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Revision bf03a259

Added by Pat Riehecky about 1 month ago

Fixes #36525 - kickstart's RHSM line only works on RHEL hosts

View differences:

spacewalk_host = <hostname> Hostname of Spacewalk server
# Katello or subscription-manager:
if host_param_true?('subscription_manager') || host_param('kt_activation_keys')
# Spacewalk:
elsif host_param('spacewalk_host')
registration_type = 'spacewalk'
end if
<% if registration_type == 'subscription_manager' %>
registration_type = nil
# registration_type = '<%= registration_type %>'
<% if registration_type == 'subscription_manager' -%>
if host_param('kt_activation_keys')
subscription_manager_certpkg_url = subscription_manager_configuration_url(@host)
redhat_install_host_tools = host_param_true?('redhat_install_host_tools')
redhat_install_host_tracer_tools = host_param_true?('redhat_install_host_tracer_tools')
echo "##############################################################"
echo "################# SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER #######################"
# Set up subscription-manager
<%= snippet("subscription_manager_setup", variables: { subman_setup_scenario: 'provisioning' }).strip -%>
<%- if (host_param('syspurpose_role') || host_param('syspurpose_usage') || host_param('syspurpose_sla') || host_param('syspurpose_addons')) %>
<%- if (host_param('syspurpose_role') || host_param('syspurpose_usage') || host_param('syspurpose_sla') || host_param('syspurpose_addons')) -%>
# Avoid timeout accessing unreachable repo on air gapped infrastructure,
# assuming subscription-manager-syspurpose is installed in custom packages section.
if ! rpm --query --quiet subscription-manager-syspurpose ; then
if [ -f /usr/sbin/syspurpose ]; then
<%- if host_param('syspurpose_role') %>
<%- if host_param('syspurpose_role') -%>
syspurpose set-role "<%= host_param('syspurpose_role') %>"
<%- end %>
<%- if host_param('syspurpose_usage') %>
<%- end -%>
<%- if host_param('syspurpose_usage') -%>
syspurpose set-usage "<%= host_param('syspurpose_usage') %>"
<%- end %>
<%- if host_param('syspurpose_sla') %>
<%- end -%>
<%- if host_param('syspurpose_sla') -%>
syspurpose set-sla "<%= host_param('syspurpose_sla') %>"
<%- end %>
<%- if host_param('syspurpose_addons') %>
<%- end -%>
<%- if host_param('syspurpose_addons') -%>
<%- addons = host_param('syspurpose_addons').split(',')
.map { |add_on| "'#{add_on.strip}'" }.join(" ") %>
syspurpose add-addons <%= addons %>
<%- end %>
<%- end -%>
echo "Syspurpose CLI not found."
<% end %>
<% end -%>
<% if host_param('http-proxy') %>
<% if host_param('http-proxy') -%>
subscription-manager config --server.proxy_hostname='<%= host_param("http-proxy") %>'
<% if host_param('http-proxy-user') %>
<% if host_param('http-proxy-user') -%>
subscription-manager config --server.proxy_user='<%= host_param("http-proxy-user") %>'
<% end %>
<% if host_param('http-proxy-password') %>
<% end -%>
<% if host_param('http-proxy-password') -%>
subscription-manager config --server.proxy_password='<%= host_param("http-proxy-password") %>'
<% end %>
<% if host_param('http-proxy-port') %>
<% end -%>
<% if host_param('http-proxy-port') -%>
subscription-manager config --server.proxy_port='<%= host_param("http-proxy-port") %>'
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% if host_param('subscription_manager_username') && host_param('subscription_manager_password') %>
<% if host_param('subscription_manager_pool') %>
<% if host_param('subscription_manager_username') && host_param('subscription_manager_password') -%>
<% if host_param('subscription_manager_pool') -%>
subscription-manager register --name="<%= %>" --username='<%= host_param("subscription_manager_username") %>' --password='<%= host_param("subscription_manager_password") %>'
subscription-manager attach --pool='<%= host_param('subscription_manager_pool') %>'
<% else %>
<% else -%>
subscription-manager register --name="<%= %>" --username='<%= host_param("subscription_manager_username") %>' --password='<%= host_param("subscription_manager_password") %>' --auto-attach
<% end %>
<% end -%>
<% elsif activation_key %>
<% elsif activation_key -%>
subscription-manager register --name="<%= %>" --org='<%= subscription_manager_org %>' --activationkey='<%= activation_key %>'
<% else %>
<% else -%>
echo "No activation key found: Not registering to subscription manager"
<% end %>
<% end -%>
<% if host_param_true?('only_subscription_manager_repos') %>
<% if host_param_true?('only_subscription_manager_repos') -%>
for subman_config_file in /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf /etc/dnf/plugins/subscription-manager.conf; do
if [ -f $subman_config_file ]; then
egrep -q "^disable_system_repos=" $subman_config_file
<% end %>
<% end -%>
<% if host_param_true?('subscription_manager_auto_attach', false) -%>
subscription-manager attach --auto
<% end -%>
<% if host_param('subscription_manager_repos') %>
<% if host_param('subscription_manager_repos') -%>
# workaround for RHEL 6.4 bug
subscription-manager repos --list > /dev/null
<%= "subscription-manager repos --enable #{host_param('subscription_manager_repos').gsub(/,\s*/, ' --enable ')}" %>
<% end %>
<% end -%>
<% if host_param('subscription_manager_override_repos_cost') %>
<% if host_param('subscription_manager_override_repos_cost') -%>
for repo in $(subscription-manager repos --list-enabled | grep "Repo ID:" | awk -F' ' '{ print $3 }'); do
<%= "subscription-manager repo-override --list --repo $repo | grep 'cost:' &>/dev/null || subscription-manager repo-override --repo $repo --add=cost:#{host_param('subscription_manager_override_repos_cost')}" %>
<% end %>
<% end -%>
<% if redhat_install_host_tools %>
<% if redhat_install_host_tools -%>
$PKG_MANAGER_INSTALL katello-host-tools
<% end %>
<% end -%>
<% if redhat_install_host_tracer_tools %>
<% if redhat_install_host_tracer_tools -%>
$PKG_MANAGER_INSTALL katello-host-tools-tracer
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% if registration_type == 'spacewalk' %>
<% if registration_type == 'spacewalk' -%>
echo "##############################################################"
echo "################ SPACEWALK REGISTRATION ######################"
echo "##############################################################"
<% if host_param('activation_key') %>
<% if host_param('activation_key') -%>
rhn_activation_key="<%= host_param('activation_key') -%>"
satellite_hostname="<%= host_param('spacewalk_host') -%>"
echo "registration successful."
<% else %>
<% else -%>
echo "No activation key found: Not registering"
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>

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