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Revision 51685ba8

Added by Timo Goebel over 8 years ago

fixes #12624 - add plugin interface to add provision methods

View differences:

<div id='provisioning_method' <%= display? (@host.capabilities.size < 2) %> >
<%= field(f, :provision_method, :label => _('Provisioning Method'), :required => true) do
radio_button_f(f, :provision_method, :value=>'build', :checked=> @host.pxe_build?, :text=> _("Network Based"), :disabled => !@host.new_record?)+
radio_button_f(f, :provision_method, :value=>'image', :checked=> @host.image_build?, :text=> _("Image Based"), :disabled => !@host.new_record?)
<%= field(f, :provision_method, :label => _('Provisioning Method'), :required => true, :size => 'col-md-10') do
Host::Managed.provision_methods.sort_by { |name, friendly_name| name }.collect do |provision_method, friendly_name|
radio_button_f(f, :provision_method, :value=>provision_method, :text=> _(friendly_name), :disabled => !@host.new_record?)
end.join(' ').html_safe
end %>
<div id='network_provisioning' <%= display? !@host.pxe_build? %> >
<% if @host.new_record? or @host.type_changed? -%>
<%= checkbox_f f, :build, :checked => true, :help_inline => _("Enable this host for provisioning") %>
<% end %>
<span id="media_select">
<%= render 'common/os_selection/operatingsystem', :item => @host %>
<%= textarea_f f, :disk, :size => "col-md-8", :rows => "4",
:help_block => _("What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field") %>
<div id='image_provisioning' <%= display? !@host.image_build? %> >
<% Host::Managed.provision_methods.sort_by { |name, friendly_name| name }.each do |provision_method, friendly_name| %>
<% if provision_method_partial_exist?(provision_method, 'form') %>
<%= render provision_method_partial(provision_method, 'form'), :f => f, :host => @host %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div id='root_password'>
<%= password_f f, :root_pass, :help_inline => _("Password must be 8 characters or more"), :required => true, :unset => action_name == "edit" %>

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