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Revision 94c522d8

Added by Adi Abramovitch about 3 years ago

Fixes #32070 - Updating welcome pages to use react component

View differences:

<% content_for(:title, _("Smart Proxies")) %>
<div class="blank-slate-pf">
<div class="blank-slate-pf-icon">
<%= icon_text("sitemap", "", :kind => "fa") %>
<h1><%= _('Smart Proxies') %></h1>
<p><%= _("Smart proxies provide a RESTful API to manage subsystems like DNS, DHCP, and TFTP.") %></p>
<p><%= link_to _('Learn more about this in the documentation.'), documentation_url("4.3SmartProxies")%></p>
<div class="blank-slate-pf-main-action">
<%= new_link(_("Create Smart Proxy"), :class => 'btn-lg') %>
<% description = _("Smart proxies provide a RESTful API to manage subsystems like DNS, DHCP, and TFTP.")%>
<% action = { :title => _("Create Smart Proxy"), :url => new_smart_proxy_path } if authorized_for(:action => :new)%>
<%= react_component('EmptyState', {
:icon => 'sitemap',
:iconType => 'fa',
:header => _('Smart Proxies'),
:description => description,
:documentation => { :url => documentation_url("4.3SmartProxies") },
:action => action
}) %>

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