


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
5bbdcf64 09/09/2015 10:52 AM Phirince Philip

fixes #11312 - Allow plugins to update the Rabl view_paths

(cherry picked from commit cf043905057d77d00618d9b0c8c3c21b51a9d425)

dde09811 07/02/2015 03:00 PM Alon Goldboim

Fixes #10635 - Formalize deprecation warning

(cherry picked from commit 319d1ffbed54f2c9eb988d132ec1586fb4d7c428)

68bf0c89 06/26/2015 06:22 AM Marek Hulán

Fixes #10740 - ignore auditing of all models in migrations

61bdcf43 06/25/2015 01:31 PM Martin Bacovsky

Fixes #10916 - convert config_template_ids in operatingsystems

3b4d1adf 06/16/2015 06:42 AM Lukas Zapletal

Fixes #10815 - introduced FOREMAN_APIPIE_LANGS env variable

01e78260 06/09/2015 10:29 AM Ivan Necas

Fixes #10713 - improved backtrace logging

  • full trace in 500 page in production shows really the full trace
  • Foreman::Logging.exception as an unified entry point for exceptions logging
  • the backtrace cleaner doesn't delete the plugins
  • the orchestration exceptions gets the backtrace covered by logger...
510d53cd 06/09/2015 07:22 AM Marek Hulán

Fixes #7096 - Adds STI to templates

This commit converts Ptables to be just another type of Template so it
gets the same features as ConfigTemplate. ConfigTemplate was renamed to
ProvisioningTemplate to reflect UI and the name under it's commonly known.

24370ab5 06/05/2015 12:07 PM Dominic Cleal

fixes #10711 - move LDAP logging to a separate logger

800c14d2 05/18/2015 08:23 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #10510 - move secure flag to existing session configuration

On a source installation with SSL, the session store is properly configured
now and no longer continually resets user sessions.

70bd0d26 05/14/2015 07:06 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #10336 - move rbvmomi CR loading before our CR loading

516b5720 05/13/2015 10:51 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #10406 - add LDAP instrumentation and extra logging

3059cea1 04/28/2015 11:48 AM Tom Caspy

fixes #9240 - in case of hash with indifferent access, serialize as hash

2d8b4fef 04/28/2015 07:48 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Refs #3809 - Remove semicolon cop

75c85026 04/07/2015 07:24 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #9973 - API doc keyword substitution with sprintf needs symbols

e404a0fa 04/02/2015 05:05 AM Tomáš Strachota

Fixes #9921 - specify requirements on apidoc params for NICs

1fcea0e9 03/24/2015 04:48 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #9775 - always load Encryptable when key's missing, log runtime warning

a59972c3 causes Encryptable to be loaded before the encryption_key.rb
initialiser and the majority of the class was skipped as the key was undefined.

Now Encryptable always loads, but logs at runtime if the key is unavailable,...

8dcb01a4 02/26/2015 07:27 AM Shlomi Zadok

fixes #7764 - add quirks mode to JSON.dump

afe02d30 02/18/2015 03:54 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Refs #3809 - Remove cop IndentationConsistency

abd8f1d1 02/18/2015 03:54 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Refs #3809 - Remove cops for empty lines

350a0417 02/17/2015 02:40 AM David Davis

Fixes #9231 - Require English lib and fix ENC failure

5c02cfe5 01/30/2015 03:34 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Refs #3809 - Enable cop StringConversionInInterpolation

51a88438 11/25/2014 07:37 AM Shlomi Zadok

Fixes #7233 - Drop Ruby 1.8.7 and revert Ruby 1.8.7 specifics

a59972c3 11/12/2014 05:07 AM Martin Bacovsky

Fixes #4478 - API documentation localized

8553650c 10/31/2014 10:42 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Fixes #8091: connect-src accepts WSS

e768c976 10/22/2014 11:56 AM Tomáš Strachota

Fixes #6710 - unicode characters in url parameters

Original methods to_param defined on resources called name.parameterize
to get rid of url-unsafe characters. This function unfortunately also
stripped off unicode characters.

- parameterization extracted into a separate module Parameterizable...

099a9d8c 10/20/2014 05:22 AM Shlomi Zadok

fixes #7985 - add support for ws:// in secure headers

2daac55f 10/13/2014 04:01 AM Shlomi Zadok

fixes #7907 - Allow images from gravatar on secure headers

5c50ca8e 10/11/2014 06:28 AM Jan Rusnacko

fixes #7805 - Add several security related HTTP headers - security hardening.

This commit uses secure_headers gem and configures several HTTP
security related headers to be sent by server:
  • Content Security Policy
  • HTTP Strict Transport Security
  • X-XSS-Protection...
4f7a4d0b 10/06/2014 02:37 PM David Davis

Refs #3809 - Fix a few rubocop TODOs

96144a47 10/06/2014 01:57 PM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Refs #3809 - Remove rubocop TODOs

Removed the following TODOs so that cops for these will run from now on:

Lint/AmbiguousOperator, DefEndAlignment, DeprecatedClassMethods
EnsureReturn, RequireParentheses, Void, BlockAlignment, EndAlignment,

a6cdb17c 10/06/2014 07:41 AM Lukas Zapletal

fixes #5130 - Added warning when apipie cache is missing or outdated

dd941089 07/02/2014 10:08 AM Dmitri Dolguikh

fixes #5753: Engines can now override autocomplete path used in FiltersHelper

7f7c531e 06/24/2014 08:26 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #6267 - singularize of HostClass and HostgroupClass is wrong

301e9dc1 06/24/2014 08:23 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #6248 - API V2 return object for POST/PUT/DELETE should not include root node

db6d37b9 06/15/2014 01:34 PM Amos Benari

fixes #5345 - customizable dashboard

c2c0f05b 04/03/2014 10:34 PM Martin Bacovsky

Fixes #4755 - use_cache in development

e4fde4e3 04/02/2014 11:01 AM Ivan Necas

Fixes #4976 - ensure the process is really running inside a rake task

0527e75b 03/17/2014 09:30 AM Martin Bacovsky

Fixes #4515 - Add support for dynamic bindings

70ce8fe7 03/17/2014 09:30 AM Ivan Necas

Fixes #3988 - use require instead of autoload_once_paths

8592cd27 03/14/2014 07:07 AM Amos Benari

fixes #4607 error when running test from ide

acfbc458 03/03/2014 02:26 PM Marek Hulán

fixes #812 - new permissions model, user group role and nest support, role filters for better granularity

Contributions from:
858708c4 01/27/2014 03:30 PM Dominic Cleal

fixes #4005 - ensure standalone Rabl.render works outside of a controller

bf4a13d3 12/29/2013 11:22 AM Walden Raines

Fixes #3811 updating to bootstrap 3

15d91324 11/27/2013 12:32 PM Joseph Magen

fixes #3646 - API v2 change default root name for api json single object response to no root node but make it configurable

cc739ab4 11/25/2013 11:36 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #3011 - default root node name for api collections json response to :results but make it configurable

611fd588 11/22/2013 03:32 PM Amos Benari

fixes #3510 - plugin interface for registering a plugin, updated menu system

58547fc6 11/20/2013 02:45 PM Dominic Cleal

fixes #2680 - ensure RbVmomi::VIM::ComputeResource is loaded before our ComputeResource

e2d3654e 09/25/2013 01:29 PM Joseph Magen

fixes #3091 - strip leading and trailing whitespace before_save on names of all objects

d5a28dec 09/09/2013 06:03 PM Lukas Zapletal

fixes #2942 - plugin i18n support

This is first phase of plugins i18n support. More to come later:

  • Extraction from model classes
  • JavaScript extraction and support
91ad276d 09/05/2013 01:38 PM Greg Sutcliffe

Fixes #2414 - Move puppet report processing code to the report processor

This creates a API route for POST:/api/reports which matches the GET
format for reports. Tests are updated, with the report model tests
moving to the puppet-foreman module (along with the report fixtures).

a1591300 08/29/2013 06:14 AM Joseph Magen

fixed #2970 - modified inflections.rb to handle 'Puppetclass'.singularize and classify

3b656b8d 08/23/2013 10:55 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #2945 - extend AR to add getter/setters *_name(s) for has_many/belongs_to associations

5bdc1930 08/13/2013 10:24 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #2424 - encrypts compute resource password

08f6e65b 08/13/2013 10:24 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #2424 - add Encryptable module and encryption_key generation

dc457681 07/19/2013 05:31 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #2739 - add ActiveSupport::Concern syntax to mixins

a7fca092 07/19/2013 05:31 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #2740 - copy code from lib/foreman.rb to initializers/foreman.rb

48f94857 07/19/2013 04:52 AM Lukas Zapletal

fixes #2795 - adding thread dump via -TTIN signal

fa486990 05/29/2013 09:54 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #2493 Unable to load audit, underlying cause No such file to load -- audit

40b31d27 05/28/2013 10:49 AM Tomáš Strachota

fixes #2536 - loading locale .mo files in production mode

- initializer script fixed to look for .mo files
- Makefile updated to place *.mo into /locale/
(rake gettext:pack places them there as well)
- *.mo files added to foreman.spec

e2c2abfe 05/09/2013 03:12 PM Lukas Zapletal

fixes #2444 - locale selector in user account

05921293 05/07/2013 03:13 AM Ivan Necas

Fixes #2454 - Fix loading settings in production

The Setting subclasses are not preloaded in initialization phase in

Also (if Setting.first rescue (false)) is not satisfied when the
settings are not set yet. Using table_exists? instead.

Also, define constants before audited So that the constants are available even...

7a85321b 04/29/2013 07:05 AM Marek Hulán

fixes #2429 - change OpenID storage to be permanent

Also fallback to form login when Signo fails and log a warning.
Make Signo SSO backend unavailable for API.

86007852 04/25/2013 01:15 PM Greg Sutcliffe

fixes #2407 - Add STI to settings model

Also adds some tests for rendering new/missing STI models, and
refactors the old default_settings loader into the new sub-models.

74e0b0e3 04/24/2013 05:07 AM Lukas Zapletal

Feature #2368 - form helpers, exceptions and fixes

6a7658b9 04/24/2013 05:07 AM Lukas Zapletal

Feature #2368 - i18n extracting strings

568f18bf 04/24/2013 05:07 AM Lukas Zapletal

Feature #2368 - adding Rails i18n yml files

fd2e3be1 04/24/2013 05:07 AM Lukas Zapletal

Feature #2368 - i18n extracting and locale rake task

6668049d 04/24/2013 05:07 AM Lukas Zapletal

Feature #2368 - renaming i18n domain to 'foreman.pot'

93117958 04/24/2013 05:07 AM Bryan Kearney

Feature #2368 - i18n extracting strings

bfbf7ed8 04/24/2013 05:07 AM Lukas Zapletal

Feature #2368 - i18n extracting strings

4e7ea9b8 04/22/2013 07:50 AM Marek Hulán

fixes #2417 - SSO abstractioning

Apache and Signo SSO reworked to a new general SSO concept.

You can use SSO service that comes with Katello for loggin in. It's
based on OpenID protocol with slightly customized provider.

feacea35 04/02/2013 08:30 AM Amos Benari

upgrade foreman to rails 3.2.13

This commit updates from rails 3.0.x to 3.2.x, main changes include:

  • Asset pipline support
  • cleanup of existing assets (javascript, css, images)

Users who uses foreman in production, make sure that you now compile
your assets, e.g...

69be1641 03/03/2013 12:52 PM Bryan Kearney

fixes #2269 - Add gettext framework to foreman.

This patch adds a gettext based localization framework to the Foreman. This is done by adding the fast_gettext and gettext_i18n_rails gems along with their depdencies. An example translation is done to the login page and the users controller....

d7611b24 02/25/2013 09:54 AM Greg Sutcliffe

fixes #2254 - Add STI to hosts table

Signed-off-by: Joseph Mitchell Magen <>
Signed-off-by: Ohad Levy <>

e3850500 02/12/2013 09:38 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #2196 - create tmp/ if it doesn't exist

6ce2ab70 02/06/2013 05:00 AM Ivan Necas

Using Apipie versioning features and Maruku for markdown

Apipie switched from Redcarpet to Maruku to avoid crashes of the C
Extension. No further need of compiling anything to get markdown support.

612e730a 01/15/2013 12:41 PM Dominic Cleal

fixes #2129 - only use markdown if redcarpet available

adfcf8f0 01/08/2013 08:24 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #2109 - improve session token security

- adds security:generate token rake task to create static token
- generate and cache a token on startup if static token isn't present

Thanks to Sandor Szücs <>

596d5f09 12/24/2012 10:46 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #1991 expire topbar cache on user when restart server

25d4ca6d 12/11/2012 03:57 AM Joseph Magen

host routes api changes squashed

5d78633e 12/06/2012 07:11 AM Ivan Necas

Turn off the apipie validations for now

The main reason for the validations to be implemented in Apipie was
the ability to be able to check the documentation against the code:
i.e. it can discover inconsistencies between the documentation and
the actual code that uses the API....

611f5bff 11/28/2012 05:38 AM Amos Benari

Add organization and location to foreman.

This feature allows foreman to provide multi location, multi tenant and
multi organizations capablities.

the idea is that resources within foreman (e.g. hosts, subnets, users,
environments etc) can belong to one or more locations and organization,...

d076d573 11/21/2012 08:10 AM Joseph Magen

This commit adds most of the functionality required for API v1

The overall goal was to extract the existing JSON response
overall controllers, and to move them to a seperate name space.

  • documentation was added to all requests (available under /apidoc)...
e81bf057 11/15/2012 05:34 AM Sam Kottler

fixes #1872 - Adds Puppet v3 support

5d18e150 10/22/2012 04:04 AM Petr Chalupa

minor API v1 fixes

  • fix unknown variable name
  • enable apipie params validation
  • update config_template api doc
3398b5bd 10/09/2012 10:51 AM Petr Chalupa

update api documentation

  • remove #set_resource_params from Api::BaseController to leave :id param under :id for apipie validations to work
  • fix custom apipie validators to return nice errors
  • enable apipie validations for bugs to be caught early
  • log apipie param errors with info level...
3625dad6 07/24/2012 05:02 AM Ohad Levy

[API] - minor fixes

- fixed api index action still refering to old restsapi gem
- currently forced apipie to load DSL so we can reuse its DSL in our views

981a9508 07/24/2012 04:12 AM Martin Bacovsky

api v1 - restapi renamed to apipie

86fb12c1 07/24/2012 04:12 AM Ohad Levy

cleanup after merge conflict with latest develop branch

272811b9 07/18/2012 07:36 AM Ohad Levy

fixes #1764 changing per_page setting would update only after a restart

this commit changes it back to an area in the code which gets evaluated
everytime instead of upon startup only

fb7f0f19 04/29/2012 03:10 AM Ohad Levy

cleanups to rails 3 boot process

41402094 04/26/2012 01:48 PM Ohad Levy

removed puppet from Gem file requirement

this commit also tries to simplify the way we use bundler, in future commits,
we should add more logic of which gems to load based on configration file.

22335095 03/18/2012 03:25 AM Ohad Levy

Gemfile cleanups + adding some nicer console output

387b0b0c 12/20/2011 01:56 AM Ohad Levy

Revert "Fixes #593 - Separate log file for facts and reports"

This reverts commit 5e7454fc1f73ebb599cf7dc96faa22836eebd11c.

5e7454fc 12/19/2011 08:24 AM Paul Kelly

Fixes #593 - Separate log file for facts and reports

Signed-off-by: Paul Kelly <>

017e1049 11/28/2011 03:44 AM Ohad Levy

WIP rails3 migration

bf041449 11/08/2011 10:23 AM Ohad Levy

version bump to 0.4

b46e81fd 11/07/2011 02:44 AM Ohad Levy

Bump to 0.4rc5

05ab4c16 10/18/2011 04:31 PM Ohad Levy

new UI for foreman

c8ce839a 09/28/2011 05:17 AM Ohad Levy

fixes #1187 remove unrequired menus when foreman is not used for provisioning

this includes URLS, setting menu items and buttons.