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Revision 2742dec9

Added by Dominic Cleal almost 8 years ago

fixes #14905 - enable DHCP orchestration with any boot mode

DHCP orchestration remains useful to set up PXE booting to start the
provisioning process, even when a static boot mode because the boot mode
is typically applied later through templates. It's also useful in image
provisioning to bring the host onto the network.

To disable DHCP orchestration, the DHCP Proxy should be unset instead
of changing the boot mode.

Reverts commit 85c6f53.

(cherry picked from commit db140f2a02dbd54cba6f335ee7c6105bbd3e9521)

View differences:

<%= number_f f, :vlanid, :min => 0, :max => 4095, :help_inline => _("Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet") %>
<%= selectable_f f, :boot_mode, Subnet.boot_modes_with_translations, {},
:help_inline => _("Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet") %>
:help_inline => _("Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet, applied to hosts from provisioning templates") %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :redirect, params[:redirect] %>

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