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function multiSelectOnLoad(){
selectableHeader: $("<div class='ms-header'>" + __('All items') + " <input placeholder='" + __('Filter') + "' class='ms-filter' type='text'><a href='#' title='" + __('Select All') + "' class='ms-select-all pull-right glyphicon glyphicon-plus icon-white'></a></div>"),
selectionHeader: $("<div class='ms-header'>" + __('Selected items') + "<a href='#' title='" + __('Deselect All') + "' class='ms-deselect-all pull-right glyphicon glyphicon-minus icon-white'></a></div>"),
afterDeselect: function(value){
var current_select = $(item).closest('.tab-pane').find('select[multiple]');'descendants', null);

function multiSelectToolTips(){
var mismatches = $(item).attr('data-mismatches');
var inheriteds = $(item).attr('data-inheriteds');
var descendants = $(item).attr('data-descendants');
var useds = $(item).attr('data-useds');
var msid = '#ms-';
// it an <li> items match multiple tooltips, then only the first tooltip will show
if (!(mismatches == null || mismatches == 'undefined')) {
var missing_ids = $.parseJSON(mismatches);
$.each(missing_ids, function(index,missing_id){
opt_id = sanitize(missing_id+'');
$(msid).find('li#'+opt_id+'-selectable').addClass('delete').tooltip({title: __("Select this since it belongs to a host"), placement: "left"});
if (!(useds == null || descendants == 'useds')) {
var used_ids = $.parseJSON(useds);
$.each(used_ids, function(index,used_id){
opt_id = sanitize(used_id+'');
$(msid).find('li#'+opt_id+'-selection').addClass('used_by_hosts').tooltip({title: __("This is used by a host"), placement: "right"});
if (!(inheriteds == null || inheriteds == 'undefined')) {
var inherited_ids = $.parseJSON(inheriteds);
$.each(inherited_ids, function(index,inherited_id){
opt_id = sanitize(inherited_id+'');
$(msid).find('li#'+opt_id+'-selection').addClass('inherited').tooltip({title: __("This is inherited from parent"), placement: "right"});
if (!(descendants == null || descendants == 'undefined')) {
var descendant_ids = $.parseJSON(descendants);
$.each(descendant_ids, function(index,descendant_id){
opt_id = sanitize(descendant_id+'');
$(msid).find('li#'+opt_id+'-selection').addClass('descendants').tooltip({title: __("Parent is already selected"), placement: "right"});
$(msid).find('li#'+opt_id+'-selectable').addClass('descendants').tooltip({title: __("Parent is already selected"), placement: "left"});

// function below is copy/paste from source of multi-select-rails gem
// it takes the option value and returns a value used in css id
function sanitize(value){
var hash = 0, i, char;
if (value.length == 0) return hash;
var ls = 0;
for (i = 0, ls = value.length; i < ls; i++) {
char = value.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+char;
hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;

$(document).on('click', '.ms-select-all', function () {
return false;
$(document).on('click', '.ms-deselect-all', function () {
// can't use multiSelect('deselect_all') because it is deselecting disabled items too.
var ms = $(this).closest('.form-group').find('select[multiple]');
ms.find('option:not(":disabled")').prop('selected', false);
return false;

$(document).on('keyup', '.ms-filter', function() {
var term = $(this).val().trim();
var selectable = $(this).closest('.ms-selectable').find('.ms-elem-selectable');

if (term.length > 0) {
} else {