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Revision 615728be

Added by Ondřej Pražák about 9 years ago

Fixes #10194 - help text for token_duration setting

View differences:

self.set('ignore_puppet_facts_for_provisioning', N_("Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)"), false),
self.set('query_local_nameservers', N_("Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities"), false),
self.set('remote_addr', N_("If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|"), ""),
self.set('token_duration', N_("Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable"), 60 * 6),
self.set('token_duration', N_("Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation"), 60 * 6),
self.set('libvirt_default_console_address', N_("The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt"), ""),
self.set('update_ip_from_built_request', N_("Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request"), false),
self.set('use_shortname_for_vms', N_("Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines"), false),

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