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Revision 0fa5d146

Added by Dominic Cleal over 10 years ago

fixes #3752 - move data population from migrations into seed script

View differences:

assert_equal domain, host.domain
test "a system should retrieve its gPXE template if it is associated to the correct env and host group" do
test "a system should retrieve its iPXE template if it is associated to the correct env and host group" do
host = Host.create :name => "", :mac => "aabbccddeaff", :ip => "",
:operatingsystem => Operatingsystem.find_by_name("centos"), :subnet => subnets(:one), :hostgroup => Hostgroup.find_by_name("common"),
:operatingsystem => Operatingsystem.find_by_name("Redhat"), :subnet => subnets(:one), :hostgroup => Hostgroup.find_by_name("common"),
:architecture => Architecture.first, :environment => Environment.find_by_name("production"), :disk => "aaa"
assert_equal ConfigTemplate.find_by_name("MyString"), host.configTemplate({:kind => "gPXE"})
assert_equal ConfigTemplate.find_by_name("MyString"), host.configTemplate({:kind => "iPXE"})
test "a system should retrieve its provision template if it is associated to the correct host group only" do
host = Host.create :name => "", :mac => "aabbccddeaff", :ip => "",
:operatingsystem => Operatingsystem.find_by_name("centos"), :subnet => subnets(:one), :hostgroup => Hostgroup.find_by_name("common"),
:operatingsystem => Operatingsystem.find_by_name("Redhat"), :subnet => subnets(:one), :hostgroup => Hostgroup.find_by_name("common"),
:architecture => Architecture.first, :environment => Environment.find_by_name("production"), :disk => "aaa"
assert_equal ConfigTemplate.find_by_name("MyString2"), host.configTemplate({:kind => "provision"})
test "a system should retrieve its script template if it is associated to the correct OS only" do
host = Host.create :name => "", :mac => "aabbccddeaff", :ip => "",
:operatingsystem => Operatingsystem.find_by_name("centos"), :subnet => subnets(:one), :hostgroup => Hostgroup.find_by_name("common"),
:operatingsystem => Operatingsystem.find_by_name("Redhat"), :subnet => subnets(:one), :hostgroup => Hostgroup.find_by_name("common"),
:architecture => Architecture.first, :environment => Environment.find_by_name("production"), :disk => "aaa"
assert_equal ConfigTemplate.find_by_name("MyScript"), host.configTemplate({:kind => "script"})
test "a system should retrieve its finish template if it is associated to the correct environment only" do
host = Host.create :name => "", :mac => "aabbccddeaff", :ip => "",
:operatingsystem => Operatingsystem.find_by_name("centos"), :subnet => subnets(:one), :hostgroup => Hostgroup.find_by_name("common"),
:operatingsystem => Operatingsystem.find_by_name("Redhat"), :subnet => subnets(:one), :hostgroup => Hostgroup.find_by_name("common"),
:architecture => Architecture.first, :environment => Environment.find_by_name("production"), :disk => "aaa"
assert_equal ConfigTemplate.find_by_name("MyFinish"), host.configTemplate({:kind => "finish"})

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