


Download (139 KB) Statistics
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var locales = locales || {}; locales['en'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"version 0.0.1","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-01-12 08:26+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukas Zapletal <>","Language-Team":"Foreman Team <>","Language":"en","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"en","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":[""]," in the provisioning template.":[""],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":[""],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":[""],"%s Active Feature":["",""],"%s Distribution":[""],"%s Log Message":["",""],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":[""],"%s Template":[""],"%s VM failed while processing: check logs for more details.":["",""],"%s VM was associated to a host.":["",""],"%s ago":[""],"%s can be changed using bulk action on the All Hosts page":[""],"%s console is not supported at this time":[""],"%s core":["",""],"%s day ago":["",""],"%s error message":["",""],"%s filters":[""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":[""],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":[""],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"%s minute ago":["",""],"%s month ago":["",""],"%s out of sync disabled":[""],"%s selected hosts":[""],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["",""],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%s you had selected as your context has been deleted":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: provisioning token for host %{host} expired":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":[""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":[""],"%{full_name} (Default: %{default})":[""],"%{host} is about to %{action}":[""],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":[""],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":[""],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":[""],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":[""],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":[""],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{taxonomy} stored in session with id %{id} not found":[""],"%{taxonomy} with id %{id} not found":[""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":[""],"%{value} is not a valid controller":[""],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":[""],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":[""],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":[""],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":[""],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'%{object_name}' is a '%{object_class}', expected a subnet.":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"(%s host)":["",""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":[""],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":[""],"*Clear host group*":[""],"*Inherit from host group*":[""],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> of <b>%s</b> selected":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":[""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Configuration Management Error Report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Configuration Management Summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":[""],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":[""],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A compute profile is a way of expressing a set of defaults for VMs created on a specific compute resource that can be mapped to an operator-defined label. This means an administrator can express, for example, what 'Small', 'Medium' or 'Large' means on all of the individual compute resources present for a given installation.":[""],"A config group provides a one-step method of associating many Puppet classes to either a host or host group. Typically this would be used to add a particular application profile or stack in one step.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":[""],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":[""],"A user group already exists with this name":[""],"API Key":[""],"API Resources":[""],"API documentation":[""],"About":[""],"Access Key":[""],"Access denied":[""],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":[""],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":[""],"Actions":[""],"Active":[""],"Active Hosts":[""],"Active features":[""],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":[""],"Add Combination":[""],"Add Controller":[""],"Add Interface":[""],"Add Matcher":[""],"Add Parameter":[""],"Add SSH Key":[""],"Add SSH key":[""],"Add Trend Counter":[""],"Add Variable":[""],"Add Volume":[""],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host group":[""],"Add a template combination":[""],"Add an SSH key for a user":[""],"Add external user group":[""],"Add filter":[""],"Add to dashboard":[""],"Add volume":[""],"Add widgets":[""],"Add:":[""],"Adding would cause a cycle!":[""],"Additional Information":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":[""],"Additional information about this host":[""],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":[""],"Administer":[""],"Administrator email address":[""],"Administrator user account required":[""],"Affected Locations:":[""],"Affected Organizations:":[""],"Alert":[""],"Alerts disabled":[""],"Alias or VLAN device":[""],"All":[""],"All Hosts":[""],"All Reports":[""],"All compute resources":[""],"All domains":[""],"All environments":[""],"All environments - (not filtered)":[""],"All host groups":[""],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":[""],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":[""],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":[""],"All items":[""],"All media":[""],"All messages":[""],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":[""],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":[""],"All partition tables":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All realms":[""],"All smart proxies":[""],"All subnets":[""],"All users":[""],"Allocated":[""],"Allocation (GB)":[""],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":[""],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error happened trying to connect to LDAP, please verify the authentication source host is reachable from your Foreman host and is online.":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"Any %s":[""],"Any Location":[""],"Any Organization":[""],"Append domain names to the host":[""],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":[""],"Applied|A":[""],"Architecture":[""],"Architecture Distribution":[""],"Architecture ID":["Name"],"Architectures":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Name"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":[""],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure?":[""],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":[""],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":[""],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":[""],"Assign All":[""],"Assign Hosts to %s":[""],"Assign Location":[""],"Assign Organization":[""],"Assign Selected Hosts":[""],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Assign to %s":[""],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":[""],"Associate VM":[""],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":[""],"Associate VMs":[""],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":[""],"Associate VMs to Hosts":[""],"Associated Host":[""],"Associating VMs is not supported for this compute resource":[""],"Association":[""],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":[""],"Attribute mappings":[""],"Attribute type":[""],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":[""],"Audit Metadata:":[""],"Audit Time:":[""],"Audit summary":[""],"Audited::Audit|Action":[""],"Audited::Audit|Associated name":[""],"Audited::Audit|Associated type":[""],"Audited::Audit|Auditable name":[""],"Audited::Audit|Auditable type":[""],"Audited::Audit|Audited changes":[""],"Audited::Audit|Comment":[""],"Audited::Audit|Remote address":[""],"Audited::Audit|Request uuid":[""],"Audited::Audit|User type":[""],"Audited::Audit|Username":[""],"Audited::Audit|Version":[""],"Audits":[""],"Auth source":[""],"AuthSource|Account":["Account username"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Account password"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["First name attribute"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["Surname attribute"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["Login name attribute"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["Email address attribute"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":[""],"AuthSource|Base dn":["Base DN"],"AuthSource|Groups base":[""],"AuthSource|Host":["Server"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":[""],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":[""],"AuthSource|Name":["Name"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Automatically create accounts in Foreman"],"AuthSource|Port":["Port"],"AuthSource|Server type":[""],"AuthSource|Tls":["TLS"],"AuthSource|Use netgroups":[""],"AuthSource|Usergroup sync":[""],"Authentication":[""],"Author":[""],"Authorize login delegation":[""],"Authorize login delegation API":[""],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":[""],"Authorized by":[""],"Auto refresh off":[""],"Auto refresh on":[""],"Automate Foreman via a simple and powerful API":[""],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":[""],"Autosign Entries":[""],"Autosign entries":[""],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":[""],"Available Classes":[""],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Available Providers":[""],"Average Memory Usage":[""],"Average Swap Usage":[""],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":[""],"BIOS":[""],"BMC":[""],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":[""],"Back to host":[""],"Back to host list":[""],"Backtrace":[""],"Bare Metal":[""],"Base DN":[""],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":[""],"Bond":[""],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Bookmark":[""],"Bookmark this search":[""],"Bookmark was successfully updated":[""],"Bookmarks":[""],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":[""],"Bookmark|Controller":["Controller"],"Bookmark|Name":["Name"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Owner type"],"Bookmark|Public":["Public"],"Bookmark|Query":["Search query"],"Boot Mode":[""],"Boot device":[""],"Boot from volume":[""],"Boot host from specified device":[""],"Bootable":[""],"Bridge":[""],"Browse host config management reports":[""],"Browse host facts":[""],"Browser locale":["Email address"],"Browser timezone":[""],"Build":[""],"Build Duration":[""],"Build Hosts":[""],"Build PXE Default":[""],"Build duration":[""],"Build errors":[""],"Build from OS image":[""],"Build in progress":[""],"By default we map user groups to standard LDAP Group objects. FreeIPA and POSIX LDAP server types supports alternative way of grouping users through Netgroups. Enable this checkbox if using Netgroups is preferred instead of standard groups.":[""],"CA Certificate Expiry Date":[""],"CD-ROM drive":[""],"CDROM":[""],"CPU hot add":[""],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":[""],"CPUs":[""],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":[""],"Can't delete the last admin account":[""],"Can't delete the last admin user group":[""],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":[""],"Cancel":[""],"Cancel build":[""],"Cancel build request for this host":[""],"Canceled pending build for %s":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial":[""],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":[""],"Cannot delete built-in role":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":[""],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":[""],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":[""],"Canvas not supported.":[""],"Caps lock ON":[""],"Certificate Name":[""],"Certificate Path":[""],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Certificates":[""],"Change Environment":[""],"Change Group":[""],"Change Owner":[""],"Change Power State":[""],"Change Puppet CA":[""],"Change Puppet Master":[""],"Change the password":[""],"Changed environments":["Environment"],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Changes:":[""],"Chassis":[""],"Check again":[""],"Check/Uncheck all":[""],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":[""],"Check/Uncheck new":[""],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck updated":[""],"Choose a family":[""],"Choose a new file:":[""],"Choose a provider":[""],"Choose a server type":[""],"Class":[""],"Class Distribution":[""],"Classes":[""],"Clean up failed deployment":[""],"Cleanup PuppetCA certificates for %s":[""],"Clear All":[""],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":[""],"Click to add %s":[""],"Click to log in again.":[""],"Click to remove %s":[""],"Click to remove config group":[""],"Client Email":[""],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":[""],"Clone":[""],"Clone %s":[""],"Clone Host %s":[""],"Clone a host group":[""],"Clone a provision template":[""],"Clone a role":[""],"Clone a template":[""],"Clone this host":[""],"Close":[""],"Cluster":[""],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":[""],"Comment":[""],"Comments":[""],"Communication status":[""],"Compute Profiles":[""],"Compute Resource":[""],"Compute Resource Distribution":[""],"Compute Resources":[""],"Compute attribute":[""],"Compute profile":[""],"Compute profile ID":[""],"Compute profiles":[""],"Compute resource":[""],"Compute resource ID":[""],"Compute resource IDs":[""],"Compute resource update for %s":[""],"ComputeAttribute|Name":[""],"ComputeAttribute|Vm attrs":[""],"ComputeProfile|Name":[""],"ComputeResource|Attrs":["Attributes"],"ComputeResource|Caching enabled":[""],"ComputeResource|Description":["Description"],"ComputeResource|Domain":[""],"ComputeResource|Name":["Name"],"ComputeResource|Password":["Password"],"ComputeResource|Url":["URL"],"ComputeResource|User":["Username"],"ComputeResource|Uuid":["UUID"],"Config Groups":[""],"Config Management":[""],"Config Retrieval":[""],"Config group":[""],"ConfigGroup|Name":[""],"Configuration":[""],"Configuration Management Error on %s":[""],"Configuration Management Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Configuration rebuild failed for: %s.":[""],"Configuration successfully rebuilt":[""],"Configuration successfully rebuilt.":[""],"Configure":[""],"Configure instance %s via SSH":[""],"Conflict - %s":[""],"Conflicts have been detected":[""],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":[""],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":[""],"Console":[""],"Console Passwords":[""],"Console output may be out of date":[""],"Console passwords":[""],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Continue?":[""],"Core and proxy versions do not match. foreman: %{foreman_version}, foreman-proxy: %{proxy_version}":[""],"Cores":[""],"Cores per socket":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":[""],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":[""],"Could not find %{migration_name} migration in %{destination}":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":[""],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":[""],"Could not locate CA certificate.":[""],"Could not recreate a new SSH key":[""],"Could not refresh external usergroups: %{e} - %{message} - %{suggestion}":[""],"Create":[""],"Create %s":[""],"Create %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Create :a_resource":[""],"Create Architecture":[""],"Create Authentication Source":[""],"Create Autosign Entry":[""],"Create Bookmark":[""],"Create Compute Profile":[""],"Create Compute Resource":[""],"Create Config Group":[""],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":[""],"Create Domain":[""],"Create Environment":[""],"Create Filter":[""],"Create Global Parameter":[""],"Create Hardware Model":[""],"Create Host":[""],"Create Host Group":[""],"Create Image":[""],"Create Installation Medium":[""],"Create LDAP Auth Source":[""],"Create LDAP Source":[""],"Create Location":[""],"Create Medium":[""],"Create Model":[""],"Create Operating System":[""],"Create Organization":[""],"Create Parameter":[""],"Create Partition Table":[""],"Create Provisioning Template":[""],"Create Proxy":[""],"Create Puppet Environment":[""],"Create RSS notifications":[""],"Create Realm":[""],"Create Role":[""],"Create SCSI controller":[""],"Create Smart Proxy":[""],"Create Smart Variable":[""],"Create Subnet":[""],"Create Template":[""],"Create Trend":[""],"Create User":[""],"Create User Group":[""],"Create User group":[""],"Create a Personal Access Token for a user":[""],"Create a Puppet class":[""],"Create a bookmark":[""],"Create a compute attributes set":[""],"Create a compute profile":[""],"Create a compute resource":[""],"Create a config group":[""],"Create a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Create a domain":[""],"Create a filter":[""],"Create a global parameter":[""],"Create a hardware model":[""],"Create a host":[""],"Create a host group":[""],"Create a medium":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Create a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Create a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Create a partition table":[""],"Create a provisioning template":[""],"Create a realm":[""],"Create a report":[""],"Create a role":[""],"Create a smart proxy":[""],"Create a smart variable":[""],"Create a subnet":[""],"Create a trend counter":[""],"Create a user":[""],"Create a user group":[""],"Create an HTTP Proxy":[""],"Create an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Create an architecture":[""],"Create an environment":[""],"Create an external user group linked to a user group":[""],"Create an image":[""],"Create an interface on a host":[""],"Create an operating system":[""],"Create an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Create an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Create autosign entry":[""],"Create image":[""],"Create new boot volume from image":[""],"Create new host when facts are uploaded":[""],"Create new host when report is uploaded":[""],"Create realm entry for %s":[""],"Created":[""],"Creates a table preference for a given table":[""],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":[""],"Current Page":[""],"Current password":[""],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":[""],"DB pending migration":[""],"DB pending seed":[""],"DHCP":[""],"DHCP Proxy":[""],"DHCP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet":[""],"DHCP conflicts removal for %s":[""],"DHCP filename option (Grub2/PXELinux by default)":[""],"DHCP filename option to use. 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Unfortunately, we cannot obtain membership information from a LDAP search and therefore sync it.":[""],"Domain for V3 authentication":[""],"Domains":[""],"Domains in which this subnet is part":[""],"Domain|Fullname":["Description"],"Domain|Name":["DNS domain"],"Download":[""],"Download VMRC":[""],"Duration in minutes after servers are classed as out of sync.":[""],"EC2":[""],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":["Environment"],"ERROR or FATAL":[""],"EUI-64":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":[""],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. 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Those facts won't be stored in foreman's database. 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If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Name"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":[""],"Field name":[""],"Filter":[""],"Filter by level:":[""],"Filter by name":[""],"Filter by state:":[""],"Filter classes":[""],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter...":[""],"Filters":[""],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} associated with the role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> the filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect such filter.<br> After disabling the override field, the role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"Filter|Taxonomy search":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Fingerprint":[""],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":[""],"Fix All Mismatches":[""],"Fix DB cache":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Fix Mismatches":[""],"Flavor":[""],"Floating IP network":[""],"Folder":[""],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"For image based provisioning using finish template, this interface's IP will be used as the SSH target.":[""],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":[""],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":[""],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":[""],"Foreman Developers":[""],"Foreman URL":[""],"Foreman Users":[""],"Foreman allows to define a hierarchy of parameter inheritance, where global parameters accessible from any manifest.":[""],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":[""],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":[""],"Foreman could not find a required vSphere resource. Check if Foreman has the required permissions and the resource exists. Reason: %s":[""],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":[""],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":[""],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":[""],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":[""],"Foreman will append domain names when new hosts are provisioned":[""],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Foreman will block user login after this number of failed login attempts for 5 minutes from offending IP address. Set to 0 to disable bruteforce protection":[""],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":[""],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":[""],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":[""],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":[""],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":[""],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":[""],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":[""],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":[""],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":[""],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":[""],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":[""],"Full":[""],"Full audits list":[""],"Full name describing the domain":[""],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":[""],"Full screen":[""],"Full trace":[""],"Fullscreen":[""],"Function not available for %s":[""],"GMT time":[""],"Gateway":["Gateway address"],"Gateway Address":[""],"General":[""],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":[""],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":[""],"Generated at %s":[""],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":[""],"Get dashboard details":[""],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Get statistics":[""],"Get status of host":[""],"Get vm attributes of host":[""],"Global":[""],"Global Parameters":[""],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global setting \\\"%s\\\" is not accessible in safe-mode":[""],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":[""],"Good host with reports":[""],"Google Project ID":[""],"Groups base DN":[""],"Guest OS":[""],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"HTTP Proxies":[""],"HTTP Proxy":[""],"HTTP Proxy connection successful.":[""],"HTTP(S) proxy":[""],"HTTP(S) proxy except hosts":[""],"HTTPS URL is required for API access":[""],"Hard disk":[""],"Hardware":[""],"Hardware Model":[""],"Hardware Models":[""],"Hardware models describe the hardware types of your hosts, including CPU class, vendor class and other notes.":[""],"Hash function to use. 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A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":[""],"Included Classes":[""],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Incorrect password":[""],"Incorrect username or password":[""],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":[""],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Input":[""],"Installation Media":[""],"Installation error":[""],"Installation medium configuration":[""],"Installed":[""],"Instance type":[""],"Interface":[""],"Interface is down":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":[""],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. 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":[""],"Internal network":[""],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":[""],"Invalid %{assoc} selection, you must select at least one of yours and have '%{perm}' permission.":[""],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"Invalid authenticity token":[""],"Invalid log level: %s":[""],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":[""],"Invalid proxy selected!":[""],"Invalid query":[""],"Invalid report":[""],"Invalid search query: %s":[""],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":[""],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":[""],"Issue tracker":[""],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":[""],"It is not possible to change external users login":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":[""],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Key Binding":[""],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":[""],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Name"],"KeyPair|Public":[""],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secret"],"Kind":[""],"LDAP Authentication":[""],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":[""],"LDAP filter":[""],"LDAP server":[""],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":[""],"Lab Features":[""],"Language":[""],"Last Report":[""],"Last report":[""],"Last update: %s":[""],"Latest Events":[""],"Launch Console":[""],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Length":[""],"Level":[""],"Libvirt default console address":[""],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are 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tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. 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There are several types of template, along with a flexible matching system to deliver different templates to different hosts or host groups.":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP configuration for PXE boot based on this interface MAC address.":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The authentication source of your external user groups could not connect to LDAP with the provided credentials. Please verify the credentials are still valid.":[""],"The class could not be saved because of an error in one of the class parameters.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":[""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["The class of the machine as reported by the OpenBoot PROM. This is primarily used by Solaris SPARC builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via `uname -i|cut -f2 -d`."],"The console is not available because the VM is not powered on":[""],"The default administrator email address":[""],"The file path where your p12 file is located":[""],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":[""],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":[""],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":[""],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":[""],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":[""],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":[""],"The following hosts were updated":[""],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":[""],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":[""],"The groups you added as external user groups were found. However, no users inside of them that match with your authentication source base DN and filter were found. Please verify the external user groups belong in the authentication source filter":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":[""],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":[""],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":[""],"The method used to provision the host.":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":[""],"The order in which values are resolved":[""],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":[""],"The services to be configured are determined by the subnet and domain that are selected for this interface. If you want to manage<br/> only a subset of these services, change the %{subnet} and %{domain} proxies configuration. When a proxy is set to 'None', the corresponding":[""],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":[""],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no changes":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":[""],"There is":["",""],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There may be more information in the server's logs.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error during rendering, return to the Code tab to edit the template.":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":[""],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":[""],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":[""],"Thin provision":[""],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":[""],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":[""],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"This interface is also used for network communication during provisioning, e.g. downloading installation packages.":[""],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is inherited from parent":[""],"This is used by a host":[""],"This may be caused by unavailability of some required service, incorrect API call or a server-side bug. ":[""],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":[""],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"This template is locked. You may only change the\\\\\\n associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"This templates requires a host to render but none was specified":[""],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Time":[""],"Time in Seconds":[""],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":[""],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' at least every %s minutes.":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":[""],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To launch the VMRC console, you need the VMRC software installed.":[""],"To refresh the list of users, click on the tab \\\"External\\n groups\\\" then \\\"Refresh\\\".":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> at least every %s minutes.":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":[""],"Toggle":[""],"Token":[""],"Token Expiry":[""],"Token duration":[""],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Expires"],"Token|Value":["Value"],"Too many tries, please try again in a few minutes.":[""],"Too short":[""],"Total":[""],"Total Hosts: %s":[""],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":[""],"Trend counter":[""],"Trend of the last %s days.":[""],"TrendCounter|Count":["Count"],"TrendCounter|Interval end":[""],"TrendCounter|Interval start":[""],"Trends":[""],"Trends for %s":[""],"Trends in Foreman allow you to track changes in your infrastructure over time. It allows you to track both Foreman related information and to any fact. The Trend pages give a graph of how the number of hosts with that value have changed over time, and list the current hosts.":[""],"Trend|Fact name":["Fact name"],"Trend|Fact value":["Fact value"],"Trend|Name":["Name"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trend type"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":[""],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":[""],"Trusted hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"Type":[""],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":[""],"Types of variable values":[""],"URL":[""],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL of the HTTP Proxy":[""],"URL of the proxy including schema (":[""],"URL to fetch RSS notifications from":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"UTC time of report":[""],"UUID":[""],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":[""],"Unable to access key":[""],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":[""],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":[""],"Unable to connect":[""],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to connect to libvirt due to: %s. Please make sure your libvirt compute resource is reachable and that you have appropriate access permissions.":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to define volumes:":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":[""],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":[""],"Unable to find proper authentication method":[""],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to save":[""],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to submit role: Problem with associated filter %s":[""],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Unattended URL":[""],"Undo remove":[""],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":[""],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":[""],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":[""],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":[""],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":[""],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Unmanage host":[""],"Unnamed":[""],"Unread Event":[""],"Unread Events":[""],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"Unsupported report status format":[""],"Update":[""],"Update :a_resource":[""],"Update IP from built request":[""],"Update a Puppet class":[""],"Update a bookmark":[""],"Update a compute attributes set":[""],"Update a compute profile":[""],"Update a compute resource":[""],"Update a config group":[""],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Update a domain":[""],"Update a filter":[""],"Update a global parameter":[""],"Update a hardware model":[""],"Update a host":[""],"Update a host group":[""],"Update a host's interface":[""],"Update a medium":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Update a partition table":[""],"Update a provisioning template":[""],"Update a realm":[""],"Update a role":[""],"Update a setting":[""],"Update a smart class parameter":[""],"Update a smart proxy":[""],"Update a smart variable":[""],"Update a subnet":[""],"Update a user":[""],"Update a user group":[""],"Update an HTTP Proxy":[""],"Update an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Update an architecture":[""],"Update an environment":[""],"Update an external authentication source":[""],"Update an image":[""],"Update an operating system":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Update environment from facts":[""],"Update external user group":[""],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":[""],"Update:":[""],"Updated":[""],"Updated all hosts!":[""],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Updated hosts: changed environment":[""],"Updated hosts: changed host group":[""],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Updates a table preference for a given table":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":[""],"Use APIv4 (experimental)":[""],"Use NIS netgroups instead of posix groups.":[""],"Use UUID for certificates":[""],"Use short name for VMs":[""],"Use the new engine API. This feature is marked as experimental and should be used with caution.":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":[""],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":[""],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":[""],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":[""],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":[""],"User IDs":[""],"User Name:":[""],"User data template":[""],"User groups":[""],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User mail notification":[""],"User role":[""],"User's preferred locale":[""],"User's timezone":[""],"UserMailNotification|Interval":[""],"UserMailNotification|Last sent":[""],"UserMailNotification|Mail query":[""],"UserRole|Owner type":[""],"Usergroup":[""],"Usergroup member":[""],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Member type"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Administrator"],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Usergroup|Name":["Name"],"Username":[""],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":[""],"Username to use if authentication is required.":[""],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Username used to authenticate with the HTTP Proxy":[""],"Users":[""],"User|Admin":["Administrator"],"User|Avatar hash":[""],"User|Description":[""],"User|Firstname":["First name"],"User|Last login on":["Last login time"],"User|Lastname":["Surname"],"User|Locale":["Email address"],"User|Login":["Username"],"User|Lower login":[""],"User|Mail":["Email address"],"User|Mail enabled":["First name"],"User|Password hash":["Password hash"],"User|Password salt":["Password salt"],"User|Timezone":[""],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":[""],"VCenter/Server":[""],"VLAN ID for this subnet":[""],"VLAN ID is not consistent accross subnets":[""],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"VM":[""],"VM Attributes":[""],"VM Attributes (%s)":[""],"VM already associated with a host":[""],"VM associated to host %s":[""],"VM is not running!":[""],"VMRC":[""],"VMRC Console":[""],"VNC":[""],"VNC Console Passwords":[""],"VNC consoles are unsupported on VMware ESXi 6.5 and later.":[""],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":[""],"Valid Host Group and Environment Combinations":[""],"Valid from":[""],"Validation types":[""],"Value":[""],"Value to use when there is no match":[""],"Value to use when there is no match.":[""],"Variable":[""],"Variables":[""],"Vendor Class":[""],"Verify":[""],"Version":[""],"Version %{version}":[""],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very strong":[""],"View Chart":[""],"View Diff":[""],"View in Foreman:":[""],"View list":[""],"Virtual (NAT)":[""],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Virtual Machine":[""],"Virtual Machines":[""],"Virtual Machines on %s":[""],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":[""],"WARNING":[""],"Wait for %s to come online":[""],"Warning":[""],"Warning!":[""],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This combination of loader and OS might not be able to boot.":[""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"Warnings and errors":[""],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":[""],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":[""],"Weak":[""],"Websockets SSL certificate":[""],"Websockets SSL key":[""],"Websockets encryption":[""],"Weekly":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":[""],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":[""],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman \\\\\\nwill select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the \\\\\\nfollowing order:":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a list \\\\\\nof operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can \\\\\\nrestrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":[""],"Whether or not to show a menu to access experimental lab features (requires reload of page)":[""],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Whether to pull RSS notifications or not":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":[""],"Widget":[""],"Widget added to dashboard.":[""],"Widget positions successfully saved.":[""],"Widget removed from dashboard.":[""],"Widget|Col":[""],"Widget|Data":[""],"Widget|Name":[""],"Widget|Row":[""],"Widget|Sizex":[""],"Widget|Sizey":[""],"Widget|Template":[""],"Wiki":[""],"Wipe disk after delete":[""],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"YAML":[""],"Yes":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":[""],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":[""],"You are trying access the preferences of a different user":[""],"You are trying to delete your own account":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":[""],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em>, preserves natural ordering</li><li><strong>Random DB</strong> - same as Internal DB but randomizes results to prevent race conditions <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":[""],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":[""],"You do not have permission to edit the login":[""],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":[""],"You don't have permission %{name} with attributes that you have specified or you don't have access to specified %{tax_string}":[""],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":[""],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":[""],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":[""],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":[""],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":[""],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":[""],"[empty]":[""],"[redacted]":[""],"a location":[""],"add a new matcher":[""],"add new network interface":[""],"add new storage volume":[""],"all":[""],"already exists":[""],"an organization":[""],"and":[""],"array":[""],"belongs to config group":[""],"boolean":[""],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":[""],"can only be set for array or hash":[""],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":[""],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":[""],"can't be bigger than to range":[""],"can't be blank":[""],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":[""],"can't be changed once the interface is saved":[""],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":[""],"can't be updated after subnet is saved":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":[""],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":[""],"can't find domain with this id":[""],"cannot be changed":[""],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":[""],"cannot be used, please choose another":[""],"clone":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"comments powered by %{disqus}":[""],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":[""],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":[""],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":[""],"defaults to 389":[""],"determines when the template should associate objects based on metadata, new means only when new template is being created, always means both for new and existing template which is only being updated, never ignores metadata":[""],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":[""],"does not belong into host's location":[""],"does not belong into host's organization":[""],"does not belong to subnet":[""],"does not have the %s feature":[""],"does not match selected subnet":[""],"domain":[""],"e-mail reporting":[""],"e.g. admin@internal":[""],"e.g. givenName":[""],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens or http://openstack:5000/v3/auth/tokens":[""],"e.g.":[""],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":[""],"e.g. mail":[""],"e.g. qemu://":[""],"e.g. sn":[""],"e.g. uid":[""],"enable caching, for VMware only":[""],"environment id":[""],"expecting %s used by hosts or inherited (check mismatches report).":[""],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":[""],"failed to detect boot server: %s":[""],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":[""],"failed to save %s":[""],"filter for %s role":[""],"filter results":[""],"filter...":[""],"for EC2 only":[""],"for Libvirt and VMware only":[""],"for Libvirt only":[""],"for OpenStack only":[""],"for VMware":[""],"for oVirt only":[""],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":[""],"for proxy":[""],"free memory":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"further instructions":[""],"global":[""],"groups base DN":[""],"has already been taken":[""],"has this role already":[""],"hash":[""],"hash containing the facts for the host":[""],"host":[""],"host already has primary interface":[""],"host already has provision interface":[""],"host group":[""],"host group id":[""],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"hostname can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and dots according to RFC921, RFC952 and RFC1123":[""],"hostname of the host":[""],"iPXE template":[""],"in %s":[""],"in Progress":[""],"in progress":[""],"included already from parent":[""],"inherit":[""],"integer":[""],"interface information":[""],"invalid":[""],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":[""],"invalid architecture for %s":[""],"invalid host list":[""],"invalid medium for %s":[""],"invalid method %s":[""],"invalid path":[""],"invalid search query: %s":[""],"invalid time range":[""],"invalid type %s":[""],"invalid type: %s requested":[""],"is already used by a user account":[""],"is an admin account":[""],"is an admin user group":[""],"is an unsupported provisioning method":[""],"is invalid":[""],"is invalid %s":[""],"is invalid. No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":[""],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":[""],"is not a valid public ssh key":[""],"is not allowed to change":[""],"is not defined for host's %s":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":[""],"is not permitted":[""],"is not valid":[""],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["",""],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":[""],"is unknown":[""],"issue tracker":[""],"items selected. 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