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Revision 12612809

Added by Dominic Cleal almost 8 years ago

fixes #3917 - replace protected_attrs with strong parameters

Filtering of attributes has moved from the protected_attributes gem to
strong parameters in controller concerns, to be in line with current
Rails recommendations.

Concerns are shared between UI and both API controllers and list the
attributes using Foreman::ParameterFilter, which provides additional

1. Registration of additional attributes from plugins, through the
plugin API or `attr_accessible` for short term compatibility.
2. Re-use of permitted attribute lists for nested models (e.g. host
and interface).
3. Combining of lists of attributes from all sources in a single
permit call.
4. A small DSL for changing accepted parameters based on controller,
action and UI/API type.

Plugins should either temporarily depend on protected_attributes to
continue to protect their models or call permit/use ParameterFilter

Some UI changes were required to make nested model hash keys all
integers instead of "new_123456" etc, else strong parameters would
filter the entries out.

The Role model's builtin default has been moved from initialize to the
database as the removal of protected_attrs changed the initialisation

View differences:

class ParametersController < V2::BaseController
include Api::Version2
include Api::TaxonomyScope
include Foreman::Controller::Parameters::Parameter
before_action :find_required_nested_object
before_action :find_parameter, :only => [:show, :update, :destroy]
param_group :parameter, :as => :create
def create
@parameter = nested_obj.send(parameters_method).new(params[:parameter])
@parameter = nested_obj.send(parameters_method).new(parameter_params(::Parameter))
param_group :parameter
def update
process_response @parameter.update_attributes(params[:parameter])
process_response @parameter.update_attributes(parameter_params(::Parameter))
api :DELETE, "/hosts/:host_id/parameters/:id", N_("Delete a nested parameter for a host")

Also available in: Unified diff