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import debounce from 'lodash/debounce';
import { snakeCase, camelCase } from 'lodash';
import URI from 'urijs';
import { translate as __ } from './I18n';

* Our API returns non-ISO8601 dates
* This method converts those strings into ISO8601 format
* @param {String} date - non-ISO date to convert
export const isoCompatibleDate = date => {
if (
typeof date === 'string' &&
) {
// we've matched a date in the format: 2019-03-14 15:39:27 -0400
return date.replace(/\s/, 'T').replace(/\s/, '');

return date;

* Does it run in phantomjs test environment
* @return {boolean}
export const runningInPhantomJS = () => window._phantom !== undefined;

* Add a debounce timeout for your methods.
* @param {Object} context - the context where your method is running.
* @param {Number} time - the amount of debounce time in miliseconds.
* @param {Array} methods - Array that contains the methods to run on.
export const debounceMethods = (context, time, methods) => {
methods.forEach(method => {
const methodName = || method;
const methodTime = method.time || time;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
context[methodName] = debounce(context[methodName], methodTime);

* Bind your methods to run in a specific context.
* @param {Object} context - the context where your method should run.
* @param {Array} methods - Array that contains the methods to run on.
export const bindMethods = (context, methods) => {
methods.forEach(method => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
context[method] = context[method].bind(context);

* Removes slashes from the beggining and end of the path
* @param {String} path - the path that should be removed of slashes
export const removeLastSlashFromPath = path => {
if (!path || path.length < 2) return path;
const lastCharIndex = path.length - 1;
return path[lastCharIndex] === '/' ? path.slice(0, -1) : path;
* An empty function which is usually used as a default function.
export const noop = Function.prototype;

* Opens the link in a new window.
* @param {String} url - the path to open in a new window.
export const newWindowOnClick = url => event => {
const newWindow =, '_blank');
newWindow.opener = null;

* Clear the spaces in both sides of a string and erase multiple spaces.
* @param {String} string - the string which should be trimmed.
export const clearSpaces = string => string.trim().replace(/\s\s+/, ' ');

export const getDisplayName = Component =>
Component.displayName || || 'Component';
* Use I18n to translate an object of strings
* @param {Object.<string, string>} obj - the object to translate
* @returns {Object.<string, string>} a translated object
export const translateObject = obj =>
Object.assign({}, ...Object.entries(obj).map(([k, v]) => ({ [k]: __(v) })));

* Use I18n to translate an array of strings
* @param {Array.<string>} arr - the array to translate
* @returns {Array.<string>} a translated array
export const translateArray = arr => => __(str));

* Return the query in URL as Objects where keys are
* the parameters and the values are the parameters' values.
* @param {String} url - the URL
export const getURIQuery = url => new URI(url).query(true);

* Transform object keys to snake case
export const propsToSnakeCase = ob =>
propsToCase(snakeCase, 'propsToSnakeCase only takes objects', ob);

* Transform object keys to camel case
export const propsToCamelCase = ob =>
propsToCase(camelCase, 'propsToCamelCase only takes objects', ob);

const propsToCase = (casingFn, errorMsg, ob) => {
if (typeof ob !== 'object') throw Error(errorMsg);

return Object.keys(ob).reduce((memo, key) => {
memo[casingFn(key)] = ob[key];
return memo;
}, {});

export default {