


Download (12.5 KB) Statistics
| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:
870e7fcc Amos Benari
$.fn.flot_pie = function(){
var options = arguments[0] || {};
070b83fe Amos Benari
var label_exists = false;
870e7fcc Amos Benari
var target = $(el);
070b83fe Amos Benari
var max={data:0}, sum = 0;
357a9111 ripcurld00d
$('series')).each(function(i, el){sum = sum +; if (< max = el;});
870e7fcc Amos Benari
$.plot(target,'series'), {
070b83fe Amos Benari
colors: ['#0099d3', '#393f44','#00618a','#505459','#057d9f','#025167'],
870e7fcc Amos Benari
series: {
pie: options.pie || {
show: true,
070b83fe Amos Benari
innerRadius: 0.75,
870e7fcc Amos Benari
radius: 1,
label: {
show: true,
070b83fe Amos Benari
radius: 0.001,
formatter: function(label, series) {
if (label_exists) {
357a9111 ripcurld00d
return '';
070b83fe Amos Benari
label_exists = true;
return '<div class="percent">' + Math.round(100 * / sum) + '%</div>' + max.label;
870e7fcc Amos Benari
highlight: {
opacity: 0.1
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
870e7fcc Amos Benari
legend: {
show: false
grid: {
hoverable: true,
clickable: true
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
870e7fcc Amos Benari
bind_hover_event(target, function(item){
var percent = Math.round(item.series.percent);
return item.series.label + ' ('+percent+'%)';
$(target).bind("plotclick", function (event, pos, item) {
search_on_click(event, item);
5d0a54a5 Tomer Brisker
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
357a9111 ripcurld00d
48c5cd3e Amos Benari
5d0a54a5 Tomer Brisker
function resize_label(label){
var labelOffset = parseInt(label.css('left'));
var ratio = (label.parent().width()-2*labelOffset)/label.width();
if (ratio < 1){
label.css('font-size', parseInt(label.css('font-size'))*ratio);
label.css('right', labelOffset); //make sure it is centered

a9ea3490 Amir Feferkuchen
function trunc_with_tooltip(val){
if (val.length > 10) {
var trunced_val = val.substring(0, 10) + "...";
val = '<small data-toggle="tooltip" title=' + val + '>' + trunced_val + '</small>';
return val;

870e7fcc Amos Benari
function expanded_pie(target, data){
a9ea3490 Amir Feferkuchen
var max = {data:0}, sum = 0;
var label_exist = false;
$(data).each(function(i, el){sum = sum +; if (< max = el;});
870e7fcc Amos Benari
$.plot(target, data, {
070b83fe Amos Benari
colors: ['#0099d3', '#393f44','#00618a','#505459','#057d9f','#025167'],
870e7fcc Amos Benari
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
070b83fe Amos Benari
innerRadius: 0.8*3/4,
radius: 0.8,
a9ea3490 Amir Feferkuchen
label: {
show: true,
radius: 0.001,
formatter: function(label, series) {
if (label_exist)
return '';
label_exist = true;
return '<div id="test"> <div class="percent">' + Math.round(100 * / sum) + '%</div>' + trunc_with_tooltip(max.label);
highlight: {
opacity: 0.1
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
5f0e3715 Amos Benari
legend: {
a9ea3490 Amir Feferkuchen
show: true,
container: $(".legend"),
labelFormatter: function(label, series) {
return trunc_with_tooltip(label)
5f0e3715 Amos Benari
870e7fcc Amos Benari
grid: {
070b83fe Amos Benari
hoverable: true,
870e7fcc Amos Benari
clickable: true
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
a9ea3490 Amir Feferkuchen
bind_hover_event(target, function(item){
var percent = Math.round(item.series.percent);
return item.series.label + ' ('+percent+'%)';
870e7fcc Amos Benari
target.bind("plotclick", function (event, pos, item) {
search_on_click(event, item);
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
870e7fcc Amos Benari

$.fn.flot_bar = function(){
var options = arguments[0] || {};
var target = $(el);

$.plot($(target), [{ data:'chart') }], {
series: {
bars: {
show: true,
barWidth: 0.6,
070b83fe Amos Benari
fill: 1
870e7fcc Amos Benari
070b83fe Amos Benari
color: "#00618a"
48c5cd3e Amos Benari
870e7fcc Amos Benari
xaxis: {
tickLength: 0, // hide gridlines
yaxis: {
axisLabelPadding: 15,
minTickSize: 1,
fa517d69 Tomer Brisker
tickDecimals: 0,
min: 0
870e7fcc Amos Benari
grid: {
hoverable: true,
borderWidth: 0
legend: {
show: false
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
870e7fcc Amos Benari
bind_hover_event(target, function(item){return "<b>" +'yaxis-label') + ":</b> " + item.datapoint[1];});
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
357a9111 ripcurld00d
fe4629de rbirnie
870e7fcc Amos Benari
function flot_time_chart(target, data, legendOptions){
var chart_options = {
series: {
stack: target.hasClass('stack') ? true : null,
lines: {
show: true,
fill: target.hasClass('stack') ? 0.8 : false
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
870e7fcc Amos Benari
xaxis: {
mode: "time",
tickLength: 0 // hide gridlines
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
870e7fcc Amos Benari
yaxis: {
axisLabelPadding: 12,
minTickSize: 1,
fa517d69 Tomer Brisker
tickDecimals: 0,
min: 0
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
870e7fcc Amos Benari
selection: {
mode: "x"
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
870e7fcc Amos Benari
grid: {
hoverable: true,
borderWidth: 0
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
870e7fcc Amos Benari
legend: legendOptions
357a9111 ripcurld00d
870e7fcc Amos Benari
$.plot($(target), data , chart_options);
bind_hover_event(target, function(item){return "<b>" + item.series.label + ":</b> " +[item.dataIndex][1];});
357a9111 ripcurld00d
target.bind("plotselected", function (event, ranges) {flot_zoom(target, chart_options, ranges);});
870e7fcc Amos Benari

$.fn.flot_chart = function(){
flot_time_chart($(el), $(el).data('series'), chart_legend_options($(el)) );
b7cb4996 Ohad Levy
357a9111 ripcurld00d
fe4629de rbirnie
870e7fcc Amos Benari
function chart_legend_options(item){
if('series').length == 1) return {show: false};
var options ='legend-options');
switch (options)
case "external":
return {show: true,
labelFormatter: function(label, series) {
ad01d4d2 Walden Raines
return '<a rel="twipsy" data-original-title="' + __('Details') + '" href="' + series.href + '">' + label + '</a>';
fe4629de rbirnie
357a9111 ripcurld00d
870e7fcc Amos Benari
case "hide":
return {show: false};
fa517d69 Tomer Brisker
return {show: true, margin: [0, -60]};
870e7fcc Amos Benari

function flot_zoom(target, options, ranges) {
// clamp the zooming to prevent eternal zoom
if ( - ranges.xaxis.from < 0.00001) = ranges.xaxis.from + 0.00001;
if ( - ranges.yaxis.from < 0.00001) = ranges.yaxis.from + 0.00001;

// do the zooming
plot = $.plot(target,'series'),
$.extend(true, {}, options, {
xaxis: { min: ranges.xaxis.from, max: },
yaxis: { min: ranges.yaxis.from, max: }
bb7fd69c Tomer Brisker
if(target.parents('.stats-well').find('.reset-zoom').length == 0){
ad01d4d2 Walden Raines
target.parents('.stats-well').prepend("<a class='reset-zoom btn btn-sm'>" + __('Reset zoom') + "</a>");
870e7fcc Amos Benari

function reset_zoom(item){
target = $(item).parents('.stats-well').find('.statistics-chart');

function showTooltip(pos, item, formater) {
var content = formater(item);
$('<div id="flot-tooltip">' + content + '</div>').css({
top: pos.pageY - 40,
left: pos.pageX -10,
'border-color': item.series.color
a9ea3490 Amir Feferkuchen
870e7fcc Amos Benari

function bind_hover_event(target, formater){
$(target).bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
if (item) {
a9ea3490 Amir Feferkuchen
870e7fcc Amos Benari
if ($previousPoint != item.datapoint) {
$previousPoint = item.datapoint;
showTooltip(pos, item, formater);
fe4629de rbirnie
870e7fcc Amos Benari
} else {
a9ea3490 Amir Feferkuchen
$previousPoint = null;
870e7fcc Amos Benari

function search_on_click(event, item) {
var link = $(event.currentTarget).data('url');
if (link == undefined) return;
2af890f2 Amos Benari
if (link.indexOf("search_by_legend") != -1){
var selector = '.label[style*="background-color:' + item.series.color +'"]';
357a9111 ripcurld00d
link = $(event.currentTarget).parents('.stats-well').find(selector).next('a').attr('href');
5c5dabb2 Tomer Brisker
if (link == undefined) // we are on the overview page - no stats-well parent
link = $(event.currentTarget).parents('#dashboard').find(selector).next('a').attr('href');
870e7fcc Amos Benari
} else {
357a9111 ripcurld00d
if (link.indexOf("~VAL1~") != -1 || link.indexOf("~VAL2~") != -1) {
2af890f2 Amos Benari
var strSplit = item.series.label.split(" ");
var val1 = strSplit[0];
357a9111 ripcurld00d
var val2 = (strSplit.length > 1) ? strSplit[1] : "";
link = link.replace("~VAL1~", val1);
2af890f2 Amos Benari
link = link.replace("~VAL2~", val2);
} else {
357a9111 ripcurld00d
var val = item.series.label;
if (val.indexOf(" ") != -1) val = '"' + val + '"';
link = link.replace("~VAL~", val);
2af890f2 Amos Benari
870e7fcc Amos Benari
window.location.href = link;

function get_pie_chart(div, url) {
f5975f94 Shlomi Zadok
870e7fcc Amos Benari
if($("#"+div).length == 0)
bf4a13d3 Walden Raines
$('body').append('<div id="' + div + '" class="modal fade"><div class="modal-dialog"><div class="modal-content"></div></div></div>');
f5975f94 Shlomi Zadok
$("#"+div+" .modal-content").append('<div class="modal-header"><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button><h4 class="modal-title"></h4></div>')
a9ea3490 Amir Feferkuchen
.append('<div class="container">')
.append('<div id="' + div + '-body" class="fact_chart modal-body">' + __('Loading') + ' ... </div>')
.append('<div class="legend" ></div>')
357a9111 ripcurld00d
.append('<div class="modal-footer"></div>');
bf4a13d3 Walden Raines
870e7fcc Amos Benari
ccb763a6 Amos Benari
$("#"+div).on('', function() {
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
var target = $("#"+div+"-body");
f5975f94 Shlomi Zadok
var hostsCount = 0;
$.each(data.values,function() {
hostsCount +=;
357a9111 ripcurld00d
expanded_pie(target, data.values);
f5975f94 Shlomi Zadok
$('.modal-title').empty().append( __('Fact distribution chart') + ' - <b>' + + ' </b><small> ('+ Jed.sprintf(n__("%s host", "%s hosts", hostsCount), hostsCount) +')</small>');
ccb763a6 Amos Benari
target.attr('data-url', foreman_url("/hosts?search=facts." + + "~~VAL1~"));
357a9111 ripcurld00d
870e7fcc Amos Benari
} else {$("#"+div).modal('show');}

function expand_chart(ref){
var chart = $(ref);
if (!chart.hasClass('statistics-pie')){
8cb120ea Tomer Brisker
chart = chart.parent().find('.statistics-pie');
870e7fcc Amos Benari
8cb120ea Tomer Brisker
var modal_id = chart[0].id+'_modal';
870e7fcc Amos Benari
if($("#"+modal_id).length == 0)
var new_chart = chart.clone().empty().attr('id', modal_id + "_chart").removeClass('small');
070b83fe Amos Benari
$('body').append('<div id="' + modal_id + '" class="modal fade"><div class="modal-dialog"><div class="modal-content"></div></div></div>');
$("#"+modal_id+" .modal-content").append('<div class="modal-header"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</a><h3> ''title')+ ' </h3></div>')
.append('<div class="modal-body"></div>');
$("#"+modal_id+" .modal-body").append(new_chart);
870e7fcc Amos Benari

function legend_selected(item){
var target = $(item).parents('.statistics-chart');
var series = target.clone().data('series');
var legend = target.find('.legend').clone();
var data= [];
// Remove the data series.
target.find('.legend td.legendLabel:not(.disabled)').each(function() {
var key = $(this).text();
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
if (series[i].label === key) {
return true;
dcc1c508 rbirnie
870e7fcc Amos Benari
flot_time_chart(target, data);


function ext_legend_selected(item){
var target = $('.statistics-chart');
var series = target.clone().data('series');
var data= [];
// Remove the data series.
$('#legendContainer table td.legendLabel:not(.disabled)').each(function() {
var key = $(this).text();
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
if (series[i].label === key) {
return true;
fe4629de rbirnie
870e7fcc Amos Benari
fe4629de rbirnie
870e7fcc Amos Benari
flot_time_chart(target, data, {show: false});
fe4629de rbirnie
870e7fcc Amos Benari
bf59cec1 Tomer Brisker
function updateChart(item, status) {
if (status == 'success')
$(item).text(__("Failed to load chart"));

870e7fcc Amos Benari
$(function() {
a9ea3490 Amir Feferkuchen
870e7fcc Amos Benari
357a9111 ripcurld00d
$(document).on('click', '.reset-zoom', function () {reset_zoom(this);});
$(document).on('click', '.legend .legendColorBox, .legend .legendLabel', function() { legend_selected(this);});
$(document).on('click', '#legendContainer .legendColorBox, .legendContainer .legendLabel', function() { ext_legend_selected(this);});
870e7fcc Amos Benari

$(window).resize(function() {
3dfb6e4c Dominic Cleal