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Revision 69be1641

Added by Bryan Kearney about 11 years ago

  • ID 69be16415a83343a9d399f1e77e22971b6b9cf9e

fixes #2269 - Add gettext framework to foreman.

This patch adds a gettext based localization framework to the Foreman. This is done by adding the fast_gettext and gettext_i18n_rails gems along with their depdencies. An example translation is done to the login page and the users controller.

Next steps, once this patch is merged, is to begin to internaitonalize new pages and pages which are touched during enhancements. Then, the strings can be exported to a translation tool such as transifex or zanata.

View differences:

<%= form_tag login_users_path, :id => "login-form", :class => "form-vertical" do %>
<%=image_tag("foreman_large.png", :class=>"login-large-logo") %>
<%= label_tag "login[login]", "Username" %>
<%= label_tag "login[login]", _("Username") %>
<%= text_field :login, :login %>
<%= label_tag "login[password]", "Password" %>
<%= label_tag "login[password]", _("Password") %>
<%= password_field_tag "login[password]" %>
<%= submit_tag("Login &#187;".html_safe, :class => "btn btn-primary fr", :disable_with => "Please wait...") %>
<% end %>

Also available in: Unified diff