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Revision 6b4b489f

Added by Ori Rabin over 8 years ago

fixes #10832 - separating lookup keys into puppet and variable

View differences:

# Show the parent puppetclass as a context, but permit no change.
if params["puppetclass_id"]
select_f f, :puppetclass_id, [Puppetclass.find(params["puppetclass_id"])], :id, :to_label, {}, {:label => _("Puppet class"), :disabled => true}
elsif f.object.is_param && f.object.param_class
elsif f.object.puppet? && f.object.param_class
field(f, :puppetclass_id, :label => _('Puppet Class')) do
content_tag(:input, nil, :value => f.object.param_class, :type => 'text', :disabled => true)
def param_type_selector(f, options = {})
selectable_f f, :key_type, options_for_select( { |e| [_(e),e] }, f.object.key_type),{},
options.merge({ :disabled => (f.object.is_param && !f.object.override), :size => "col-md-8", :class=> "without_select2",
options.merge({ :disabled => (f.object.puppet? && !f.object.override), :size => "col-md-8", :class=> "without_select2",
:help_inline => popover("",_("<dl>" +
"<dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd>" +
"<dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd>" +
def validator_type_selector(f)
selectable_f f, :validator_type, options_for_select( { |e| [_(e),e] }, f.object.validator_type),{:include_blank => _("None")},
{ :disabled => (f.object.is_param && !f.object.override), :size => "col-md-8", :class=> "without_select2",
{ :disabled => (f.object.puppet? && !f.object.override), :size => "col-md-8", :class=> "without_select2",
:onchange => 'validatorTypeSelected(this)',
:help_inline => popover("",_("<dl>" +
"<dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd>" +

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