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Revision bb3572ff

Added by Daniel Lobato Garcia over 8 years ago

Refs #3809 - Stabby lambda syntax for oneliners

I started by spotting log.rb which didn't have a lambda wrapping its
default scope, as needed by Rails 4. Since the style guide and most
Rails 4 documents used the stabby lambda, I turned on the cop so that we
use it everywhere there's a oneliner lambda.

View differences:

scoped_search :on => :hostgroups_count
scoped_search :on => :config_group_classes_count
default_scope lambda { order('') }
default_scope -> { order('') }
# the following methods are required for app/views/puppetclasses/_class_selection.html.erb
alias_method :classes, :puppetclasses

Also available in: Unified diff