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Revision 0ef59e67

Added by Trey Dockendorf about 10 years ago

fixes #4599 - DNS and DHCP records for BMC and managed interfaces not using FQDN

(cherry picked from commit 21e07e92ca2d0341a09de48fadfa95625f6d9f55)

View differences:

def dhcp?
name.present? && ip_available? && mac_available? && !subnet.nil? && subnet.dhcp? && managed?
hostname.present? && ip_available? && mac_available? && !subnet.nil? && subnet.dhcp? && managed?
def dhcp_record
def dhcp_attrs
return unless dhcp?
dhcp_attr = { :name => name, :filename => operatingsystem.boot_filename(self),
:ip => ip, :mac => mac, :hostname => name, :proxy => subnet.dhcp_proxy,
:ip => ip, :mac => mac, :hostname => hostname, :proxy => subnet.dhcp_proxy,
:network =>, :nextServer => boot_server }
if jumpstart?
# do we need to update our dhcp reservations
def dhcp_update_required?
# IP Address / name changed
return true if ((old.ip != ip) or ( != name) or (old.mac != mac) or (old.subnet != subnet))
return true if ((old.ip != ip) or (old.hostname != hostname) or (old.mac != mac) or (old.subnet != subnet))
# Handle jumpstart
#TODO, abstract this way once interfaces are fully used
if self.kind_of?(Host::Base) and jumpstart?
def dhcp_conflict_detected?
# we can't do any dhcp based validations when our MAC address is defined afterwards (e.g. in vm creation)
return false if mac.blank? or name.blank?
return false if mac.blank? or hostname.blank?
return false unless dhcp?
if dhcp_record and dhcp_record.conflicting? and (not overwrite?)

Also available in: Unified diff