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Revision 33d9f9ee

Added by Lukas Zapletal over 8 years ago

Fixes #12718 - smart proxy log table

This patch adds a table with logs fetched from Smart Proxy /logs new API. It
returns latest N log entries from a simple memory buffer. The table supports
filtering by level, custom filtering and it introduces several overview
status cards with error/warning counts, failed modules list with latest
known error messages.

View differences:

permission_set.security_block :smart_proxies do |map|
map.permission :view_smart_proxies, {:smart_proxies => [:index, :ping, :auto_complete_search, :version,
:show, :plugin_version, :tftp_server, :puppet_environments,
:puppet_dashboard, :log_pane, :failed_modules, :errors_card,
:"api/v1/smart_proxies" => [:index, :show],
:"api/v2/smart_proxies" => [:index, :show, :version]
:"api/v2/smart_proxies" => [:index, :show, :version, :logs]
map.permission :create_smart_proxies, {:smart_proxies => [:new, :create],
:"api/v1/smart_proxies" => [:create],
:"api/v2/smart_proxies" => [:create]
map.permission :edit_smart_proxies, {:smart_proxies => [:edit, :update, :refresh],
map.permission :edit_smart_proxies, {:smart_proxies => [:edit, :update, :refresh, :expire_logs],
:"api/v1/smart_proxies" => [:update, :refresh],
:"api/v2/smart_proxies" => [:update, :refresh]

Also available in: Unified diff