby 2.3

ac3671d9 10/04/2019 01:34 PM Michael Moll

Fixes #27998 - Require minitest-spec-rails 6.x

6c6e15da 09/03/2019 08:20 AM Ondřej Ezr

Fixes #27719 - bumb fog-vsphere

c23a83af 08/23/2019 01:02 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #27666 - Clean up sass-rails pinning

This is semantically the same, but makes it a bit easier on the
packaging side where we have a script that converts it into the RPM
spec. Previously it generated:

Requires: %{?scl_prefix_ror}rubygem(sass-rails) >= 5.0...
1809d8ad 08/21/2019 07:16 AM Michael Moll

Refs #27666 - pin sass-rails on Ruby < 2.4 even lower

3c87d1a4 08/20/2019 02:18 PM Michael Moll

Fixes #27666 - pin sass-rails on Ruby < 2.4

8c1f2199 07/18/2019 12:28 PM Rohan Arora

Fixes #27313 - Annotation Notes support

43773332 07/10/2019 01:48 PM Michael Moll

Fixes #26782 - Update Rubocop to 0.71.0

7ad93ced 06/17/2019 09:57 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #27068 - Pin spring on Ruby < 2.4

edb47664 06/10/2019 04:59 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #27013 - Pin shoulda-matchers on Ruby 2.3

fab71a61 06/07/2019 01:04 PM Timo Goebel

fixes #26918 - add a redis caching backend

cbddf319 05/29/2019 08:10 AM Michael Moll

Fixes #26906 - update show_me_the_cookies to 5.x

7a717a95 05/28/2019 05:54 AM Michael Moll

Fixes #26875 - update factory_bot_rails to 5.x

2de40ae7 05/23/2019 09:21 AM Ori Rabin

Fixes #26856 - Support for fog-ovirt namespace changes

764439a2 05/10/2019 01:53 PM Ohad Levy

fixes #26654 - migrate spice to npm and upgrade

  • move from an old version of spice to a much newer one (over 5 years upgrade)
  • move spice js to webpack
  • add alert message if spice fails to initalize
eb009740 04/28/2019 07:57 PM Ohad Levy

fixes #16287 - Move gridster from bundle to npm

643e5569 04/16/2019 04:07 PM Eric Helms

Fixes #26628 - Add service.rb to install puma

4dad77b5 04/15/2019 08:17 AM Michael Moll

Fixes #26607 - Update shoulda-matchers to 4.x

66d9e79a 04/08/2019 10:45 AM Michael Moll

Fixes #26546 - Update Rubocop to 0.64.0