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Revision 5e7343ec

Added by Maria Agaphontzev 12 months ago

Fixes #36439 - remove storybook and update ui docs

View differences:

import ForemanModalFooter from './subcomponents/ForemanModalFooter';
import { extractModalNodes } from './helpers';
* A modal component that provides a standardized layout and context for modals in Foreman.
* Should not be used in new components. use Patternfy 4 Modal instead.
* @param {string} id - The ID of the modal.
* @param {string} [title=''] - The title of the modal. will not be used if a custom header is provided.
* @param {boolean} [isOpen=false] - Whether the modal is open or not.
* @param {function} onClose - The function to call when the modal is closed.
* @param {boolean} [isSubmitting=false] - Whether the modal is currently submitting data or not.
* @param {Object} [submitProps={}] - Additional props to pass down to the submit button in the footer.
* @param {ReactNode} [children=null] - The child nodes of the modal.
* @returns {ReactNode} The rendered modal component.
Usage example for a custom header and footer:
<ForemanModal id="custom">
<h3>This is a custom header! :)</h3>
body content
Custom footer
const ForemanModal = props => {
const {

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