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Revision 6366e9e2

Added by Bryan Kearney over 11 years ago

  • ID 6366e9e2476d4991d9fcdae07126b16b19847d13

Add gettext calls to the common views, application controller, and application helper objects.

Note, this patch does not include an update to the strings file. This will allow patches to be submitted without colliding with each other.
To regenerate the strings file, run rake gettext:find

View differences:

<% title "Changed environments and puppet classes" -%>
<% title _("Changed environments and puppet classes") -%>
<%= form_tag "/#{controller_path}/obsolete_and_new" do -%>
<legend>Accept these environment changes found in puppet? </legend>
<legend><%= _("Accept these environment changes found in puppet?") %> </legend>
<table class="table table-striped">
<th>Environment</th><th>Operation</th><th>Puppet Modules</th>
<th><%= _("Environment") %></th><th><%= _("Operation") %></th><th><%= _("Puppet Modules") %></th>
<% for kind in ["new", "obsolete", "updated"] -%>
<% unless (envs = @changed[kind]).empty? -%>
<% for env in envs.keys.sort -%>
<%= env -%>
<%= {"new" => "Add:", "obsolete" => "Remove:", "updated" => "Update:"}[kind] -%>
<%= {"new" => _("Add:"), "obsolete" => _("Remove:"), "updated" => _("Update:")}[kind] -%>
<% pcs = @changed[kind][env] -%>
<%= link_to "Cancel","/" + controller_path, :class => "btn" %>
<%= link_to _("Cancel"),"/" + controller_path, :class => "btn" %>
<%= submit_tag "Update", :class => "btn btn-primary" %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>

Also available in: Unified diff