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Revision 9a8ad709

Added by Dominic Cleal about 8 years ago

i18n - extracting new, pulling from tx

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mine en lokation innan du fortsätter."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Du måste kapa minst en organisation innan du fortsätter."],"OK":["OK"],"Invalid authenticity token":[""],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["Bokmärke har skapats."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["Bokmärke har uppdaterats."],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s VM associerad till en värd","%s VM's associerade till värdar"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM redan associerad med en värd"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM associerad till värd %s"],"No host found to associate this VM with":["Ingen värd funnen att associera denna VM med"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Misslyckades med att ställa in konsol: %s"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} är nu %{vm_state}"],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["misslyckades med att %{action} %{vm}"],"Error - %{message}":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":[""],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":[""],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":[""],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":[""],"No changes to your environments detected":[""],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"User IDs":[""],"Smart proxy IDs":[""],"Compute resource IDs":[""],"Media IDs":[""],"Provisioning template IDs":[""],"Partition template IDs":[""],"Domain IDs":[""],"Realm IDs":[""],"Host group IDs":[""],"Environment IDs":[""],"Subnet IDs":[""],"List all :resource_id":[""],"Show :a_resource":[""],"Create :a_resource":[""],"Update :a_resource":[""],"Delete :a_resource":[""],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":[""],"Operators":[""],"Invalid search query: %s":["Felaktig sökfråga: %s"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":[""],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Din session har utgått, var vänlig logga in igen"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Alla felaktigheter mellan värdar och %s har åtgärdats"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Alla felaktigheter mellan värdar och platser/organisationer har åtgärdats"],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Alla värdar tidigare utan %{single} tilldelas nu %{name}"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["Valda värdar är nu tilldelade %s"],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"External user group %{name} refreshed":[""],"External user 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att %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} starar nu från %{device}"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Misslyckades att konfigurera %{host} att starta från %{device}: %{e}"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman hanterar nu byggcykeln för %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman hanterar inte längre byggcykeln för %s"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Misslyckades att ändra byggcykeln för %s"],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":[""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":[""],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Inga parametrar blev satta på de valda värdarna, kan inte masseditera."],"Updated all hosts!":["Uppdaterade alla värdar!"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Parametrar uppdaterade, se nedan för mer information"],"No host group selected!":["Ingen värdgrupp vald!"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Uppdaterade värdar: ändrad värdgrupp"],"No environment selected!":["Ingen miljö vald!"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Uppdaterade värdar: ändrad miljö"],"No owner selected!":[""],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Failed to set power state for %s.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet CA"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"Failed to redeploy %s.":[""],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Valda värdar kommer genomföra en byggoperation vid nästa omstart"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Följande värdar misslyckades med byggoperationen: %s"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Förstör markerade värdar"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Följande värdar raderades inte: %s"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Lyckad exekvering, kolla rapporter och/eller loggefiler för mer detaljer"],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Några eller alla värdexekveringar misslyckades. Var vänlig se loggfiler för mer information."],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Hosts with errors":["Värdar med fel"],"Active Hosts":["Aktiva värdar"],"Pending Hosts":["Pågående Värdar"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Värdar, vilka inte körde puppet den senaste %s"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Värdar med inaktiverade notifieringar"],"invalid type: %s requested":["felaktig typ: %s begärd"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Något blev fel vid byte av värdtyp - %s"],"No hosts were found with that id or name":["Inga värdar med det idt eller namnet hittades"],"No hosts selected":["Inga värdar markerade"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Något blev fel vid markering av värdar - %s"],"%s selected hosts":["%s valda värdar"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Följande värdar blev inte %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"No or invalid power state selected!":[""],"No proxy selected!":[""],"Invalid proxy selected!":[""],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":[""],"Role cloned from role %{old_name}":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Lyckades uppdatera funktioner från %s."],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Inga ändringar funna vid uppdatering av funktioner från %s."],"No TFTP feature":[""],"%s core":["",""],"No new subnets found":["Hittade inga nya subnät"],"No subnets selected":["Inga subnet markerade"],"Imported Subnets":["Importerade Subnät"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":[""],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Misslyckades med att rensa gamla certifikat eller att lägga till autosigneringsvärdet. Avbryter bygget!"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":[""],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Fel vid tolkning av %s mallen:"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":[""],"Incorrect username or password":["Felaktigt användarnamn eller lösenord"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Utloggad - Ses snart igen"],"Email address is missing":[""],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":[""],"Email was sent successfully":[""],"Remove Parameter":["Ta bort Parameter"],"Click to add %s":["Klicka för att lägga till %s"],"Delete":["Radera"],"Are you sure?":["Är du säker?"],"Help":["Hjälp"],"Expand the chart":["Expandera kartan"],"Change your avatar at":["Ändra din avatar hos"],"no value":[""],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Documentation":["Dokumentation"],"None found":[""],"Click to edit":["Klicka för att redigera"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["NA"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["Provisioneringsmallens innehåll ändrad %s"],"Owner changed to %s":["Ägare ändrad till %s"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} ändrades från %{label1} till %{label2}"],"User":["Användare"],"%s ago":["%s sedan"],"New":["Ny"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Parametrar som skulle bli associerade med denna värd i denna %s"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"Use Puppet default":[""],"Do not send this parameter via the ENC.<br>Puppet will use the value defined in the manifest.":[""],"Value":["Värde"],"Paused":["Pausad"],"Off":["Av"],"On":["På"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Är du säker på att du vill starta/stänga %{act} %{vm}?"],"Resume":["Återuppta"],"Pause":["Paus"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Är du säker att du vill %{act} %{vm}?"],"Power%s":["Kraft%s"],"Unknown Power State":["Okänt strömläge"],"Console":["Konsol"],"%s - 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This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Host audit entries":["Värdgranskningslogg"],"Audits":["Revisioner"],"Browse host facts":["Bläddra värdfakta"],"Facts":["Fakta"],"Reports":["Rapporter"],"Browse host config management reports":[""],"YAML":["YAML"],"Puppet external nodes YAML dump":["Puppet externa noder YAML-export"],"Allocation (GB)":["Allokering(GB)"],"Full":["Full"],"Size":["Storlek"],"None":["Ingen"],"remove network interface":["ta bort nätvärkskort"],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface is down":[""],"Errors occurred, build may fail":[""],"Edit %s":["Redigera %s"],"Select desired %s proxy":[""],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"Image":["Avbildning"],"Image ID":["Avbildningsid"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["Avbildsid tillhandahållen från beräkningsresursen, t.ex. ami-.."],"Caps lock ON":[""],"Change the password":[""],"Overwrite":["Skriv över"],"Submit":["Sänd"],"Unable to save":["Misslyckades med att spara"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"No entries found":["Inga poster funna"],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Visar <b>%{count}</b> post","Visar <b>alla %{count}</b> poster"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Visar poster <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> av totalt <b>%{count}</b>"],"Warning!":["Varning!"],"Alert":["Varning"],"Close":["Stäng"],"last %s day":["senaste %s dagen","senaste %s dagarna"],"Full screen":["Fullskärmsläge"],"Puppet class":["Puppetklass"],"Puppet Class":["Puppet Klass"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Allt tolkas som en sträng.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Allmän representation av booleska värden accepteras.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Endast heltal. Kan vara negativa.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Acceptera all numerisk indata.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>Giltig JSON- eller YAML-indata som måste evaluera till en array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Giltig JSON- eller YAML-indata som måste evaluera till object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>All giltig YAML-indata.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>All giltig JSON-indata.</dd></dl>"],"How values are validated":["Hur värden valideras"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>En lista över tillåtna värden i regelfältet Validator</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validerar inmatningen med det reguljära uttrycket i regelfältet Validator.</dd></dl>"],"Validation types":["Valideringstyper"],"Default value":["Standardvärde"],"Original value info":[""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b><br/>":[""],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Will not be sent to Puppet.</i><br/>":[""],"Override this value":["Tvinga detta värde"],"Remove this override":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Hide this value":[""],"Clone":["Klona"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Continue?":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Lock":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a listof operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you canrestrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foremanwill select the best match from the available templates of that type, in thefollowing order:":[""],"Host group and Environment":["Värdgrupp och Miljö"],"Host group only":["Enbart värdgrupp"],"Environment only":["Enbart miljö"],"Operating system default":["Standardoperativsystem"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["Sista inlägget, förinställt Operativsystem, kan ställas in genom att editera %s sidan."],"revoked":["återkallad"],"valid or pending":[""],"all":[""],"in %s":["i %s"],"Empty environment":["Tom miljö"],"Deleted environment":["Raderad miljö"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Raderade miljön %{env} och %{pcs}"],"Import":["Importera"],"Import from %s":["Importera från %s"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s minut sedan","%s minuter sedan"],"%s day ago":["%s dag sedan","%s dagar sedan"],"%s week ago":["%s vecka sedan","%s veckor sedan"],"%s month ago":["%s månad sedan","%s månader sedan"],"All Reports":["Alla Rapporter"],"Select a period":["Välj en period"],"Show log messages:":["Visa loggmeddelanden:"],"All messages":["Alla meddelanden"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Notiser, varningar och fel"],"Warnings and errors":["Varningar och fel"],"Errors only":["Enbart fel"],"This setting is defined in the configuration file 'settings.yaml' and is read-only.":["Denna inställning är definierad i konfigurationsfilen 'settings.yaml' och är skrivskyddad."],"Refresh":[""],"Certificates":["Certifikat"],"Autosign":["Autosignatur"],"Import subnets":["Importera subnät"],"Expire logs":[""],"Back":["Tillbaka"],"All":[""],"ERROR or FATAL":[""],"WARNING":[""],"INFO or DEBUG":[""],"OS Distribution":["OS Distribution"],"Architecture Distribution":["Aktitektur-distribution"],"Environments Distribution":["Miljödistribution"],"Number of CPUs":["Antal CPUer"],"Hardware":["Hårdvara"],"Class Distribution":["Klassdistribution"],"used memory":[""],"free memory":[""],"Average memory usage":["Genomsnittlig minnesanvändning"],"used swap":[""],"Average swap usage":["Genomsnittlig växlingsanvändning"],"free swap":[""],"Any Organization":["Alla Organisationer"],"Any Location":["Alla Platser"],"New Location":["Ny Lokation"],"New Organization":["Ny Organisation"],"Select users":["Välj användare"],"All users":["Alla användare"],"Select smart proxies":["Välj smarta proxies"],"All smart proxies":["Alla smarta proxies"],"Select subnets":["Välj subnät"],"All subnets":["Alla subnät"],"All compute resources":["Alla beräkningsresurser"],"Select compute resources":["Välj beräkningsresurser"],"All media":["Alla media"],"Select media":["Välj media"],"All provisioning templates":[""],"Select provisioning templates":[""],"All partition tables":[""],"Select partition tables":[""],"All domains":["Alla domäner"],"Select domains":["Välj domäner"],"All realms":[""],"Select realms":[""],"All environments":["Alla miljöer"],"Select environments":["Välj miljöer"],"All host groups":["Alla värdgrupper"],"Select host groups":["Välj värdgrupper"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Inte relevant för remsa"],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":[""],"Check out some %s":[""],"useful template functions and macros":[""],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"clone":[""],"Environment":["Miljö"],"Operating system":["Operativsystem"],"Model":["Modell"],"Compute resource":["Beräkningsresurs"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Trenden för de senaste %s dagarna."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"Must specify a user with email enabled":[""],"Audit summary":[""],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":[""],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Puppet error on %s":["Puppetfel på %s"],"Host %s is built":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":["Välkommen till Foreman"],"Foreman test email":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["felaktig syntax för LDAP-filter"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s är ett okänt attribut"],"must provide a provider":["måste tillhandahålla en leverantör"],"unknown provider":["okänd leverantör"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s konsol stöds ej vid denna tidpunkt"],"Not implemented for %s":[""],"Not implemented":["Inte implementerad"],"cannot be changed":[""],"Unable to access key":["Misslyckades med åtkomst till nyckel"],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"VM is not running!":["VM körs ej!"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Det gick inte att ändra VMens skärmlyssnaradress, säkerställ att skärmen inte är kopplad till enbart localhost"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Vänligen ange volymstorlek. Du kan även använda suffixet 'G' för att ange volymens storlek i gigabyte."],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":[""],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":[""],"Default":["Standard"],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Fjärrsystemet presenterade en publik nyckel med hashvärdet %s men vi förväntar oss ett annat hastvärde. 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Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att radera certifikaten för %{name}: %{e}"],"failed to save %s":["misslyckades med att spara %s"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att hämta IP för %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att förstöra en beräkningsresurs %{compute_resource} instans %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med starta en beräkningsresurs %{compute_resource}-instans %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att stoppa beräkningsresurs %{compute_resource}, instans %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att uppdatera beräkningsresurs %{compute_resource}, instans %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att ångra uppdateringen för beräkningsresurs %{compute_resource}, instans %{name}: %{e}"],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["Vald avbildning tillhör inte %s"],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":[""],"DHCP":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Kan inte avgöra värdens startserver. DHCP-smartproxyn misslyckades med att tillhandahålla denna information och TFTP-tjänsten är inte tillhandahållen på detta subnät."],"failed to detect boot server: %s":["misslyckades med att detektera bootserver: %s"],"DHCP not supported for this NIC":["DHCP stöds ej för denna NIC"],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":["Skapa DHCP-inställningar för %s"],"Remove DHCP Settings for %s":["Ta bort DHCP-inställningar för %s"],"DHCP conflicts removal for %s":["DHCP konflikt-borttagning för %s"],"does not match selected subnet":[""],"DHCP records %s already exists":["DHCP-poster %s finns redan"],"DNS":["DNS"],"Create DNS record for %s":["Skapa DNS-post för %s"],"Create Reverse DNS record for %s":["Skapa baklänges DNS-post för %s"],"Remove DNS record for %s":["Ta bort DNS-post för %s"],"Remove Reverse DNS record for %s":["Ta bort baklänges DNS-post för %s"],"Remove conflicting DNS record for %s":["Ta bort konfliktande DNS-post för %s"],"Remove conflicting Reverse DNS record for %s":["Ta bort konfliktande baklänges DNS-post för %s"],"DNS A Records %s already exists":["DNS A-poster %s finns redan"],"DNS PTR Records %s already exists":["DNS PTR-poster %s finns redan"],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":[""],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":[""],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Misslyckades med att initiera PuppetCAs proxy: %s"],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Radera autosigneringsvärde för %s"],"Delete PuppetCA certificates for %s":["Radera PuppetCA certifikat för %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":[""],"Realm proxy did not return a one-time password":[""],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":[""],"Create realm entry for %s":[""],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Delete realm entry for %s":[""],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["Preparera postinstallationsscript för %s"],"Wait for %s to come online":["Vänta på at %s blir uppkopplad"],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Aktivera certifikatgenerering för %s"],"Configure instance %s via SSH":["Konfigurera instans %s via SSH"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Misslyckades med att hitta en korrekt autentiseringsmetod"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att logga in via SSH på %{name}: %{e}"],"Provision script had a non zero exit":[""],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att köra script på %{name}: %{e}"],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["Ingen slutföringsmall hittades för denna värd, säkerställ att minst en är definierad under dina %s inställningar"],"TFTP":[""],"Failed to generate %{template_kind} template: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att generera %{template_kind} mall: %{e}"],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Misslyckades med att hämta startfiler"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings":["Inga %{template_kind}mallar hittades för denna värd, säkerställ att du definierar åtminstone en under dina %{os}-inställningar"],"TFTP Settings for %s":["TFTP-inställningar för %s"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Hämta TFTP startfiler för %s"],"Remove old TFTP Settings for %s":["Ta bort tidigare TFTP-inställningar för %s"],"has already been taken":[""],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":[""],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":[""],"is not valid":[""],"must be one of [ %s ]":["måste vara en av [ %s ]"],"Unsupported report status format":["Formatet för rapportstatus stöds ej"],"invalid host list":["felaktig värdlista"],"Modified":["Ändrad"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["Kan inte hitta giltig Foreman Proxy med Puppet-funktionen"],"is not found in the authentication source":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":[""],"is not permitted":[""],"invalid search query: %s":[""],"filter for %s role":[""],"Permissions must be of same resource type":[""],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Ägartyp måste vara en av följande: %s"],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"managed host must have one provision interface":[""],"some interfaces are invalid":[""],"invalid time range":["felaktig tidsspann"],"should be 8 characters or more":["måste vara minst 8 tecken"],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":[""],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":[""],"is unknown":[""],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Misslyckades med att importera %{klass} på grund av att %{name}: inte existerar i vår databas - ignorerar"],"Network Based":["Nätverksbaserad"],"Image Based":["Avbildningsbaserad"],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":["ingen puppetproxy är definierad - kan inte fortsätta"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["misslyckades med att köra puppetrun: %s"],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} tillhör inte %{os} operativsystem"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} tillhör inte %{environment} miljön"],"is an unsupported provisioning method":[""],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":[""],"must not include periods":["får inte innehålla punkter"],"Pending installation":[""],"Installed":["Installerad"],"Unknown build status":[""],"Configuration":[""],"Alerts disabled":["Varningar inaktiverade"],"No reports":["Inga rapporter"],"Global":["Global"],"could not be found in %s":[""],"integer":[""],"array":[""],"real":[""],"string":[""],"hash":[""],"json":[""],"yaml":[""],"boolean":[""],"regexp":[""],"list":[""],"invalid":["felaktig"],"Invalid Host":["Felaktig Värd"],"invalid path":["felaktig sökväg"],"is invalid":["är felaktig"],"can only be set for array or hash":[""],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":[""],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":[""],"is invalid %s":["är felaktig %s"],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} matchar inte en existerande värd"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} matchar inte en existerande värdgrupp"],"Monthly":[""],"Daily":[""],"Weekly":[""],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":["verkar inte vara en korrekt nfsmontering"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"can't find domain with this id":[""],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":[""],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":[""],"host already has primary interface":[""],"host already has provision interface":[""],"is not defined for host's location.":[""],"is not defined for host's organization.":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Kan inte hitta giltig proxy med BMC-funktionen"],"BMC":["BMC"],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"Bond":[""],"Bridge":[""],"Can't add or remove `%s` from identifier":[""],"subnet boot mode is not %s":[""],"Operating System version is required":["Versionen av Operativsystemet krävs"],"Operating system version already exists":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Försöker att konstruera ett filnamn för operativsystemavbild men %s kan inte byggas från en avbild"],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"invalid medium for %s":["felaktigt medium för %s"],"invalid architecture for %s":["felaktig arkitektur för %s"],"Function not available for %s":[""],"global":[""],"domain":["domän"],"host group":[""],"host":[""],"location":["lokation"],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Du har inte rättigheter att %s denna placeringsparameter"],"organization":["organisation"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Du har inte rättigheter att %s denna organisationsparameter"],"operating system":[""],"Must provide template kind":["Måste tillhandahålla typen template"],"Must provide an operating systems":["Måste tillhandahålla ett operativsystem"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["Inga TFPT proxies är definierade, kan inte fortsätta"],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"PXELinux global default\\\", please create one.":["Kunde inte hitta en Konfigurationsmall med namnet \\\"PXE Default File\\\", vänligen skapa en."],"failed to process template: %s":["misslyckades med att bearbeta mallen: %s"],"There was an error creating the PXE Default file: %s":["Fel uppstod vid skapandet av standard-PXE filen: %s"],"PXE Default file has been deployed to all Smart Proxies":["PXE Standardfil har laddats upp till alla Smart Proxies"],"Unable to create the default user role.":["Kan inte skapa standardrollen för användare."],"Unable to create the anonymous role.":["Kan inte skapa den anonyma rollen."],"Role is in use":["Rollen används"],"Can't delete built-in role":["Kan inte ta bort inbyggd roll"],"must be a valid URI":["måste vara en giltig URI"],"must be boolean":["måste vara boolesk"],"must be integer":["måste vara heltal"],"must be an array":["måste vara en array"],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":["tolkning av inställningstyp '%s' från sträng är inte definierad"],"is invalid: %s":["är felaktig: %s"],"is not allowed to change":["tillåts inte att ändras"],"OAuth active":[""],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":[""],"OAuth consumer key":["OAuth konsumentnyckel"],"OAuth consumer secret":["OAuth konsumenthemlighet"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":[""],"OAuth map users":[""],"Restrict registered smart proxies":[""],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":[""],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":[""],"Require SSL for smart proxies":[""],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Värdar, utöver Smarta Proxies, som är betrodda med åtkomst till fakta/rapportimporterare samt ENC utdata."],"SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies":["Sökväg till SSLcertifikat som Foreman skall använda för att kommunicera med dess proxies"],"SSL certificate":[""],"SSL CA file":[""],"SSL CA file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["SSL CA-fil som Foreman kommer använda för kommunikation med dess proxies"],"SSL Private Key file that 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URL":[""],"Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)":["Omdirigera dina användare till denna url vid utloggning (authorize_login_delegation måste också vara aktiverad)"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Namnet på den externa autentiseringskällan där okända autentiseringsanvändare (se authorize_login_delegation) skall skapas ( behåll tom för att förhindra autoskapande)"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Delegera login till REMOTE_USER miljövariabel"],"Authorize login delegation":[""],"Authorize login delegation API":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Delegera login till REMOTE_USER miljövariabel även för API-anrop"],"Idle timeout":[""],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Logga ut inaktiva användare efter ett antal minuter"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Administrator email address":[""],"The default administrator email address":["Förinställd epostadress för administratören"],"Foreman URL":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"Email reply address":[""],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":[""],"Email subject prefix":[""],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":[""],"Send welcome email":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":[""],"Entries per page":[""],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":[""],"Fix DB cache":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Max trends":[""],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Max dagar för trendgrafer"],"Use Gravatar":[""],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":[""],"DB pending migration":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"DB pending seed":[""],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":[""],"Proxy request timeout":[""],"Root password":[""],"Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts":[""],"Unattended URL":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"Safemode rendering":[""],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Aktivera säkert läge för rendering av konfigurationsmall (rekommenderas)"],"Manage PuppetCA":[""],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":[""],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":[""],"Query local nameservers":[""],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. 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Syntaxen är ett reguljärt uttryck för att stödja flera lastbalanserare, exempel: (|"],"Remote address":[""],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Token duration":[""],"Libvirt default console address":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["IP-adressen som skall användas för konsolens lyssnaradress vid provisionering av nya maskiner via Libvirt"],"Update IP from built request":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":[""],"Use short name for VMs":[""],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":[""],"DNS conflict timeout":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":[""],"Clean up failed deployment":[""],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Puppet interval in minutes":["Puppetintervall i minuter"],"Puppet interval":[""],"Out of sync interval":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":[""],"Default Puppet environment":[""],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Module path":[""],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Document root where puppetdoc files should be created":["Dokumentrot där puppetdoc filerna kommer att skapas"],"Document root":[""],"Puppetrun":[""],"Enable puppetrun support":[""],"Default Puppet server hostname":["Standard Puppet-server värdnamn"],"Puppet server":[""],"Default variables lookup path":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":[""],"Enable smart variables in ENC":[""],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":[""],"Parameterized classes in ENC":[""],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":[""],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":[""],"ENC environment":[""],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. 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The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":[""],"Location fact":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":[""],"Organization fact":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":[""],"Default location":[""],"Default organization":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":[""],"Always show configuration status":[""],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":[""],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["En proxy kan endast deklareras en gång"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Inga funktioner hittades på denna proxy, säkerställ att du aktiverat minst en funktion"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Kan inte kommunisera med proxyn: %s"],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":["Vänligen kontrollera att proxyn är konfigurerad och körs på värden."],"Static":[""],"Internal DB":[""],"is too long (maximum is 15 characters)":[""],"invalid IP address":["felaktig ipadress"],"does not belong to subnet":["tillhör inte subnät"],"can't be bigger than to range":["kan inte vara större än till-spannet"],"must be specified if to is defined":["måste anges om till är definierad"],"must be specified if from is defined":["måste anges om från är definierad"],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"already exists":["existerar redan"],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"A user group already exists with this name":["En användargrupp finns redan med detta namn"],"Can't delete the last admin account":[""],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Kan inte radera interna administratörskontot"],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":[""],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":[""],"you can't change administrator flag":[""],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":[""],"has this role already":["har redan denna roll"],"is already used by a user account":["används redan av ett användarkonto"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":[""],"unknown 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%{template}: %{error}.":[""],"No smart proxies found.":[""],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"My account":["Mitt konto"],"Log out":[""],"Administer":["Administrera"],"Locations":["Lokationer"],"Organizations":["Organisationer"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP autentisering"],"Users":["Användare"],"User groups":["Användargrupper"],"Roles":["Roller"],"Bookmarks":["Bokmärken"],"Settings":["Inställningar"],"About":["Om"],"Monitor":["Övervaka"],"Dashboard":["Instrumentbräda"],"Statistics":["Statistik"],"Trends":["Trender"],"Config management":[""],"Hosts":["Värdar"],"All hosts":["Alla värdar"],"New host":[""],"Provisioning Setup":["Provisioneringsuppläggning"],"Architectures":["Arkitekturer"],"Hardware models":["Hårdvarumodeller"],"Installation media":["Installationsmedia"],"Operating systems":["Operativsystem"],"Templates":["Mallar"],"Partition tables":["Partitionstabell"],"Provisioning templates":["Provisineringsmallar"],"Configure":["Konfigurera"],"Host groups":["Värdgrupper"],"Global parameters":["Globala parametrar"],"Environments":["Miljöer"],"Classes":["Klasser"],"Config groups":[""],"Smart variables":["Smarta variabler"],"Smart class parameters":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infrastruktur"],"Smart proxies":["Smarta proxies"],"Compute resources":["Beräkningsresurser"],"Compute profiles":["Beräkningsprofiler"],"Subnets":["Subnät"],"Domains":["Domäner"],"Realms":[""],"Cannot add pagelet to page %s without partial":[""],"Cannot add pagelet to page %s without mountpoint":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"stop":["stop"],"poweroff":["stäng av"],"start":["start"],"reboot":["omstart"],"state":["tillstånd"],"reset":["återställ"],"cycle":["period"],"status":["status"],"off":["av"],"on":["på"],"ready?":[""],"soft":["mjuk"],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Felaktig 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valid MAC address":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"System Status":["Systemstatus"],"Smart Proxies":["Smarta Proxies"],"Available Providers":["Tillgänliga Leverantörer"],"Compute Resources":["Beräkningsresurser"],"Plugins":["Plugin"],"No smart proxies to show":["Inga smarta proxies att visa"],"Name":["Namn"],"Features":["Funktioner"],"Version":["Version"],"Provider":["Leverantör"],"Not Installed":["Inte Installerad"],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["För att aktivera en leverantör, installera antingen OS-paketet (t.ex. foreman-libvirt) eller aktivera bundlergruppen för utvecklingsuppläggning (t.ex. ovirt)."],"No compute resource to show":["Ingen beräkningsresurs att visa"],"Type":["Typ"],"No plugins found":["Inga plugins hittade"],"Description":["Beskrivning"],"Author":["Författare"],"Support":["Hjälp"],"Manual":["Manual"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"IRC":["IRC"],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"Mailing lists":["Epostlistor"],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":["Epostlistor finns via Google Groups. Ungefär som IRC, så har vi listor / grupper för användare ( stöd, Kvalitetssäkring, etc ) samt en lista för utvecklare:"],"Foreman Users":["Foremananvändare"],"Foreman Developers":["Foremanutvecklare"],"Issue tracker":["Problemspårare"],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Vi använder Redmine för att rapportera och följa buggar samt begäran kring utökad funktionalitet, vilken kan hittas här:"],"issue tracker":["Problemspårare"],"System Information":["Systeminformation"],"Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":["Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly och %{author}"],"Access denied":[""],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"Operating Systems":["Operativsystem"],"Edit Architecture":["Redigera arkitektur"],"New Architecture":["Ny Arkitektur"],"Architecture|Name":["Namn"],"Actions":["Åtgärder"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Innan du börjar använda Foreman bör du mata in information om en eller fler arkitekturer"],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Varje värde representerar en hårdvaruarkitektur, oftast <b>x86_64</b> eller <b>i386</b>. Foreman stödjer även OS-familjen Solaris, vilket även inkluderar <b>sparc</b> system"],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Varje arkitektur kan även vara associerad med mer än ett operativsystem och en lista över alternativ låter dig välja giltiga kombinationer."],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"New architecture":["Ny arkitektur"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"No audit changes for this period":[""],"Full audits list":[""],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Logged-in":["Inloggad"],"Host details":["Värddetaljer"],"Template Diff":["Mallskillnad"],"History":["Historik"],"Item":["Post"],"Old":["Gammal"],"LDAP server":["LDAP-server"],"Account":["Konto"],"Attribute mappings":["Attributmappning"],"Test Connection":["Testa annslutning"],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Choose a server type":[""],"Server type":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Använd följande konto för autentisering, <i>valfritt</i>"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Groups base DN":[""],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":["Eget LDAP sökfilter, <i>optional</i>"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP-användare får sina konton automatiskt skapade första gången dom loggar in i Foreman"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":[""],"e.g. uid":["t.ex. uid"],"e.g. givenName":["t.ex. givenName"],"e.g. sn":["t.ex. sn"],"e.g. mail":["t.ex. mail"],"Photo attribute":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Redigera LDAP Autenticeringskälla"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP Autentisering"],"New LDAP Source":["Ny Ldapkälla"],"AuthSource|Name":["Namn"],"AuthSource|Host":["Värdnamn"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Ögonblicksregistrera"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":[""],"New LDAP Auth Source":["Ny LDAP Autentiseringskälla"],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman kan använda LDAP för användarinformation och autentisering"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"New authentication source":["Ny autentiseringskälla"],"Autosign entries":[""],"Add Autosign entry":[""],"View list":[""],"New Autosign Entry":["Nytt Autosigneringsvärde"],"Edit Bookmark":["Redigera Bokmärke"],"Bookmark|Name":["Namn"],"Bookmark|Query":["Fråga"],"Bookmark|Controller":["Kontroller"],"Bookmark|Public":["Publik"],"New Bookmark":["Nytt Bokmärke"],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":[""],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":[""],"Permission denied":["Tillåts ej"],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":[""],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":[""],"not found":[""],"Please try to update your request":["Var god och försök uppdatera din begäran"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["Hoppsan, vi är ledsna, men något gick fel"],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Om du tror att detta är ett fel med Foreman, var vänlig öppna en ny bugg med"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman biljettsystem"],"You would probably need to attach the":["Du skulle antagligen behöva ansluta"],"Full trace":["Fullständigt spårning"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],"Failure: %s":[""],"None Found":["Ingen hittad"],"Changed environments":["Ändrade miljöer"],"Select the changes you want to realize in Foreman":["Markera ändringarna som du vill verkställa i Foreman"],"Toggle":["Skifta"],"Check/Uncheck new":["Markera/Avmarkera nya"],"Updated":["Uppdaterad"],"Check/Uncheck updated":["Markera/Avmarkera uppdaterade"],"Obsolete":["Förlegad"],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":["Markera/Avmarkera förlegade"],"Check/Uncheck all":["Markera/Avmarkera samtliga"],"Operation":["Operation"],"Puppet Modules":["Puppetmoduler"],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":["Markera/Avmarkera samtliga %s ändringar"],"Update:":["Uppdatera:"],"Add:":["Lägg till:"],"Remove:":["Ta bort:"],"Update":["Uppdatera"],"Search":["Sök"],"Bookmark this search":["Bokmärk denna sökning"],"Add Bookmark":["Lägg till bokmärke"],"Build from OS image":["Bygg från OS-avbild"],"OS Image":["OSAvbildning"],"Architecture":["Arkitektur"],"Media":["Medie"],"Partition table":["Partitionstabell"],"override":["tvinga"],"remove":["ta bort"],"Add Parameter":["Lägg till Parameter"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Redigera Globala Parametrar"],"Global Parameters":["Globala Parametrar"],"New Parameter":["Ny Parameter"],"Parameter|Name":["Name"],"Parameter|Value":["Värde"],"New Global Parameter":["Ny Global Parameter"],"Compute profile":["Beräkningsprofil"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Redigera beräkningsprofil på %s"],"New compute profile on %s":["Ny beräkningsprofil på %s"],"Edit Compute profile":["Redigera Beräkningsprofil"],"New Compute Profile":["Ny Beräkningsprofil"],"Rename":["Döp om"],"New Compute profile":["Ny Beräkningsprofil"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Beräkningsprofil: %s"],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":["Klicka på länken för en beräkningsresurs för att redigera dess standardattribut för VMs."],"Compute Resource":["Beräkningsresurs"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM-Attribut (%s)"],"unspecified":["ospecificerad"],"Choose a provider":["Välj en leverantör"],"Access Key":["Access Key"],"Secret Key":["Hemlig Nyckel"],"Region":["Region"],"Load Regions":["Ladda Regioner"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Client Email":["Klientens E-postadress"],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Sökvägen till p12-filen"],"Certificate path":["Certifikatssökväg"],"Zone":["Zon"],"Load zones":["Ladda zoner"],"e.g. qemu://":["t.ex. qemu://"],"Display type":["Visningstyp"],"Console passwords":["Konsollösenord"],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Sätt ett slumpgenererat lösenord för skärmanslutningen"],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":["t.ex. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens"],"Tenant":["Innehavare"],"Load Tenants":["Ladda Innehavare"],"Allow external network as main network":[""],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. admin@internal":["t.ex. admin@internal"],"Datacenter":["Datacenter"],"Load Datacenters":["Ladda Datacenter"],"Quota ID":["Kvot ID"],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":[""],"e.g.":["t.e.x."],"API Key":["API Key"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Server"],"Fingerprint":["Fingeravtryck"],"New Compute Resource":["Ny Beräkningsresurs"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Namn"],"New compute resource":["Ny beräkningsresurs"],"Associate VMs":["Associera VMs"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Associera VMs till Foreman värdar"],"Virtual Machines":["Virtuella Maskiner"],"Images":["Avbildningar"],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Laddar information för virtuella maskiner ..."],"New Image":["Ny Avbildning"],"Loading images information ...":[""],"VM Attributes":["VM-Attribut"],"URL":["URL"],"Enabled":["Aktiverad"],"Disabled":["Inaktiverad"],"There was an error listing VMs: %s":["Fel vid listning av VMs: %s"],"Network interfaces":["Nätverkskort"],"Add Interface":["Lägg till nätverksgränssnitt"],"add new network interface":["lägg till nytt närtverkskort"],"No networks found.":[""],"remove storage volume":[""],"Storage":["Lagring"],"add new storage volume":["lägg till ny lagringsvolym"],"Add Volume":["Lägg till Volym"],"Flavor":["Variant"],"Please select an image":["Vänligen välj en avbildning"],"Availability zone":["Tillgänglighetszon"],"No preference":["Ingen preferens"],"EC2":["EC2"],"Subnet":["Subnät"],"Security groups":["Säkerhetsgrupper"],"Public":["Publik"],"Private":["Privat"],"Managed IP":["Managerad IP"],"Machine type":["Maskintyp"],"Network":["Nätverk"],"External IP":["Extern IP"],"Size (GB)":["Storlek (GB)"],"CPUs":["CPUer"],"Memory":["Minne"],"Start":["Start"],"Power ON this machine":["Starta denna maskin"],"Image to use":[""],"Network type":["Nätvärkstyp"],"No networks":["Inga nät"],"No bridges":["Inga bryggor"],"Your libvirt host does not support interface listing, please enter here the bridge name (e.g. br0)":[""],"NIC type":["NIC-typ"],"Storage pool":["Lagringspool"],"Security group":["Säkerhetsgrupp"],"Internal network":[""],"Floating IP network":["Flytande IP-nät"],"Create new boot volume from image":[""],"Boot from volume":[""],"Defaults to image size if left blank":[""],"New boot volume size (GB)":[""],"Cluster":["Kluster"],"Select template":["Välj mall"],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":[""],"Template":["Mall"],"Cores":["Kärnor"],"Storage domain":["Lagringsdomän"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Preallocate disk":[""],"Bootable":["Startbar"],"Only one volume can be bootable":["Bara en volym kan vara startbar"],"Please Select an Image":["Vänligen välj en avbildning"],"Cores per socket":[""],"Memory (MB)":["Minne (MB)"],"Please select a cluster":[""],"Folder":["Katalog"],"Guest OS":[""],"SCSI controller":[""],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Memory hot add":[""],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":[""],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":[""],"CPU hot add":[""],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":[""],"Datastore Cluster":[""],"Data store":["Datalager"],"Thin provision":["Thin provision"],"Eager zero":[""],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Virtuell Maskiner på %s"],"State":["Tillstånd"],"Power":["Kraft"],"New Virtual Machine":["Ny Virtuell Maskin"],"Create":[""],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Associera VMen till en Foreman värd"],"Associate VM":["Associera VM"],"Properties":["Egenskaper"],"Machine Type":["Maskintyp"],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(er)"],"UUID":["UUID"],"Allocated":["Tilldelad"],"Display":["Visa"],"NIC":["NIC"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":[""],"Path":[""],"Running on":["Körs på"],"using %s":["använder %s"],"included already from parent":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Edit Config group":[""],"New Config Group":[""],"Puppet classes":["Puppetklasser"],"New Config group":[""],"Host":["Värd"],"Last report":["Senaste rapport"],"Restart<br>Failures":["Omstart<br>Fel"],"Delete report for %s?":["Radera rapport för %s"],"Report Metrics":["Rapportstatistik"],"Report Status":["Rapportstatus"],"Number of Events":["Antal Event"],"Total":["Total(t)"],"Level":["Nivå"],"Resource":["Resurs"],"message":["meddelande"],"Nothing to show":["Inget att visa"],"Reported at %s ":["Rapporterades vid %s"],"Host times seems to be adrift!":["Värdtider verkar vara på drift!"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["Värdens rapporterade tid är <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foremans rapporskapningstid är <em>%s</em>"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Vilket är en offset av <b>%s</b>"],"Other reports for this host":["Andra rapporter för denna värd"],"Diff View":["Skillnadsvy"],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":[""],"setting up reporting":["sätter upp rapportering"],"and":["och"],"e-mail reporting":["e-postrapportering"],"Run distribution in the last %s minute":["Kör distribution den senaste %s minuten","Kör distribution de senaste %s minuterna"],"Latest Events":["Senaste Händelserna"],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Inga intressanta rapporter togs emot den senaste veckan"],"Host Configuration Chart":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Värdar som hade genomförda ändringar utan fel"],"Hosts in error state":["Värdar med felaktigt tillstånd"],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Bra värdrapporter senaste %s"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Värdar som hade kommande ändringar"],"Out of sync hosts":[""],"Hosts with no reports":["Värdar som saknar rapporter"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Värdar med inaktiverade larm"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Totalt antal Värdar: %s"],"Overview":["Överblick"],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Parameters":["Parametrar"],"Full name describing the domain":["Fullständigt namn som beskriver domänen"],"DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR records are managed via Subnet DNS proxy":[""],"DNS Proxy":["DNS Proxy"],"Edit Domain":["Redigera Domän"],"New Domain":["Ny Domän"],"Domain|Fullname":["Fullständigt namn"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are or the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"Input":[""],"Diff":[""],"Preview":["Förhandsgranska"],"Syntax Highlighting":[""],"Key Binding":["Tangentbordsbindningar"],"Edit Environment":["Redigera Miljö"],"Puppet Environments":["Puppet Miljöer"],"Environment|Name":["Namn"],"New Environment":["Ny Miljö"],"Puppet environments":["Puppetmiljöer"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments.":["Om du plannerar att använda Foreman som en extern nodklassifierare, \\\"ENC\\\", behöver du mata in information om en eller fler miljöer."],"This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing puppet configuration by the use of the":["Denna information är vanligen importerad från en existerande puppetkonfiguration med hjälp av"],"Puppet classes and environment importer":["Puppet klass och miljöimporterare"],"Environments may be manually created and only require the name of the environment to be declared.":["Miljöer kan manuellt skapas och kräver bara att namnet på miljön deklareras"],"New Puppet environment":[""],"Show %{host} facts":[""],"Show all %{name} facts where they are equal to %{value}":["Visa alla %{name} fakta där dom är lika med %{value}"],"Show distribution chart":["Visa distributionskarta"],"Fact Values":["Faktavärden"],"FactValue|Value":["Värde"],"Reported at":["Rapporterades vid"],"Fact values":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"%s Distribution":["%s Distribution"],"Selected role":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"Permission":[""],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":[""],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type":[""],"Edit Filter":[""],"Filters for role %s":[""],"Filters":["Filter"],"New filter":[""],"Role":["Roll"],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"none":[""],"Delete filter?":[""],"New Filter":[""],"Manage Locations":["Hantera Lokationer"],"Manage Organizations":["Hantera Organisationer"],"Hostname":[""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Disabled</p>":["",""],"No logs to show":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"None!":[""],"Last Report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"For more information":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"IP":["IP"],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Hostname:":[""],"IP:":[""],"View in Foreman:":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hostgroup":["Värdgrupp"],"Puppet Classes":["Puppet Klasser"],"Parent":["Förälder"],"Password must be 8 characters or more":[""],"Puppet class parameters":[""],"Parent parameters":[""],"Host group parameters":["Värdgruppsparametrar"],"Host Groups":["Värdgrupper"],"New Host Group":["Ny Värdgrupp"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Namn"],"Hosts including sub-groups":[""],"Nest":["Nästla"],"Host group configuration":["Värdgruppskonfiguration"],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["En värdgrupp är på vissa sätt lik en ärvd noddeklaration, en högnivå gruppering av klasser som kan namnas och hanteras som en enhet. Detta hanteras som en mall och är valbar under skapandet av en ny värd vilket säkerställer att värden är konfigurerad enligt ett av dina fördefinierade tillstånd."],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Utöver möjligheten att definiera vilka puppetklasser som blir inkluderade vid byggandet av denna värd, kan du även tilldela variabler och provisioneringsinformation till en värdgrupp för att i mer detalj kunna styra beteendet över puppet."],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Värdgruppens klasser och variabler är inkluderade i den externa nodinformationen när puppetmästaren kompilerar värdens konfiguration."],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Det finns två strategier vid användande av värdgrupper."],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Du kan skapa puppetklasser som representerar högnivå värdkonfigurationer, t.ex., en <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>klass, som inkluderar all funktionalitet från andra moduler, alternativt skapar du en värdgrupp <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> och adderar de klasser som krävs till värdgruppen."],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Dessa två alternativ är personliga val och är upp till dig ( där den huvudsakliga skillnaden är parameter/variabel inställningar )."],"Select Hosts":["Välj Värdar"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Tilldela Valda Värdar"],"Create %s":["Skapa %s"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> markerad/e"],"Assign to %s":["Tilldela till %s"],"Chassis":["Chassi"],"Boot device":["Startenhet"],"Netmask":["Nätmask"],"MAC":["MAC"],"Gateway":["Nätsluss"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":[""],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' finns inte på '%{resource}'"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' kan vara raderad eller så svarar inte '%{resource}'."],"Failed connecting to %s":["Misslyckades att ansluta till %s"],"Errors: %s":["Fel: %s"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":[""],"Conflicts have been detected":["Konflikter har hittats"],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Följande värden var i konflikt med vad Foreman ville applicera."],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["Granska noggrant, om du är säker på att dom skall tas bort, klicka på skriv över."],"ACK":["ACK"],"DHCP lease conflicts have been detected":[""],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":[""],"Interfaces":[""],"Virtual Machine":["Virtuell Maskin"],"Additional Information":["Ytterliggare information:"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"Bare Metal":["Bare Metal"],"Deploy on":["Installera på"],"Host parameters":[""],"Owned By":["Ägd Av"],"select an owner":["välj en ägare"],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inkludera denna värd inom Foremanrapportering"],"Hardware Model":["Hårdvarumodell"],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Identifier":[""],"MAC address":[""],"IP address":[""],"FQDN":[""],"Ok":[""],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["poster markerade. Avmarkera för att rensa"],"Select all items in this page":["Markera alla valbara på denna sida"],"Please Confirm":["Vänligen bekräfta"],"Provisioning Method":["Provisioneringsmetod"],"Resolve":["Slå upp"],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Visa mallar som används för att provisionera denna värd"],"in Progress":[""],"in progress":[""],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Time in Seconds":["Tid i sekunder"],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Rätta %s vid matchningsfel"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Misslyckas vid matchningsfel"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Tilldela Värdar till %s"],"Clone Host %s":["Klona Värd %s"],"Generated %s ago":["Genererad %s dagar sedan"],"Back to host":["Tillbaka till värd"],"Console output may be out of date":["Konsolutdatan kan vara föråldrad"],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":["Ctrl-Alt-Del"],"Troubleshooting":[""],"Open Spice in a new window":["Öppna Spice i ett nytt fönster"],"New window":["Nytt fönster"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["Ansluter (okrypterat) till: %s"],"Password:":[""],"Canvas not supported.":["Canvas stöds inte."],"Manage host":["Managera värd"],"Unmanage host":["Sluta managera värd"],"Disassociate host":[""],"Provision":["Provisionera"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["dessa värdar för en byggoperation vid nästa omstart"],"Reboot now":[""],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Detta kan dröja då alla värdar, fakta och rapporter också kommer bli förstörda"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Inaktivera Notifieringar"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":[""],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Aktivera larm för valda värdar"],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Förlåt, dessa värdar har inga parametrar tilldelade till sig, du måste lägga till det först."],"Run Puppet on the following hosts":["Kör Puppet på följande värdar"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Aktivera denna värd för provisionering"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Den text (eller ERB mall) som du anger här kommer användas som OS disklayout. Om du vill använda alternativet partitionstabell, radera all text från detta fält."],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Lista på värdar som svarar under den tillhandahållna frågan."],"Rebuild orchestration configuration":[""],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"Check again":[""],"Edit Host":[""],"Select environment":["Välj miljö"],"*Clear environment*":["*Rensa miljö*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Ärv från värdgrupp*"],"Select host group":["Välj värdgrupp"],"*Clear host group*":["*Rensa värdgrupp*"],"Select Location":["Välj Lokation"],"Select Organization":["Välj Organisation"],"Select desired state":[""],"Metrics":["Mätvärden"],"VM":["VM"],"NICs":[""],"Loading host information ...":[""],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Ingen puppetaktivitet för denna värden de senaste %s dagarna"],"Loading template information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":[""],"Loading NICs information ...":[""],"Loading BMC information ...":["Laddar BMC-information ..."],"Loading runtime information ...":[""],"Resources":["Resurser"],"Loading resources information ...":[""],"Review build status for %s":[""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"Please wait while your request is being processed":[""],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Alla Puppetklasser för %s"],"Class":[""],"The following hosts were updated":["Följande värdar uppdaterades"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Följande parametrar skippades eftersom dom inte existerar på denna värd:"],"Back to host list":["Tillbaks till värdlista"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["Användaren som används för att ssha till instansen, normalt cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Stödjer denna bild användardata (såsom via cloud-init)?"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(frivillig) IAM-roll för Fog att använda när avbilden skapas."],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":[""],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":[""],"Image path":[""],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":[""],"Image|Name":["Namn"],"Image|Username":["Användarnamn"],"Image|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Image|User data":["Användardata"],"Destroy":["Förstör"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Du använder en webbläsare som inte stöds"],"You must create a location before continuing":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed.":["Lokationer används för att managera och särskilja på den fysiska placeringen på system som hanteras via Foreman."],"For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":[""],"organizations":["organisationer"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"New location":[""],"Variable":["Variabel"],"Remove %s?":["Radera %s?"],"Parameter details":[""],"Default behavior":[""],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":[""],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Value to use when there is no match.":[""],"Hidden value":[""],"Hide all values for this parameter.":[""],"Optional input validator":[""],"Note":[""],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Om vald, kommer ett fel att flaggas om det inte finns något standardvärde och ingen matchare tillhandahåller ett värde."],"Prioritize attribute order":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Ordningen i vilken matchnycklar är behandlad är, första träff vinner. <br>Du kan använda multipla attribut som matchnycklar, t.ex. en ordning som <code>värdgrupp, miljö</code> skulle anta en matchare som <code> värdgrupp =\\\"webbservrar\\\", miljö=\\\"produktion\\\"</code>"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":[""],"The order in which values are resolved.":[""],"Order":["Order"],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that use Puppet default.":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":[""],"Specify matchers":[""],"Attribute type":[""],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":[""],"Explain matchers":[""],"Add Matcher":[""],"add a new matcher":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The NFS path to the media.":["NFS-sökvägen till mediet"],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["NFS-sökvägen till kontrollfiler för jumpstart"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["NFS-sökvägen till avbildningsbiblioteket."],"Choose a family":["Välj en familj"],"Operating system family":[""],"Edit Medium":["Redigera Medium"],"Installation Media":["Installationsmedia"],"New Medium":["Nytt Medium"],"Medium|Name":["Namn"],"Medium|Path":["Sökväg"],"Medium|Os family":["Osfamilj"],"New installation medium":["Nytt installationsmedium"],"Installation medium configuration":["Inställningar för installationsmedia"],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Nyckelorden <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> och <b>$minor</b> kommer att expanderas och läggas med i sökvägen för att räkna ut den korrekta URL adressen."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Du kan även associera ett eller flera operativsystem med detta medium alternativt sätter du upp detta senare via sidan %s."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Typ av CPU för denna maskin. Detta används primärt av Sparc Solaris och kan lämnas tomt för andra arkitekturer. Värdet kan hämtas från ett Solaris OS via uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Typen av maskin så som rapporterad av Open Boot Prom. Detta används primärt av versioner av Sparc Solaris och kan lämnas blank för andra arkitekturer. Värdet kan hämtas från ett Solaris OS via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Generellt användbar beskrivning, till exempel, denna typ av hårdvara behöver en speciellt BIOS-inställning"],"Edit Model":["Redigera Modell"],"Hardware Models":["Hårdvarumodeller"],"New Model":["Ny Modell"],"Model|Name":["Namn"],"Vendor class":["Leverantörsklass"],"Model|Hardware model":["Hårdvarumodell"],"Device identifier":[""],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":[""],"DNS name":["DNS namn"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":[""],"No domains":["Inga domäner"],"Suggest new":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have a DHCP-enabled Smart Proxy on the subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":["En IP-adress kommer att föreslås om du har en DHCP-aktiverad Smart Proxy på subnätet som är valt.<br/><br/>IP-adressen kan lämnas blank när:<br/><ul><li>provisioneringsbevis är aktiverat</li><li>domänen hanterar inte DNS</li><li>subnätet hanterar inte reversibel DNS</li><li>och subnätet hanterar inte DHCP-reservationer</li></ul>"],"IP address auto-suggest":["Automatiskt föreslå IP-adress"],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":[""],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":[""],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["OS-namn från facter; t.e.x. RedHat"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["OS stor version från facter; t.e.x. 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["OS mindre version från facter; t.e.x. 5"],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":[""],"Family":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["t.ex. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc"],"Root password hash":[""],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":[""],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["Var vänlig och spara Operativsystemet först, försök sedan igen."],"No templates found!":["Inga mallar hittade!"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"Edit Operating System":["Redigera Operativsystem"],"New Operating system":["Nytt Operativsystem"],"Operatingsystem|Title":[""],"New Operating System":["Nytt Operativsystem"],"You must create an organization before continuing":[""],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management.":["Organisationssystemet erbjuder ett sätt att gruppera resurser för enklare hantering."],"Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["Organisationer är särskilt användbara för Foremaninstallationer där flera kunder eller affärsenheter hanteras av samma Foreman installation."],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":[""],"locations":["lokationer"],"New organization":[""],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Korrekt värdgrupp och miljökombinationer"],"Add combination":["Lägg till kombination"],"Association":["Association"],"Snippet":["Remsa"],"Applicable<br>Operating Systems":["Tillämpliga<br>Operativsystem"],"Template diff":["Mallskillnad"],"Edit Template":["Redigera Mall"],"Provisioning Templates":["Provisioneringsmallar"],"New Template":["Ny Mall"],"Build PXE Default":["Bygg PXE Default"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":[""],"Host group / Environment":["Värdgrupp / Miljö"],"Kind":["Variant"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"Edit Partition Table":["Redigera Partitionstabell"],"Partition Tables":["Partitiontabell"],"New Partition Table":["Ny Partitionstabell"],"Ptable|Name":["Namn"],"Ptable|Os family":["OSfamilj"],"Ptable|Snippet":[""],"Ptable|Locked":[""],"Partition table configuration":["Partitiontabellskonfiguration"],"A partition table entry represents either":["En partitionstabellpost representerar antingen"],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["En uttrycklig layout för partitionerna på din hårddisk(ar). T.ex."],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Ett skript för att dynamiskt beräkna önskade storlekar. T.ex."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Det dynamiska partitionsschemat är för närvarande enbart tillgängligt för operativsystem tillhörande redhat familjen. Andra operativsystem måste tillhandahålla en explicit lista med partitioner och storlekar."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Du kan även associera ett eller flera operativsystem med denna partitionstabell alternativt sätter du upp detta senare via sidan %s."],"CA certificate expiry date":[""],"Filter by state:":[""],"Valid from":["Giltig från"],"Expires":["Utgår"],"Sign":["Signera"],"Revoke":[""],"Edit Smart class parameters":[""],"Parameter":["Parameter"],"Puppetclass":["Puppetklass"],"Number of overrides":[""],"Included Classes":["Inkluderade Klasser"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Inte auktoriserad att redigera klasser"],"Available Classes":["Tillgängliga Klasser"],"Filter classes":["Filterklasser"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Smart Klassparameter"],"Smart Variables":["Smarta Variabler"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Denna Puppetklassen har inga parametrar i sin signatur."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["För att uppdatera klasssignaturen, gå till Puppetklasser sidan och välj \\\"Importera\\\"."],"Undo remove":["Ångra radering"],"Filter by name":[""],"All environments - (not filtered)":[""],"Add Variable":["Lägg till Variabel"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Redigera Puppetklass %s"],"Puppetclass|Name":["Namn"],"Environments and documentation":["Miljöer och dokumentation"],"Variables":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Override all parameters":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"Set parameters to defaults":[""],"Oops":["Hoppsan"],"Either you didnt generate the puppetdocs (see <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) or the class <strong>%{name}</strong> could not be found in environment <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/> Please ensure that the class <strong>%{name}</strong>s declaration is accessible via the modulepath associated with <strong>%{environment}</strong>.":["Antingen så är inte puppetdokumentationen genererad ( se <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) eller så kunde inte klassen <strong>%{name}</strong> hittas i miljön <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/>. Säkerställ att klassen <strong>%{name}</strong>s deklaration är nåbar via modulsökvägen som är associerad med <strong>%{environment}</strong>."],"Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Realm type":[""],"Realm proxy":[""],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":[""],"Edit Realm":[""],"New Realm":[""],"Realm|Name":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":[""],"Loading filters ...":[""],"Edit Roles":["Redigera Roller"],"New role":["Ny roll"],"Role|Name":["Namn"],"Add filter":[""],"New Role":["Ny Roll"],"Setting|Name":["Namn"],"Setting|Value":["Värde"],"Setting|Description":["Beskrivning"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Edit Proxy":["Redigera Proxy"],"New Smart Proxy":["Ny Smart Proxy"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Namn"],"SmartProxy|Url":["Url"],"%s log message":["",""],"%s error message":["",""],"%s warning message":["",""],"Filter by level:":[""],"Log entry details":[""],"Local time":[""],"GMT time":[""],"Message":["Meddelande"],"Backtrace":[""],"%s active feature":["",""],"Failed features: %s":["",""],"New Proxy":["Ny Proxy"],"Data not available for %s":[""],"General":[""],"Hosts managed:":[""],"Certficates":[""],"Number of classes":[""],"No environments found":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"TFTP server":[""],"Smart Proxy: %s":[""],"Services":[""],"Communication status":[""],"Active Features":[""],"Failed Features":[""],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["Valfritt: Nätsluss för detta subnet"],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["Valfritt: Primär DNS för detta subnät"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["Valfritt: Sekundär DNS för detta subnät"],"IPAM":[""],"IP Address Management":[""],"You can select one of three possible IPAM modes:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP</li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode</li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion</li></ul>":[""],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Valfritt: Första IPAdress för automatiska förslag"],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Valfritt: Sista IPAdress för automatiska förslag"],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["Valfritt: VLANID för detta subnät"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet":[""],"Proxies":["Proxies"],"DHCP Proxy":["DHCP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP Proxy"],"DNS Proxy to use within this subnet for managing PTR records, note that A records are managed via Domain DNS proxy":[""],"Reverse DNS Proxy":[""],"Edit Subnet":["Redigera Subnät"],"The following subnets have been found":["Följande subnät har hittats"],"New Subnet":["Nytt Subnät"],"Subnet|Name":["Namn"],"Subnet|Network":["Nätverk"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Vlanid"],"Select organizations":["Välj organisationer"],"Select locations":["Välj lokationer"],"Location parameters":[""],"Organization parameters":[""],"Default on login":[""],"Edit Properties":["Redigera Egenskaper"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Tilldelning av värdar till %{taxonomy_name} kommer även uppdatera %{taxonomy_name} till att inkludera resurserna som valda värdar för närvarande använder."],"Assign All":["Tilldela Alla"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Tilldela %{count} värden som saknar %{taxonomy_single} till %{taxonomy_name}","Tilldela alla %{count} värdar som saknar %{taxonomy_single} till %{taxonomy_name}"],"Manually Assign":["Tilldela Manuellt"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Välj manuellt och tilldela värdar utan %s"],"Proceed to Edit":["Gå vidare till redigering"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Hoppa över tilldelning värdar och fortsätt att redigera %s inställningar"],"Clone %s":["Klona %s"],"Fix Mismatches":["Rätta matchningsfel"],"Mismatches Report":["Rapport för matchningsfel"],"There is":["Det finns","Det finns"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} värd utan %{taxonomy_single} tilldelad","%{count} värdar utan %{taxonomy_single} tilldelade"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Namn"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":["Välj värdar att tilldela till %s"],"Mismatches":["Matchningsfel"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Rätta alla matchningsfel"],"Location/Organization":["Lokation/Organisation"],"Mismatch Details":["Detaljer för matchningsfel"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["Inga värdar har matchningsfel"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Alla värdars data matchar konfigurationer för platser och organisationer."],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"recreate":[""],"Template editor":["Malleditor"],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["Väljs en fil åsidosätts redigeraren och filen laddas istället"],"Audit Comment":["Revisionskommentar"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Fältet för Granskningskommentar sparas tillsammas med mallen för att dokumentera ändringar i mallen"],"Revert":["Återgå"],"Show Diff":["Visa Skillnad"],"No history found":["Ingen historik hittad"],"Save something and try again":["Spara något och försök igen"],"Trends for %s":["Trend för %s"],"No data for this trend.":[""],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":[""],"Please Select":["Vänligen välj"],"Show Host":["Visa Värd"],"Edit Trend %s":["Redigera Trend %s"],"Fact Name":["Faktanamn"],"Display Name":["Visningsnamn"],"Add Trend Counter":["Lägg till Trendräknare"],"No trend counter defined":[""],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"No trend counter found":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"Action":["Åtgärd"],"Show Trends":["Visa Trender"],"Delete all the trend history for %s?":["Radera all trendhistorik för %s"],"Last updated %s ago":["Senast uppdaterade %s sedan"],"New Trend":["Ny Trend"],"Number of Hosts":["Antal Värdar"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Username":["Användarnamn"],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":[""],"External user group":[""],"User group":[""],"External groups":[""],"User Groups":["Användargrupper"],"Usergroup|Name":["Namn"],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Synchronize group from authentication source":[""],"Show linked external user groups":[""],"Add external user group":[""],"link external user group with this user group":[""],"Edit User group":["Redigera Användargrupp"],"New User group":["Ny Användargrupp"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":[""],"Email Preferences":[""],"Language":[""],"Browser locale":["Webbläsarens språkinställning"],"Browser timezone":[""],"Authorized by":["Godkänd av"],"Password":["Lösenord"],"Verify":["Verifiera"],"Test email":[""],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":[""],"Notifications":["Notifieringar"],"Subscribe":[""],"No emails":[""],"Edit User":["Redigera Användare"],"Logout":["Logga ut"],"Click to log in again.":["Klicka för att logga in igen."],"Version %{version}":["Version %{version}"],"New User":["Ny Användare"],"User|Login":["Login"],"User|Firstname":["Förnamn"],"User|Lastname":["Efternamn"],"User|Mail":["Epost"],"User|Admin":["Admin"],"User|Last login on":["Sista inloggning "],"Login":["Login"],"Please wait...":["Var vänlig och vänta"],"Edit Smart Variable":["Redigera Smart Variabel"],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} används av %{what}"],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"Adding would cause a cycle!":[""],"locale_name":["locale_name"],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to set DHCP 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Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} matchar inte en existerande värd"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} matchar inte en existerande värdgrupp"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} ändrades från %{label1} till %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} används av %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} uppgiften misslyckades med följande fel: %{e}"],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} tillhör inte %{os} operativsystem"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} är inte en korrekt kontroller"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} är inte en av %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} är nu %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' kan vara raderad eller så svarar inte '%{resource}'."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' finns inte på '%{resource}'"],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(frivillig) IAM-roll för Fog att använda när avbilden skapas."],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":["*Rensa miljö*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Rensa värdgrupp*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Ärv från värdgrupp*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> markerad/e"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>En lista över tillåtna värden i regelfältet Validator</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validerar inmatningen med det reguljära uttrycket i regelfältet Validator.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Allt tolkas som en sträng.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Allmän representation av booleska värden accepteras.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Endast heltal. Kan vara negativa.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Acceptera all numerisk indata.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>Giltig JSON- eller YAML-indata som måste evaluera till en array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Giltig JSON- eller YAML-indata som måste evaluera till object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>All giltig YAML-indata.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>All giltig JSON-indata.</dd></dl>"],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["En värdgrupp är på vissa sätt lik en ärvd noddeklaration, en högnivå gruppering av klasser som kan namnas och hanteras som en enhet. Detta hanteras som en mall och är valbar under skapandet av en ny värd vilket säkerställer att värden är konfigurerad enligt ett av dina fördefinierade tillstånd."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":["En partitionstabellpost representerar antingen"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Ett problem uppstod vid detektion av värdtyp: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Ett skript för att dynamiskt beräkna önskade storlekar. 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E.G.":["En uttrycklig layout för partitionerna på din hårddisk(ar). T.ex."],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"Any Context":["Alla Sammanhang"],"Any Location":["Alla Platser"],"Any Organization":["Alla Organisationer"],"Applicable<br>Operating Systems":["Tillämpliga<br>Operativsystem"],"Applied":["Tillämpad"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Arkitektur"],"Architecture Distribution":["Aktitektur-distribution"],"Architecture ID":[""],"Architectures":["Arkitekturer"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Namn"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Är du säker att du vill %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Är du säker på att du vill starta/stänga %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure?":["Är du säker?"],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":[""],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":[""],"Assign All":["Tilldela Alla"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Tilldela Värdar till %s"],"Assign Location":["Tilldela Plats"],"Assign Organization":["Tilldela Organisation"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Tilldela Valda Värdar"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Tilldela %{count} värden som saknar %{taxonomy_single} till %{taxonomy_name}","Tilldela alla %{count} värdar som saknar %{taxonomy_single} till %{taxonomy_name}"],"Assign to %s":["Tilldela till %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Tilldelning av värdar till %{taxonomy_name} kommer även uppdatera %{taxonomy_name} till att inkludera resurserna som valda värdar för närvarande använder."],"Associate VM":["Associera VM"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Associera VMen till en Foreman värd"],"Associate VMs":["Associera VMs"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Associera VMs till Foreman värdar"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":[""],"Association":["Association"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Försöker att konstruera ett filnamn för operativsystemavbild men %s kan inte byggas från en avbild"],"Attribute mappings":["Attributmappning"],"Attribute type":[""],"Audit Comment":["Revisionskommentar"],"Audit summary":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Åtgärd"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Associerat namn"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Associerad typ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Granskningsbart namn"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Granskningsbar typ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Granskade ändringar"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Kommentar"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Fjärradress"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["Användartyp"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Användarnamn"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Version"],"Audits":["Revisioner"],"Auth source":["Autentiseringskälla"],"AuthSource|Account":["Konto"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Kontolösenord"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["Attr förnamn"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["Attr efternamn"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["Attr inloggning"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["Attr mail"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":[""],"AuthSource|Base dn":["Base dn"],"AuthSource|Groups base":[""],"AuthSource|Host":["Värdnamn"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":[""],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["Ldapfilter"],"AuthSource|Name":["Namn"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Ögonblicksregistrera"],"AuthSource|Port":["Port"],"AuthSource|Server type":[""],"AuthSource|Tls":["Tls"],"Author":["Författare"],"Authorize login delegation":[""],"Authorize login delegation API":[""],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Delegera login till REMOTE_USER miljövariabel"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Delegera login till REMOTE_USER miljövariabel även för API-anrop"],"Authorized by":["Godkänd av"],"Auto refresh off":[""],"Auto refresh on":[""],"Autosign":["Autosignatur"],"Autosign entries":[""],"Availability zone":["Tillgänglighetszon"],"Available Classes":["Tillgängliga Klasser"],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Available Providers":["Tillgänliga Leverantörer"],"Average memory usage":["Genomsnittlig minnesanvändning"],"Average swap usage":["Genomsnittlig växlingsanvändning"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":[""],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"Back":["Tillbaka"],"Back to host":["Tillbaka till värd"],"Back to host list":["Tillbaks till värdlista"],"Backtrace":[""],"Bare Metal":["Bare Metal"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Innan du börjar använda Foreman bör du mata in information om en eller fler arkitekturer"],"Bond":[""],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Bookmark":["Bokmärke"],"Bookmark this search":["Bokmärk denna sökning"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["Bokmärke har skapats."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["Bokmärke har uppdaterats."],"Bookmarks":["Bokmärken"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":[""],"Bookmark|Controller":["Kontroller"],"Bookmark|Name":["Namn"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Ägartyp"],"Bookmark|Public":["Publik"],"Bookmark|Query":["Fråga"],"Boot device":["Startenhet"],"Boot from volume":[""],"Boot host from specified device":[""],"Bootable":["Startbar"],"Bridge":[""],"Browse host config management reports":[""],"Browse host facts":["Bläddra värdfakta"],"Browser locale":["Webbläsarens språkinställning"],"Browser timezone":[""],"Build":["Bygg"],"Build Hosts":["Bygg Värdar"],"Build PXE Default":["Bygg PXE Default"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":[""],"Build from OS image":["Bygg från OS-avbild"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. 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%s":["Konflikt - %s"],"Conflicts have been detected":["Konflikter har hittats"],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["Ansluten (okrypterat) till: %s"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["Ansluter (okrypterat) till: %s"],"Console":["Konsol"],"Console output may be out of date":["Konsolutdatan kan vara föråldrad"],"Console passwords":["Konsollösenord"],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that use Puppet default.":[""],"Continue?":[""],"Cores":["Kärnor"],"Cores per socket":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"PXELinux global default\\\", please create one.":["Kunde inte hitta en Konfigurationsmall med namnet \\\"PXE Default File\\\", vänligen skapa en."],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":[""],"Could not locate CA certificate.":[""],"Create":[""],"Create %s":["Skapa %s"],"Create :a_resource":[""],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":["Skapa DHCP-inställningar för %s"],"Create DNS record for %s":["Skapa DNS-post för %s"],"Create Reverse DNS record for %s":["Skapa baklänges DNS-post för %s"],"Create a Puppet class":[""],"Create a bookmark":[""],"Create a compute attributes set":[""],"Create a compute profile":[""],"Create a compute resource":[""],"Create a config group":[""],"Create a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Create a domain":[""],"Create a filter":[""],"Create a global parameter":[""],"Create a hardware model":[""],"Create a host":[""],"Create a host group":[""],"Create a medium":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Create a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Create a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Create a partition table":[""],"Create a provisioning template":[""],"Create a realm":[""],"Create a report":[""],"Create a role":[""],"Create a smart proxy":[""],"Create a smart variable":[""],"Create a subnet":[""],"Create a user":[""],"Create a user group":[""],"Create an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Create an architecture":[""],"Create an environment":[""],"Create an external user group linked to a user group":[""],"Create an image":[""],"Create an interface on a host":[""],"Create an operating system":[""],"Create an override value for a 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within this subnet":["DNS Proxy att använda inom detta subnät"],"DNS Proxy to use within this subnet for managing PTR records, note that A records are managed via Domain DNS proxy":[""],"DNS conflict timeout":[""],"DNS name":["DNS namn"],"DNS proxy to use within this domain":[""],"DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR records are managed via Subnet DNS proxy":[""],"Daily":[""],"Dashboard":["Instrumentbräda"],"Data not available for %s":[""],"Data store":["Datalager"],"Datacenter":["Datacenter"],"Datastore Cluster":[""],"Default":["Standard"],"Default Puppet environment":[""],"Default Puppet server hostname":["Standard Puppet-server värdnamn"],"Default behavior":[""],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet":[""],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet, valid values are \\\"Static\\\", \\\"DHCP\\\"":[""],"Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts":[""],"Default location":[""],"Default on login":[""],"Default organization":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":[""],"Default value":["Standardvärde"],"Default value of variable":[""],"Default variables lookup path":[""],"Defaults to image size if left blank":[""],"Delete":["Radera"],"Delete %s?":["Radera %s"],"Delete :a_resource":[""],"Delete Hosts":["Radera värd"],"Delete PuppetCA certificates for %s":["Radera PuppetCA certifikat för %s"],"Delete a Puppet class":[""],"Delete a bookmark":[""],"Delete a compute profile":[""],"Delete a compute resource":[""],"Delete a config group":[""],"Delete a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Delete a domain":[""],"Delete a filter":[""],"Delete a global parameter":[""],"Delete a hardware model":[""],"Delete a host":[""],"Delete a host group":[""],"Delete a host's interface":[""],"Delete a medium":[""],"Delete a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Delete a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Delete a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Delete a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Delete a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Delete a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Delete a partition table":[""],"Delete a provisioning template":[""],"Delete a realm":[""],"Delete a report":[""],"Delete a role":[""],"Delete a smart proxy":[""],"Delete a smart variable":[""],"Delete a subnet":[""],"Delete a template combination":[""],"Delete a user":[""],"Delete a user group":[""],"Delete all nested parameter for a location":[""],"Delete all nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Delete all nested parameters for a domain":[""],"Delete all nested parameters for a host":[""],"Delete all nested parameters for a host group":[""],"Delete all nested parameters for an operating system":[""],"Delete all the trend history for 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identifier":[""],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":[""],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":[""],"Diff":[""],"Diff View":["Skillnadsvy"],"Disable Notifications":["Inaktivera notifieringar"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Inaktivera Notifieringar"],"Disabled":["Inaktiverad"],"Disassociate Hosts":[""],"Disassociate host":[""],"Disassociate the host from a VM":[""],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":[""],"Disk":["Hårddisk"],"Display":["Visa"],"Display Name":["Visningsnamn"],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Visa mallar som används för att provisionera denna värd"],"Display type":["Visningstyp"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Visar <b>%{count}</b> post","Visar <b>alla %{count}</b> poster"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Visar poster <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> av totalt <b>%{count}</b>"],"Distribution chart":[""],"Do not send this parameter via the ENC. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Do not send this parameter via the ENC.<br>Puppet will use the value defined in the manifest.":[""],"Do not use your email as your password":["Använd inte din email som ditt lösenord"],"Document root":[""],"Document root where puppetdoc files should be created":["Dokumentrot där puppetdoc filerna kommer att skapas"],"Documentation":["Dokumentation"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Stödjer denna bild användardata (såsom via cloud-init)?"],"Domain":["Domän"],"Domain ID":[""],"Domain IDs":[""],"Domains":["Domäner"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Domäner där detta subnet är med."],"Domain|Fullname":["Fullständigt namn"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":[""],"Domain|Hosts count":[""],"Domain|Name":["Namn"],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":[""],"EC2":["EC2"],"ENC environment":[""],"ERROR or FATAL":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Varje arkitektur kan även vara associerad med mer än ett operativsystem och en lista över alternativ låter dig välja giltiga kombinationer."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Varje värde representerar en hårdvaruarkitektur, oftast <b>x86_64</b> eller <b>i386</b>. Foreman stödjer även OS-familjen Solaris, vilket även inkluderar <b>sparc</b> system"],"Eager zero":[""],"Edit":["Redigera"],"Edit %s":["Redigera %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Redigera arkitektur"],"Edit Bookmark":["Redigera Bokmärke"],"Edit Compute profile":["Redigera Beräkningsprofil"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Beräkningsprofil: %s"],"Edit Config group":[""],"Edit Domain":["Redigera Domän"],"Edit Environment":["Redigera Miljö"],"Edit Filter":[""],"Edit Global Parameter":["Redigera Globala Parametrar"],"Edit Host":[""],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Redigera LDAP Autenticeringskälla"],"Edit Medium":["Redigera Medium"],"Edit Model":["Redigera Modell"],"Edit Operating System":["Redigera Operativsystem"],"Edit Parameters":["Redigera Parametrar"],"Edit Partition Table":["Redigera Partitionstabell"],"Edit Properties":["Redigera Egenskaper"],"Edit Proxy":["Redigera Proxy"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Redigera Puppetklass %s"],"Edit Realm":[""],"Edit Roles":["Redigera Roller"],"Edit Smart Variable":["Redigera Smart Variabel"],"Edit Smart class parameters":[""],"Edit Subnet":["Redigera Subnät"],"Edit Template":["Redigera Mall"],"Edit Trend %s":["Redigera Trend %s"],"Edit User":["Redigera Användare"],"Edit User group":["Redigera Användargrupp"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Redigera beräkningsprofil på %s"],"Edit your host":["Redigera Värd"],"Either you didnt generate the puppetdocs (see <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) or the class <strong>%{name}</strong> could not be found in environment <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/> Please ensure that the class <strong>%{name}</strong>s declaration is accessible via the modulepath associated with <strong>%{environment}</strong>.":["Antingen så är inte puppetdokumentationen genererad ( se <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) eller så kunde inte klassen <strong>%{name}</strong> hittas i miljön <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/>. Säkerställ att klassen <strong>%{name}</strong>s deklaration är nåbar via modulsökvägen som är associerad med <strong>%{environment}</strong>."],"Email Preferences":[""],"Email address is missing":[""],"Email is Required":[""],"Email reply address":[""],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":[""],"Email subject prefix":[""],"Email was sent successfully":[""],"Empty environment":["Tom miljö"],"Enable Notifications":["Aktivera Notifieringar"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Aktivera larm för valda värdar"],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Aktivera certifikatgenerering för %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":[""],"Enable puppetrun support":[""],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Aktivera ombygge vid nästa värdstart"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Aktivera säkert läge för rendering av konfigurationsmall (rekommenderas)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":[""],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Aktivera denna värd för provisionering"],"Enabled":["Aktiverad"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":[""],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["Aktiverat %s för ombyggning vid nästa värdstart"],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"Entries per page":[""],"Environment":["Miljö"],"Environment ID":[""],"Environment IDs":[""],"Environment only":["Enbart miljö"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":[""],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Miljövariabel innehållande subjekt DN från en klients SSL certifikat"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Miljövariabel innehållande verifieringsstatus av en klients SSL certifikat"],"Environments":["Miljöer"],"Environments Distribution":["Miljödistribution"],"Environments and documentation":["Miljöer och dokumentation"],"Environments may be manually created and only require the name of the environment to be declared.":["Miljöer kan manuellt skapas och kräver bara att namnet på miljön deklareras"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":[""],"Environment|Hosts count":[""],"Environment|Name":["Namn"],"Error":["Fel"],"Error - %{message}":[""],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":[""],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":[""],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":[""],"Error generating IP: %s":[""],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["Fel har inträffat under kommunikation med %{cr}: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":[""],"Error loading virtual machine information: %s":["Fel vid laddning av information för virtuell maskin: %s"],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":[""],"Errors":[""],"Errors occurred, build may fail":[""],"Errors only":["Enbart fel"],"Errors: %s":["Fel: %s"],"Examples":[""],"Exit Full Screen":["Lämna Fullskärmsläge"],"Expand nested items":["Expandera nästlade poster"],"Expand the chart":["Expandera kartan"],"Expire logs":[""],"Expires":["Utgår"],"Explain matchers":[""],"External IP":["Extern IP"],"External groups":[""],"External user group":[""],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":[""],"External user group %{name} refreshed":[""],"External user group information":[""],"External user group name":[""],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":[""],"External usergroup":[""],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":[""],"FQDN":[""],"Fact Name":["Faktanamn"],"Fact Values":["Faktavärden"],"Fact distribution chart":[""],"Fact name":["Faktanamn"],"Fact value":["Faktavärde"],"Fact values":[""],"FactName|Ancestry":["Arv"],"FactName|Compose":["Komponera"],"FactName|Name":["Namn"],"FactName|Short name":["Kortnamn"],"FactValue|Value":["Värde"],"Facts":["Fakta"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Misslyckas vid matchningsfel"],"Failed":["Misslyckad"],"Failed Restarts":["Misslyckade Omstarter"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["FR"],"Failed connecting to %s":["Misslyckades att ansluta till %s"],"Failed features":[""],"Failed features: %s":["",""],"Failed restarts":["Misslyckade omstarter"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to cancel pending build for %s":["Misslyckades att avbryta pågående ombyggning för %s"],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Misslyckades med att rensa gamla certifikat eller att lägga till autosigneringsvärdet. 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Terminating the build!":[""],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Misslyckades med att importera %{klass} på grund av att %{name}: inte existerar i vår databas - ignorerar"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Misslyckades med att initiera PuppetCAs proxy: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":[""],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att köra script på %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":[""],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att logga in via SSH på %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Misslyckades att ändra byggcykeln för %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Misslyckades med att genomföra en rollback för %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med starta en beräkningsresurs %{compute_resource}-instans %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":[""],"Failed to redeploy %s.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att radera certifikaten för %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to save widget positions.":[""],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Misslyckades med att ställa in konsol: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":[""],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att stoppa beräkningsresurs %{compute_resource}, instans %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att ångra uppdateringen för beräkningsresurs %{compute_resource}, instans %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att uppdatera beräkningsresurs %{compute_resource}, instans %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":[""],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":[""],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":[""],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":[""],"Failure: %s":[""],"Family":[""],"Feature":["Funktion"],"Features":["Funktioner"],"Feature|Name":["Namn"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Hämta TFTP startfiler för %s"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Filter by level:":[""],"Filter by name":[""],"Filter by state:":[""],"Filter classes":["Filterklasser"],"Filters":["Filter"],"Filters for role %s":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"Filter|Taxonomy search":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Fingerprint":["Fingeravtryck"],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Rätta %s vid matchningsfel"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Rätta alla matchningsfel"],"Fix DB cache":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Fix Mismatches":["Rätta matchningsfel"],"Flavor":["Variant"],"Floating IP network":["Flytande IP-nät"],"Folder":["Katalog"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":[""],"For more information":[""],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":[""],"Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2. If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":[""],"Foreman Developers":["Foremanutvecklare"],"Foreman URL":[""],"Foreman Users":["Foremananvändare"],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman kan använda LDAP för användarinformation och autentisering"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":[""],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":[""],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman hanterar nu byggcykeln för %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman hanterar inte längre byggcykeln för %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foremans rapporskapningstid är <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman biljettsystem"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman kommer skapa värden när en rapport tas emot"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman kommer skapa värden när nya fakta tas emot"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":[""],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":[""],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":[""],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":[""],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman kommer att trunkera värdnamnet till 'puppet' om det startar med puppet"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":[""],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":[""],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":[""],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":[""],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":[""],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":[""],"Full":["Full"],"Full audits list":[""],"Full name describing the domain":["Fullständigt namn som beskriver domänen"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":[""],"Full screen":["Fullskärmsläge"],"Full trace":["Fullständigt spårning"],"Function not available for %s":[""],"GMT time":[""],"Gateway":["Nätsluss"],"General":[""],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Generellt användbar beskrivning, till exempel, denna typ av hårdvara behöver en speciellt BIOS-inställning"],"Generated %s ago":["Genererad %s dagar sedan"],"Generated at %s":["Genererad vid %s"],"Get configuration status of host":[""],"Get dashboard details":[""],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Get statistics":[""],"Get status of host":[""],"Get vm attributes of host":[""],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Globala Parametrar"],"Global parameters":["Globala parametrar"],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Bra värdrapporter senaste %s"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Groups base DN":[""],"Guest OS":[""],"Hardware":["Hårdvara"],"Hardware Model":["Hårdvarumodell"],"Hardware Models":["Hårdvarumodeller"],"Hardware models":["Hårdvarumodeller"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":[""],"Hash of status type totals":[""],"Help":["Hjälp"],"Hidden value":[""],"Hide all values for this parameter.":[""],"Hide this value":[""],"History":["Historik"],"Host":["Värd"],"Host %s is built":[""],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":[""],"Host Architecture":["Värdarkitektur"],"Host Configuration Chart":[""],"Host Configuration Status":["Värdkonfigurationsstatus"],"Host Groups":["Värdgrupper"],"Host audit entries":["Värdgranskningslogg"],"Host config group":[""],"Host details":["Värddetaljer"],"Host group":["Värdgrupp"],"Host group / Environment":["Värdgrupp / Miljö"],"Host group IDs":[""],"Host group and Environment":["Värdgrupp och Miljö"],"Host group configuration":["Värdgruppskonfiguration"],"Host group matchers inheritance":[""],"Host group only":["Enbart värdgrupp"],"Host group parameters":["Värdgruppsparametrar"],"Host groups":["Värdgrupper"],"Host parameters":[""],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["Värdens rapporterade tid är <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seems to be adrift!":["Värdtider verkar vara på drift!"],"Host's network interfaces.":[""],"Host's owner type":[""],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":[""],"Host::Base|Build":["Bygg"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Certifikatnamn"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Kommentar"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Hårddisk"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Aktiverad"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":[""],"Host::Base|Image file":["Avbildningsfil"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Installerad vid"],"Host::Base|Ip":["Ip"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Senaste kompilering"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Senaste uppdateringskoll"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Senaste rapport"],"Host::Base|Mac":["Mac"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Managerad"],"Host::Base|Name":["Namn"],"Host::Base|Otp":[""],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Ägartyp"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":[""],"Host::Base|Provision method":[""],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Puppetstatus"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Rootlösenord"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Serienummer"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Använd avbildning"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["Uuid"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":[""],"Hostgroup":["Värdgrupp"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Förfäder"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":[""],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Avbildningsfil"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Namn"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Rootlösenord"],"Hostgroup|Title":[""],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Använd avbildning"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Vm standardinställningar"],"Hostname":[""],"Hostname or certname":[""],"Hostname:":[""],"Hosts":["Värdar"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":[""],"Hosts in error state":["Värdar med felaktigt tillstånd"],"Hosts including sub-groups":[""],"Hosts managed":[""],"Hosts managed:":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Värdar som hade kommande ändringar"],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Värdar som hade genomförda ändringar utan fel"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Värdar, utöver Smarta Proxies, som är betrodda med åtkomst till fakta/rapportimporterare samt ENC utdata."],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Värdar, vilka inte körde puppet den senaste %s"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Värdar med inaktiverade larm"],"Hosts with errors":["Värdar med fel"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts with no reports":["Värdar som saknar rapporter"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Värdar med inaktiverade notifieringar"],"How values are validated":["Hur värden valideras"],"ID of LDAP authentication source":[""],"ID of Puppet class":[""],"ID of architecture":[""],"ID of compute resource":[""],"ID of config template":[""],"ID of domain":[""],"ID of environment":[""],"ID of host":[""],"ID of host group":[""],"ID of interface":[""],"ID of linked authentication source":[""],"ID of location":[""],"ID of medium":[""],"ID of operating system":[""],"ID of organization":[""],"ID of parameter":[""],"ID of partition table":[""],"ID of provisioning template":[""],"ID of role":[""],"ID of subnet":[""],"ID of template":[""],"ID of user group":[""],"ID or name external user group":[""],"ID or name of domain":[""],"ID or name of external user group":[""],"ID or name of host":[""],"ID or name of interface":[""],"ID or name of subnet":[""],"ID or name of user group":[""],"IDs of associated architectures":[""],"IDs of associated media":[""],"IDs of associated partition tables":[""],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":[""],"INFO or DEBUG":[""],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["IPadress"],"IP Address Management":[""],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":[""],"IP address":[""],"IP address auto-suggest":["Automatiskt föreslå IP-adress"],"IP address of interface":[""],"IP:":[""],"IPAM":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":[""],"Idle timeout":[""],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Om Foreman körs under Passenger eller bakom en lastbalanserare, fyll i IP-adressen här. Syntaxen är ett reguljärt uttryck för att stödja flera lastbalanserare, exempel: (|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Om vald, kommer ett fel att flaggas om det inte finns något standardvärde och ingen matchare tillhandahåller ett värde."],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":[""],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments.":["Om du plannerar att använda Foreman som en extern nodklassifierare, \\\"ENC\\\", behöver du mata in information om en eller fler miljöer."],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Om du tror att detta är ett fel med Foreman, var vänlig öppna en ny bugg med"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":[""],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":[""],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":[""],"Image":["Avbildning"],"Image Based":["Avbildningsbaserad"],"Image ID":["Avbildningsid"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["Avbildsid tillhandahållen från beräkningsresursen, t.ex. ami-.."],"Image path":[""],"Image to use":[""],"Images":["Avbildningar"],"Image|Iam role":["Iamroll"],"Image|Name":["Namn"],"Image|Password":[""],"Image|User data":["Användardata"],"Image|Username":["Användarnamn"],"Image|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Import":["Importera"],"Import from %s":["Importera från %s"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":[""],"Import subnets":["Importera subnät"],"Imported Subnets":["Importerade Subnät"],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Utöver möjligheten att definiera vilka puppetklasser som blir inkluderade vid byggandet av denna värd, kan du även tilldela variabler och provisioneringsinformation till en värdgrupp för att i mer detalj kunna styra beteendet över puppet."],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inkludera denna värd inom Foremanrapportering"],"Included Classes":["Inkluderade Klasser"],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Incorrect username or password":["Felaktigt användarnamn eller lösenord"],"Infrastructure":["Infrastruktur"],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Input":[""],"Installation Media":["Installationsmedia"],"Installation media":["Installationsmedia"],"Installation medium configuration":["Inställningar för installationsmedia"],"Installed":["Installerad"],"Interface":["Gränssnitt"],"Interface is down":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":[""],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":[""],"Interface's DNS name":[""],"Interfaces":[""],"Internal DB":[""],"Internal network":[""],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":[""],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":[""],"Invalid Host":["Felaktig Värd"],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"Invalid authenticity token":[""],"Invalid log level: %s":["Felaktig loggnivå: %s"],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Felaktig strömläges begäran: %{action}, åtgärder som stöds är %{supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":[""],"Invalid query":["Felaktig fråga"],"Invalid report":["Felaktig rapport"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Felaktig sökfråga: %s"],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":[""],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":[""],"Issue tracker":["Problemspårare"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":["Post"],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Key Binding":["Tangentbordsbindningar"],"Key pair":["Nyckelpar"],"KeyPair|Name":["Namn"],"KeyPair|Public":["Publik"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Hemlighet"],"Kind":["Variant"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP Autentisering"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP autentisering"],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":[""],"LDAP filter":["Ldap-filter"],"LDAP server":["LDAP-server"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP-användare får sina konton automatiskt skapade första gången dom loggar in i Foreman"],"Language":[""],"Last Report":[""],"Last report":["Senaste rapport"],"Last updated %s ago":["Senast uppdaterade %s sedan"],"Latest Events":["Senaste Händelserna"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Legacy Puppet hostname":[""],"Level":["Nivå"],"Libvirt default console address":[""],"List all :resource_id":[""],"List all LDAP authentication sources":[""],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":[""],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":[""],"List all Puppet classes":[""],"List all Puppet classes for a host":[""],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":[""],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":[""],"List all architectures":[""],"List all architectures for operating system":[""],"List all audits":[""],"List all audits for a given host":[""],"List all autosign entries":[""],"List all bookmarks":[""],"List all compute resources":[""],"List all environments":[""],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":[""],"List all external user groups for user group":[""],"List all fact values":[""],"List all fact values of a given host":[""],"List all filters":[""],"List all global parameters.":[""],"List all hardware models":[""],"List all host groups":[""],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":[""],"List all host groups per location":[""],"List all 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minutes":["Puppetintervall i minuter"],"Puppet proxy ID":[""],"Puppet server":[""],"Puppetclass":["Puppetklass"],"Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"PuppetclassLookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"PuppetclassLookupKey|Default value":[""],"PuppetclassLookupKey|Description":[""],"PuppetclassLookupKey|Is param":[""],"PuppetclassLookupKey|Key":[""],"PuppetclassLookupKey|Key type":[""],"PuppetclassLookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"PuppetclassLookupKey|Override":[""],"PuppetclassLookupKey|Path":[""],"PuppetclassLookupKey|Required":[""],"PuppetclassLookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"PuppetclassLookupKey|Validator type":[""],"Puppetclass|Global class params count":[""],"Puppetclass|Hostgroups count":[""],"Puppetclass|Hosts count":[""],"Puppetclass|Lookup keys count":[""],"Puppetclass|Name":["Namn"],"Puppetrun":[""],"Query instance details for %s":["Fråga instansdetaljer för %s"],"Query local nameservers":[""],"Quota ID":["Kvot ID"],"REPLACE locations with given ids":[""],"REPLACE organizations with given ids.":[""],"Realm":[""],"Realm ID":[""],"Realm IDs":[""],"Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"Realm proxy":[""],"Realm proxy did not return a one-time password":[""],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":[""],"Realm type":[""],"Realm type, e.g. FreeIPA or Active Directory":[""],"Realms":[""],"Realm|Hostgroups count":[""],"Realm|Hosts count":[""],"Realm|Name":[""],"Realm|Realm type":[""],"Reboot and build":["Starta om och bygg"],"Reboot now":[""],"Rebuild Config":[""],"Rebuild orchestration config":[""],"Rebuild orchestration configuration":[""],"Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)":["Omdirigera dina användare till denna url vid utloggning (authorize_login_delegation måste också vara aktiverad)"],"Refresh":[""],"Refresh external user group":[""],"Refresh smart proxy features":[""],"Region":["Region"],"Remote address":[""],"Remove %s?":["Radera %s?"],"Remove DHCP Settings for %s":["Ta bort DHCP-inställningar för %s"],"Remove DNS record for %s":["Ta bort DNS-post för %s"],"Remove Parameter":["Ta bort Parameter"],"Remove Reverse DNS record for %s":["Ta bort baklänges DNS-post för %s"],"Remove a Puppet class from host":[""],"Remove a Puppet class from host group":[""],"Remove conflicting DNS record for %s":["Ta bort konfliktande DNS-post för %s"],"Remove conflicting Reverse DNS record for %s":["Ta bort konfliktande baklänges DNS-post för %s"],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":[""],"Remove old TFTP Settings for %s":["Ta bort tidigare TFTP-inställningar för %s"],"Remove this override":[""],"Remove:":["Ta bort:"],"Removing compute instance %s":["Tar bort berkningsinstans %s"],"Rename":["Döp om"],"Render user data template for %s":["Rendrera användardatamall för %s"],"Rendering the template, please wait...":[""],"Report":["Rapport"],"Report Already Deleted":["Rapporten är redan raderad"],"Report Metrics":["Rapportstatistik"],"Report Status":["Rapportstatus"],"Report summary":[""],"Reported at":["Rapporterades vid"],"Reported at %s ":["Rapporterades vid %s"],"Reports":["Rapporter"],"Report|Metrics":["Mätvärden"],"Report|Reported at":["Rapporterades vid"],"Report|Status":["Status"],"Require SSL for smart proxies":[""],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b><br/>":[""],"Reset to default":[""],"Reset zoom":["Återställ zoom"],"Resolve":["Slå upp"],"Resource":["Resurs"],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"Resource %{res} not found.":[""],"Resource pool":[""],"Resources":["Resurser"],"Restart<br>Failures":["Omstart<br>Fel"],"Restarted":["Omstartad"],"Restarted|R":["R"],"Restore widgets":[""],"Restrict registered smart proxies":[""],"Resume":["Återuppta"],"Returns string representing a host status of a given type":[""],"Reverse DNS Proxy":[""],"Revert":["Återgå"],"Revert to revision from: %s":["Återgå till revision från: %s"],"Review":["Granska"],"Review build status for %s":[""],"Revoke":[""],"Role":["Roll"],"Role cloned from role %{old_name}":[""],"Role is in use":["Rollen används"],"Roles":["Roller"],"Role|Builtin":["Inbyggd"],"Role|Name":["Namn"],"Role|Permissions":["Rättigheter"],"Root password":[""],"Root password hash":[""],"Root password hash function to use, one of MD5, SHA256, SHA512, Base64":[""],"Root password on provisioned hosts":[""],"Run Puppet":["Kör Puppet"],"Run Puppet on the following hosts":["Kör Puppet på följande värdar"],"Run a power operation on host":[""],"Run distribution in the last %s minute":["Kör distribution den senaste %s minuten","Kör distribution de senaste %s minuterna"],"Run puppet":["Kör puppet"],"Running on":["Körs på"],"Runtime":["Exekveringsmiljö"],"SCSI controller":[""],"SSL CA file":[""],"SSL CA file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["SSL CA-fil som Foreman kommer använda för kommunikation med dess proxies"],"SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies":["Sökväg till SSLcertifikat som Foreman skall använda för att kommunicera med dess proxies"],"SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["Sökvägen till SSL-certifikatets privata nyckel som Foreman skall använda för att kommunicera med dess proxies"],"SSL certificate":[""],"SSL client DN env":[""],"SSL client cert env":[""],"SSL client verify env":[""],"SSL private key":[""],"SafeRender#parse_string was passed a %s instead of a string":["SafeRender#parse_string fick %s som argument istället för en sträng"],"Safemode rendering":[""],"Save":["Spara"],"Save dashboard":[""],"Save something and try again":["Spara något och försök igen"],"Scope by locations":[""],"Scope by organizations":[""],"Search":["Sök"],"Secondary DNS for this subnet":[""],"Secret Key":["Hemlig Nyckel"],"Security group":["Säkerhetsgrupp"],"Security groups":["Säkerhetsgrupper"],"Select Action":["Välj Åtgärd"],"Select All":["Välj Alla"],"Select Hosts":["Välj Värdar"],"Select Location":["Välj Lokation"],"Select Organization":["Välj Organisation"],"Select a period":["Välj en period"],"Select all items in this page":["Markera alla valbara på denna sida"],"Select compute resources":["Välj beräkningsresurser"],"Select desired %s proxy":[""],"Select desired state":[""],"Select domains":["Välj domäner"],"Select environment":["Välj miljö"],"Select environments":["Välj miljöer"],"Select host group":["Välj värdgrupp"],"Select host groups":["Välj värdgrupper"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":["Välj värdar att tilldela till %s"],"Select locations":["Välj lokationer"],"Select media":["Välj media"],"Select organizations":["Välj organisationer"],"Select partition tables":[""],"Select provisioning templates":[""],"Select realms":[""],"Select smart proxies":["Välj smarta proxies"],"Select subnets":["Välj subnät"],"Select template":["Välj mall"],"Select the changes you want to realize in Foreman":["Markera ändringarna som du vill verkställa i Foreman"],"Select this since it belongs to a host":[""],"Select users":["Välj användare"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["Valda värdar är nu tilldelade %s"],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["Vald avbildning tillhör inte %s"],"Selected items":[""],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":[""],"Selected role":[""],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["Väljs en fil åsidosätts redigeraren och filen laddas istället"],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":[""],"Send welcome email":[""],"Server type":[""],"Services":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Sätt ett slumpgenererat lösenord för skärmanslutningen"],"Set parameters to defaults":[""],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":[""],"Set up compute instance %s":["Sätt upp beräkningsinstans %s"],"Setting":["Inställning"],"Settings":["Inställningar"],"Setting|Category":["Kategori"],"Setting|Default":["Standard"],"Setting|Description":["Beskrivning"],"Setting|Name":["Namn"],"Setting|Settings type":["Inställningstyp"],"Setting|Value":["Värde"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":[""],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":[""],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":[""],"Show %{host} facts":[""],"Show :a_resource":[""],"Show Diff":["Visa Skillnad"],"Show Host":["Visa Värd"],"Show Trends":["Visa Trender"],"Show a Puppet class":[""],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":[""],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":[""],"Show a Puppet class for host":[""],"Show a bookmark":[""],"Show a compute profile":[""],"Show a compute resource":[""],"Show a config group":[""],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Show a domain":[""],"Show a filter":[""],"Show a global parameter":[""],"Show a hardware model":[""],"Show a host":[""],"Show a host group":[""],"Show a medium":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Show a partition table":[""],"Show a permission":[""],"Show a realm":[""],"Show a report":[""],"Show a role":[""],"Show a setting":[""],"Show a smart class parameter":[""],"Show a smart proxy":[""],"Show a smart variable":[""],"Show a subnet":[""],"Show a user":[""],"Show a user group":[""],"Show all %s children fact values":["Visa alla %s underliggande faktavärden"],"Show all %s fact values":["Visa alla %s fakta värden"],"Show all %{name} facts where they are equal to %{value}":["Visa alla %{name} fakta där dom är lika med %{value}"],"Show an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Show an architecture":[""],"Show an audit":[""],"Show an email notification":[""],"Show an environment":[""],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":[""],"Show an external user group for user group":[""],"Show an image":[""],"Show an interface for host":[""],"Show an operating system":[""],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Show available API links":[""],"Show distribution chart":["Visa distributionskarta"],"Show full value":[""],"Show linked external user groups":[""],"Show log messages:":["Visa loggmeddelanden:"],"Show provisioning template details":[""],"Show status":[""],"Show template combination":[""],"Show the last report for a host":[""],"Sign":["Signera"],"Size":["Storlek"],"Size (GB)":["Storlek (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Hoppa över tilldelning värdar och fortsätt att redigera %s inställningar"],"Skipped":["Skippad"],"Skipped|S":["S"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Smart Klassparameter"],"Smart Proxies":["Smarta Proxies"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Smart Proxy: %s":[""],"Smart Variables":["Smarta Variabler"],"Smart class parameters":[""],"Smart proxies":["Smarta proxies"],"Smart proxy":["Smart proxy"],"Smart proxy IDs":[""],"Smart variables":["Smarta variabler"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Namn"],"SmartProxy|Url":["Url"],"Snippet":["Remsa"],"Some interfaces are invalid":[""],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Några eller alla värdexekveringar misslyckades. Var vänlig se loggfiler för mer information."],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Något blev fel vid byte av värdtyp - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Något blev fel vid markering av värdar - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Tyvärr, men inga mallar blev konfigurerade."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Förlåt, dessa värdar har inga parametrar tilldelade till sig, du måste lägga till det först."],"Source":["Källa"],"Source|Digest":["Sammandrag"],"Source|Value":["Värde"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Specify matchers":[""],"Start":["Start"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"State":["Tillstånd"],"Static":[""],"Statistics":["Statistik"],"Status":["Status"],"Status chart":[""],"Status table":[""],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Storage":["Lagring"],"Storage domain":["Lagringsdomän"],"Storage pool":["Lagringspool"],"Strong":[""],"Submit":["Sänd"],"Subnet":["Subnät"],"Subnet ID":[""],"Subnet IDs":[""],"Subnet name":[""],"Subnet network":[""],"Subnet numeric identifier":[""],"Subnets":["Subnät"],"Subnet|Boot mode":[""],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Primär Dns"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Sekundär Dns"],"Subnet|From":["Från"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Nätsluss"],"Subnet|Ipam":[""],"Subnet|Mask":["Mask"],"Subnet|Name":["Namn"],"Subnet|Network":["Nätverk"],"Subnet|Priority":["Prioritet"],"Subnet|To":["Till"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Vlanid"],"Subscribe":[""],"Success":["Lyckades"],"Successfully created %s.":["Lyckades skapa %s."],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Lyckades radera %s."],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Lyckad exekvering, kolla loggefiler för mer detaljer"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Lyckad exekvering, kolla rapporter och/eller loggefiler för mer detaljer"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Lyckades uppdatera funktioner från %s."],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"Successfully updated %s.":["Lyckades uppdatera %s."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Support":["Hjälp"],"Supported Formats":[""],"Synchronize group from authentication source":[""],"Syntax Highlighting":[""],"System Information":["Systeminformation"],"System Status":["Systemstatus"],"TFTP":[""],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["TFTP Proxy för detta subnät"],"TFTP Settings for %s":["TFTP-inställningar för %s"],"TFTP server":[""],"Taxable taxonomy":["Beskattningsbar taxonomi"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Beskattningsbar typ"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomi"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":[""],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Typer att ignorera"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Namn"],"Taxonomy|Title":[""],"Template":["Mall"],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Template Diff":["Mallskillnad"],"Template Type":["Malltyp"],"Template diff":["Mallskillnad"],"Template editor":["Malleditor"],"Template kind":["Malltyp"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"TemplateKind|Name":["Namn"],"Templates":["Mallar"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Tenant":["Innehavare"],"Test Connection":["Testa annslutning"],"Test LDAP connection":[""],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Test connection was successful":[""],"Test email":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are or the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Fältet för Granskningskommentar sparas tillsammas med mallen för att dokumentera ändringar i mallen"],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["IP-adressen som skall användas för konsolens lyssnaradress vid provisionering av nya maskiner via Libvirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["NFS-sökvägen till avbildningsbiblioteket."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["NFS-sökvägen till kontrollfiler för jumpstart"],"The NFS path to the media.":["NFS-sökvägen till mediet"],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Typ av CPU för denna maskin. Detta används primärt av Sparc Solaris och kan lämnas tomt för andra arkitekturer. Värdet kan hämtas från ett Solaris OS via uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Typen av maskin så som rapporterad av Open Boot Prom. Detta används primärt av versioner av Sparc Solaris och kan lämnas blank för andra arkitekturer. Värdet kan hämtas från ett Solaris OS via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,"],"The default administrator email address":["Förinställd epostadress för administratören"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Det dynamiska partitionsschemat är för närvarande enbart tillgängligt för operativsystem tillhörande redhat familjen. Andra operativsystem måste tillhandahålla en explicit lista med partitioner och storlekar."],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Sökvägen till p12-filen"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["Sista inlägget, förinställt Operativsystem, kan ställas in genom att editera %s sidan."],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Följande värden var i konflikt med vad Foreman ville applicera."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Följande fält behöver granskas"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Följande värdar misslyckades med byggoperationen: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Följande värdar blev inte %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Följande värdar raderades inte: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Följande värdar uppdaterades"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Följande parametrar skippades eftersom dom inte existerar på denna värd:"],"The following subnets have been found":["Följande subnät har hittats"],"The full DNS domain name":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Värdgruppens klasser och variabler är inkluderade i den externa nodinformationen när puppetmästaren kompilerar värdens konfiguration."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Nyckelorden <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> och <b>$minor</b> kommer att expanderas och läggas med i sökvägen för att räkna ut den korrekta URL adressen."],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Markerade fält behöver granskas"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Ordningen i vilken matchnycklar är behandlad är, första träff vinner. <br>Du kan använda multipla attribut som matchnycklar, t.ex. en ordning som <code>värdgrupp, miljö</code> skulle anta en matchare som <code> värdgrupp =\\\"webbservrar\\\", miljö=\\\"produktion\\\"</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["I vilken ordning värden slås upp"],"The order in which values are resolved.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Fjärrsystemet presenterade en publik nyckel med hashvärdet %s men vi förväntar oss ett annat hastvärde. Om du är säker på att fjärrsystemet är det korrekta, gå till redigeringssidan för beräkningsresurser klicka på 'Testa annslutning' eller 'Ladda Datacenter' och spara"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Valda värdar kommer genomföra en byggoperation vid nästa omstart"],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["Användaren som används för att ssha till instansen, normalt cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Det finns två strategier vid användande av värdgrupper."],"There is":["Det finns","Det finns"],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE Default file: %s":["Fel uppstod vid skapandet av standard-PXE filen: %s"],"There was an error during rendering, return to the Code tab to edit the template.":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Fel vid listning av VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error listing VMs: %s":["Fel vid listning av VMs: %s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Fel vid tolkning av %s mallen:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Dessa två alternativ är personliga val och är upp till dig ( där den huvudsakliga skillnaden är parameter/variabel inställningar )."],"Thin provision":["Thin provision"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Denna Puppetklassen har inga parametrar i sin signatur."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":["Denna gruppen har nästade grupper!"],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing puppet configuration by the use of the":["Denna information är vanligen importerad från en existerande puppetkonfiguration med hjälp av"],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is inherited from parent":[""],"This is used by a host":[""],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Detta kan dröja då alla värdar, fakta och rapporter också kommer bli förstörda"],"This setting is defined in the configuration file 'settings.yaml' and is read-only.":["Denna inställning är definierad i konfigurationsfilen 'settings.yaml' och är skrivskyddad."],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Time":[""],"Time in Seconds":["Tid i sekunder"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Tidsgränsen uppnåddes vid kommunicering med %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["För att aktivera en leverantör, installera antingen OS-paketet (t.ex. foreman-libvirt) eller aktivera bundlergruppen för utvecklingsuppläggning (t.ex. ovirt)."],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["För att uppdatera klasssignaturen, gå till Puppetklasser sidan och välj \\\"Importera\\\"."],"Toggle":["Skifta"],"Token":["Token"],"Token duration":[""],"Token|Expires":["Utgår"],"Token|Value":["Värde"],"Too many repetitions":[""],"Total":["Total(t)"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Totalt antal Värdar: %s"],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":["Trend"],"Trend counter":["Trendräknare"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Trenden för de senaste %s dagarna."],"TrendCounter|Count":["Antal"],"Trends":["Trender"],"Trends for %s":["Trend för %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Faktanamn"],"Trend|Fact value":["Faktavärde"],"Trend|Name":["Namn"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trendbara typer"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Trigga en puppetrun på en nod; kräver att puppetrun är aktiverat"],"Troubleshooting":[""],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":[""],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"Type":["Typ"],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Types of validation values":[""],"Types of variable values":[""],"URL":["URL"],"URL for Libvirt, oVirt, and OpenStack":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"UTC time of report":[""],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":[""],"Unable to access key":["Misslyckades med åtkomst till nyckel"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Det gick inte att ändra VMens skärmlyssnaradress, säkerställ att skärmen inte är kopplad till enbart localhost"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Kan inte kommunisera med proxyn: %s"],"Unable to connect":[""],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to create the anonymous role.":["Kan inte skapa den anonyma rollen."],"Unable to create the default user role.":["Kan inte skapa standardrollen för användare."],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Kan inte avgöra värdens startserver. DHCP-smartproxyn misslyckades med att tillhandahålla denna information och TFTP-tjänsten är inte tillhandahållen på detta subnät."],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Kan inte hitta giltig proxy med BMC-funktionen"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Misslyckades med att hitta en korrekt autentiseringsmetod"],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"Unable to find templates as this host has no operating system":["Går inte att hitta mallar då denna värd inte har något operativsystem"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to save":["Misslyckades med att spara"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Unattended URL":[""],"Undo remove":["Ångra radering"],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":["Okänd"],"Unknown Power State":["Okänt strömläge"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Okänt händelsenamn för meddelande vid lyckat resultat: %s "],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":[""],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Okänt strömhanteringsstöd - kan inte fortsätta"],"Unlock":[""],"Unmanage host":["Sluta managera värd"],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"Unsupported report status format":["Formatet för rapportstatus stöds ej"],"Update":["Uppdatera"],"Update :a_resource":[""],"Update IP from built request":[""],"Update a Puppet class":[""],"Update a bookmark":[""],"Update a compute attributes set":[""],"Update a compute profile":[""],"Update a compute resource":[""],"Update a config group":[""],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Update a domain":[""],"Update a filter":[""],"Update a global parameter":[""],"Update a hardware model":[""],"Update a host":[""],"Update a host group":[""],"Update a host's interface":[""],"Update a medium":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Update a partition table":[""],"Update a provisioning template":[""],"Update a realm":[""],"Update a role":[""],"Update a setting":[""],"Update a smart class parameter":[""],"Update a smart proxy":[""],"Update a smart variable":[""],"Update a subnet":[""],"Update a user":[""],"Update a user group":[""],"Update an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Update an architecture":[""],"Update an environment":[""],"Update an image":[""],"Update an operating system":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Update environment from facts":[""],"Update external user group":[""],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":[""],"Update:":["Uppdatera:"],"Updated":["Uppdaterad"],"Updated all hosts!":["Uppdaterade alla värdar!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Uppdaterade värdar: ändrad miljö"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Uppdaterade värdar: ändrad värdgrupp"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":[""],"Use Gravatar":[""],"Use Puppet default":[""],"Use UUID for certificates":[""],"Use different character classes":[""],"Use short name for VMs":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Använd följande konto för autentisering, <i>valfritt</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Använd denna puppetserver som en CA server"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Använd denna puppetserver som en initiell puppetserver eller för att exekvera puppetkörningar"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":["Användare"],"User Groups":["Användargrupper"],"User IDs":[""],"User group":[""],"User groups":["Användargrupper"],"User role":[""],"User's preferred locale":[""],"User's timezone":[""],"UserRole|Owner type":[""],"Usergroup":["Användargrupp"],"Usergroup member":["Användargruppsmedlem"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Medlemstyp"],"Usergroup|Admin":[""],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Usergroup|Name":["Namn"],"Username":["Användarnamn"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":[""],"Users":["Användare"],"User|Admin":["Admin"],"User|Avatar hash":[""],"User|Firstname":["Förnamn"],"User|Last login on":["Sista inloggning "],"User|Lastname":["Efternamn"],"User|Locale":["Språkinställning"],"User|Login":["Login"],"User|Lower login":[""],"User|Mail":["Epost"],"User|Mail enabled":[""],"User|Password hash":["Lösenordshash"],"User|Password salt":["Lösenordssalt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management.":["Organisationssystemet erbjuder ett sätt att gruppera resurser för enklare hantering."],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(er)"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Server"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":[""],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["VM-Attribut"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM-Attribut (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM redan associerad med en värd"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM associerad till värd %s"],"VM is not running!":["VM körs ej!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":[""],"Valid from":["Giltig från"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Korrekt värdgrupp och miljökombinationer"],"Validation types":["Valideringstyper"],"Value":["Värde"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Värden att använda när ingen match hittas"],"Value to use when there is no match.":[""],"Variable":["Variabel"],"Variable lookup key":[""],"VariableLookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"VariableLookupKey|Default value":[""],"VariableLookupKey|Description":[""],"VariableLookupKey|Is param":[""],"VariableLookupKey|Key":[""],"VariableLookupKey|Key type":[""],"VariableLookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"VariableLookupKey|Override":[""],"VariableLookupKey|Path":[""],"VariableLookupKey|Required":[""],"VariableLookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"VariableLookupKey|Validator type":[""],"VariableLookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"Variables":[""],"Vendor class":["Leverantörsklass"],"Verify":["Verifiera"],"Version":["Version"],"Version %{version}":["Version %{version}"],"Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":["Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly och %{author}"],"Very Strong":[""],"View Diff":["Granska Skillnad"],"View in Foreman:":[""],"View last report details":["Granska senaste rapportdetaljerna"],"View list":[""],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtuell(NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Virtual Machine":["Virtuell Maskin"],"Virtual Machines":["Virtuella Maskiner"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Virtuell Maskiner på %s"],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":[""],"WARNING":[""],"Wait for %s to come online":["Vänta på at %s blir uppkopplad"],"Warning":["Varning"],"Warning!":["Varning!"],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"Warnings and errors":["Varningar och fel"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":[""],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Vi använder Redmine för att rapportera och följa buggar samt begäran kring utökad funktionalitet, vilken kan hittas här:"],"Weak":[""],"Websockets SSL certificate":[""],"Websockets SSL key":[""],"Websockets encryption":[""],"Weekly":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":["Välkommen till Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Den text (eller ERB mall) som du anger här kommer användas som OS disklayout. Om du vill använda alternativet partitionstabell, radera all text från detta fält."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foremanwill select the best match from the available templates of that type, in thefollowing order:":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a listof operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you canrestrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":[""],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Vilket är en offset av <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":[""],"Widget positions successfully saved.":[""],"Widget removed from dashboard.":[""],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"YAML":["YAML"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Du kommer att åsidosätta redigerarens innehåll med en tidigare version, är du säker?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Du kommer att åsidosätta redigerarens innehåll, är du säker?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":[""],"You are trying to delete your own account":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Du använder en webbläsare som inte stöds"],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"You can select one of three possible IPAM modes:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP</li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode</li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion</li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":[""],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Du har inte rättigheter att %s denna placeringsparameter"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Du har inte rättigheter att %s denna organisationsparameter"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":[""],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Du kan även associera ett eller flera operativsystem med detta medium alternativt sätter du upp detta senare via sidan %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Du kan även associera ett eller flera operativsystem med denna partitionstabell alternativt sätter du upp detta senare via sidan %s."],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Du kan skapa puppetklasser som representerar högnivå värdkonfigurationer, t.ex., en <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>klass, som inkluderar all funktionalitet från andra moduler, alternativt skapar du en värdgrupp <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> och adderar de klasser som krävs till värdgruppen."],"You must create a location before continuing":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing":[""],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Du måste skapa mine en lokation innan du fortsätter."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Du måste kapa minst en organisation innan du fortsätter."],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":["Du skulle antagligen behöva ansluta"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Your libvirt host does not support interface listing, please enter here the bridge name (e.g. br0)":[""],"Your password cannot contain your username":[""],"Your password contains sequences":[""],"Your password is too short":["Ditt lösenord är för kort"],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Din session har utgått, var vänlig logga in igen"],"Zone":["Zon"],"a location":[""],"add a new matcher":[""],"add new network interface":["lägg till nytt närtverkskort"],"add new storage volume":["lägg till ny lagringsvolym"],"all":[""],"already exists":["existerar redan"],"an organization":[""],"and":["och"],"array":[""],"belongs to config group":[""],"boolean":[""],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":[""],"can only be set for array or hash":[""],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":[""],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":[""],"can't be bigger than to range":["kan inte vara större än till-spannet"],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":[""],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":[""],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":[""],"can't find domain with this id":[""],"cannot be changed":[""],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":[""],"clone":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"comments powered by %{disqus}":[""],"could not be found in %s":[""],"cycle":["period"],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":[""],"defaults to 389":[""],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":["verkar inte vara en korrekt nfsmontering"],"does not belong to subnet":["tillhör inte subnät"],"does not have the DHCP feature":[""],"does not have the DNS feature":[""],"does not have the Puppet CA feature":[""],"does not have the Puppet feature":[""],"does not have the Realm feature":[""],"does not have the TFTP feature":[""],"does not match selected subnet":[""],"domain":["domän"],"e-mail reporting":["e-postrapportering"],"e.g. admin@internal":["t.ex. admin@internal"],"e.g. givenName":["t.ex. givenName"],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":["t.ex. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens"],"e.g.":["t.e.x."],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["t.ex. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc"],"e.g. mail":["t.ex. mail"],"e.g. qemu://":["t.ex. qemu://"],"e.g. sn":["t.ex. sn"],"e.g. uid":["t.ex. uid"],"environment id":[""],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["misslyckades med att %{action} %{vm}"],"failed to detect boot server: %s":["misslyckades med att detektera bootserver: %s"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["misslyckades med att köra puppetrun: %s"],"failed to process template: %s":["misslyckades med att bearbeta mallen: %s"],"failed to save %s":["misslyckades med att spara %s"],"filter for %s role":[""],"filter results":["filtrera resultat"],"for EC2 only":[""],"for Libvirt and VMware only":[""],"for OpenStack only":[""],"for VMware":[""],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":[""],"for proxy":[""],"free memory":[""],"free swap":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"further instructions":[""],"global":[""],"groups base DN":[""],"has already been taken":[""],"has this role already":["har redan denna roll"],"hash":[""],"hash containing the facts for the host":[""],"host":[""],"host already has primary interface":[""],"host already has provision interface":[""],"host group":[""],"host group id":[""],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"hostname of the host":[""],"in %s":["i %s"],"in Progress":[""],"in progress":[""],"included already from parent":[""],"inherit":[""],"integer":[""],"interface information":[""],"invalid":["felaktig"],"invalid IP address":["felaktig ipadress"],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["felaktig syntax för LDAP-filter"],"invalid architecture for %s":["felaktig arkitektur för %s"],"invalid host list":["felaktig värdlista"],"invalid medium for %s":["felaktigt medium för %s"],"invalid method %s":["felaktig metod %s"],"invalid path":["felaktig sökväg"],"invalid search query: %s":[""],"invalid time range":["felaktig tidsspann"],"invalid type %s":["felaktig typ %s"],"invalid type: %s requested":["felaktig typ: %s begärd"],"is alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces":["är alfanumerisk och kan inte innehålla mellanslag / blanksteg"],"is already used by a user account":["används redan av ett användarkonto"],"is an admin account":[""],"is an unsupported provisioning method":[""],"is invalid":["är felaktig"],"is invalid %s":["är felaktig %s"],"is invalid: %s":["är felaktig: %s"],"is not a valid MAC address":[""],"is not allowed to change":["tillåts inte att ändras"],"is not defined for host's location.":[""],"is not defined for host's organization.":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":[""],"is not permitted":[""],"is not valid":[""],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["",""],"is too long (maximum is 15 characters)":[""],"is unknown":[""],"issue tracker":["Problemspårare"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["poster markerade. Avmarkera för att rensa"],"json":[""],"last %s day":["senaste %s dagen","senaste %s dagarna"],"link external user group with this user group":[""],"list":[""],"locale_name":["locale_name"],"location":["lokation"],"locations":["lokationer"],"managed host must have one provision interface":[""],"message":["meddelande"],"must be a valid URI":["måste vara en giltig URI"],"must be an array":["måste vara en array"],"must be boolean":["måste vara boolesk"],"must be integer":["måste vara heltal"],"must be one of [ %s ]":["måste vara en av [ %s ]"],"must be specified if from is defined":["måste anges om från är definierad"],"must be specified if to is defined":["måste anges om till är definierad"],"must not include periods":["får inte innehålla punkter"],"must provide a provider":["måste tillhandahålla en leverantör"],"must set host and port":["måste ange värd och port"],"new":["ny"],"nil allowed":[""],"nil means host is bare metal":[""],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":["ingen puppetproxy är definierad - kan inte fortsätta"],"no value":[""],"none":[""],"not found":[""],"not relevant for snippet":[""],"not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy":[""],"number of entries per request":[""],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":[""],"off":["av"],"on":["på"],"operating system":[""],"optional":[""],"optional: certname of the host":[""],"optional: the STI type of host to create":[""],"organization":["organisation"],"organizations":["organisationer"],"override":["tvinga"],"paginate results":[""],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":["tolkning av inställningstyp '%s' från sträng är inte definierad"],"password match":[""],"passwords do not match":[""],"pending":["kommande"],"physical":[""],"physical @ NAT %s":[""],"physical @ bridge %s":[""],"power action, valid actions are (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)":[""],"poweroff":["stäng av"],"ready?":[""],"real":[""],"reboot":["omstart"],"recreate":[""],"regexp":[""],"remove":["ta bort"],"remove network interface":["ta bort nätvärkskort"],"remove storage volume":[""],"required":[""],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":[""],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":[""],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":[""],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":[""],"required if locations are enabled":[""],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":[""],"required if onthefly_register is true":[""],"required if organizations are enabled":[""],"reset":["återställ"],"revoked":["återkallad"],"select an owner":["välj en ägare"],"setting up reporting":["sätter upp rapportering"],"should be 8 characters or more":["måste vara minst 8 tecken"],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":[""],"soft":["mjuk"],"some interfaces are invalid":[""],"sort results":[""],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":[""],"start":["start"],"state":["tillstånd"],"status":["status"],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":[""],"stop":["stop"],"string":[""],"subnet boot mode is not %s":[""],"sync external user groups on login":[""],"template name":[""],"template version":[""],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["dessa värdar för en byggoperation vid nästa omstart"],"type of the LDAP server":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":["kan inte signera ett icke pågående certifikat"],"unknown parent permission for %s":[""],"unknown permission %s":[""],"unknown permission for %s":[""],"unknown provider":["okänd leverantör"],"unspecified":["ospecificerad"],"used memory":[""],"used swap":[""],"useful template functions and macros":[""],"using %s":["använder %s"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":[""],"valid":["giltig"],"valid or pending":[""],"virtual":[""],"virtual attached to %s":[""],"yaml":[""],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":[""],"you can't change administrator flag":[""],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":[""]}}};

Also available in: Unified diff