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Revision 693583c1

Added by Lukas Zapletal over 10 years ago

fixes #3958 - added more logs reported with foreman-debug

View differences:

-a Do not generate a tarball from the resulting directory
-m NUM Maximum lines to keep for each file (default 5000)
-j PRG Filter with provided program when creating a tarball
-p Additionally print all passwords which are being filtered
-p Additionally print password patterns being filtered out
-q Quiet mode
-v Verbose mode
-h Shows this message
add_cmd "bundle --local --gemfile=/usr/share/foreman/Gemfile" "bundle_list"
add_cmd "scl enable $SCLNAME 'bundle --local --gemfile=/usr/share/foreman/Gemfile'" "bundle_list_scl"
add_cmd "facter" "facts"
add_files /etc/foreman{,-proxy}/*.yaml /var/log/foreman{,-proxy}/*.log
add_files /etc/foreman{,-proxy}/* /var/log/foreman{,-proxy,-installer}/*.log
add_files /usr/share/foreman/Gemfile*
add_files /etc/dhcp/*.conf /var/lib/dhcp/*.leases
add_files /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
[ -d "/tftpboot" ] && add_cmd "find /tftpboot -exec ls -ld {} +" "tftpboot_tree"
[ -d "/srv/tftp" ] && add_cmd "find /srv/tftp -exec ls -ld {} +" "tftpboot_tree"
[ -d "/var/lib/tftpboot" ] && add_cmd "find /var/lib/tftpboot -exec ls -ld {} +" "tftpboot_tree"
add_files /etc/named.conf /var/log/named.log
add_files /etc/named.conf /var/log/named.log
add_files /var/named/* /var/named/{data,dynamic,slaves}/*
add_cmd "virsh list" "virsh_list"
add_files /etc/libvirt/* /etc/libvirt/storage/* /etc/libvirt/qemu/* /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks

Also available in: Unified diff