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Revision 43c4bd72

Added by Marek Hulán over 9 years ago

Fixes #7456 - Extract primary interface from host

Contributions from:

All host must have at least one primary interface and one provision (can
be the same interface). Primary interface gives host a name so even
unamanaged host have primary interface (we skip validations of other
attributes for unamanged hosts though).

Host still have name attribute which is a cache of primary interface name.
Therefore we can use the host name in SQL queries, as a friendly_id etc.

- realm moved to the primary tab
- fqdn in nics table
- flags in nics table
- checkboxes for provision and primary flags
- modal resize fix
- original fields for primary NIC removed
- skipping validation for new resources
- warnings before switching flags and table update
- host name and primary interface name connected
- host domain name in the page title
- nics on host show page
- clearing modal window on cancel
- fixed domain validation in NIC::Base
- ip suggestion for all interfaces
- flags switchable from the overview table
- use icons instead of text for primary/provision on NICs overview tab
- attempt to fix sending NIC template
- fix fqdn algorithm
- ip addres in the overview table
- fix for class name collision
- better behavior of host name <-> primary name sync
- fix for subnet combobox values
- fix for modal poping up on form submission
- network partial for CRs moved from VM tab to modal
- fix ip suggestion race for ipam=db

View differences:

def setCompute "Adding Compute instance for #{name}"
self.vm = compute_resource.create_vm compute_attributes.merge(:name => Setting[:use_shortname_for_vms] ? shortname : name)
rescue => e
failure _("Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\n ") % { :compute_resource => compute_resource, :name => name, :message => e.message }, e.backtrace
def setComputeDetails
if vm
attrs = compute_resource.provided_attributes
normalize_addresses if attrs.keys.include?(:mac) or attrs.keys.include?(:ip)
attrs.each do |foreman_attr, fog_attr |
# we can't ensure uniqueness of #foreman_attr using normal rails validations as that gets in a later step in the process
# therefore we must validate its not used already in our db.
value = vm.send(fog_attr)
value ||= find_address if foreman_attr == :ip
self.send("#{foreman_attr}=", value)
if value.blank? or (other_host = Host.send("find_by_#{foreman_attr}", value))
return failure("#{foreman_attr} #{value} is already used by #{other_host}") if other_host
return failure("#{foreman_attr} value is blank!")
if foreman_attr == :mac
#TODO, do we need handle :ip as well? for openstack / ec2 we only set a single
# interface (so host.ip will be fine), and we'd need to rethink #find_address :/
return false unless match_macs_to_nics(fog_attr)
value = vm.send(fog_attr)
value ||= find_address if foreman_attr == :ip
self.send("#{foreman_attr}=", value)
# validate_foreman_attr handles the failure msg, so we just bubble
# the false state up the stack
return false unless validate_foreman_attr(value,Host,foreman_attr)
def add_interfaces_to_compute_attrs
# We now store vm fields in the Nic model, so we need to add them to
# compute_attrs before creating the vm
attrs_name = compute_resource.interfaces_attrs_name
return unless compute_attributes[attrs_name].blank?
compute_attributes[attrs_name] = {}
self.interfaces.each do |nic|
compute_attributes[attrs_name][nic.object_id.to_s] = nic.compute_attributes
def validate_foreman_attr(value,object,attr)
# we can't ensure uniqueness of #foreman_attr using normal rails
# validations as that gets in a later step in the process
# therefore we must validate its not used already in our db.
if value.blank?
return failure("#{attr} value is blank!")
elsif (other_object = object.send("find_by_#{attr}", value))
return failure("#{attr} #{value} is already used by #{other_object}")
def match_macs_to_nics(fog_attr)
# mac/ip are properties of the NIC, and there may be more than one,
# so we need to loop. First store the nics returned from Fog in a local
# array so we can delete from it safely
fog_nics = vm.interfaces.dup
self.interfaces.each do |nic|
selected_nic = vm.select_nic(fog_nics, nic)
next if selected_nic.nil? # found no matching fog nic for this Foreman nic, move on
mac = selected_nic.send(fog_attr)
logger.debug "Orchestration::Compute: nic #{nic.inspect} assigned to #{selected_nic.inspect}"
nic.mac = mac
fog_nics.delete(selected_nic) # don't use the same fog nic twice
# In future, we probably want to skip validation of macs/ips on the Nic
# macs can be duplicated if we are creating bonds
# ips can be duplicated if we have isolated subnets (needs an update in the Subnet model first)
# For now, we scope to physical devices only for the validations
# validate_foreman_attr handles the failure msg, so we just bubble
# the false state up the stack
return false unless validate_foreman_attr(mac,Nic::Base.physical,:mac)

Also available in: Unified diff