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import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import toJson from 'enzyme-to-json';

export default {
mockStorage: () => {
const storage = {};

return {
setItem: (key, value) => {
storage[key] = value || '';
getItem: key => (key in storage ? storage[key] : null),
removeItem: (key) => {
delete storage[key];
get length() {
return Object.keys(storage).length;
key: (i) => {
const keys = Object.keys(storage);

return keys[i] || null;

// a helper method for invoking a class method (for unit tests)
// obj = a class
// func = a tested function
// objThis = an object's this
// arg = function args

export const classFunctionUnitTest = (obj, func, objThis, args) =>
obj.prototype[func].apply(objThis, args);

* Shallow render a component multipile times with fixtures
* @param {ReactComponent} Component Component to shallow-render
* @param {Object} fixtures key=fixture description, value=props to apply
* @return {Object} key=fixture description, value=shallow-rendered component
export const shallowRenderComponentWithFixtures = (Component, fixtures) =>
Object.entries(fixtures).map(([description, props]) => ({
component: shallow(<Component {...props} />),

* Test a component with fixtures and snapshots
* @param {ReactComponent} Component Component to test
* @param {Object} fixtures key=fixture description, value=props to apply
export const testComponentSnapshotsWithFixtures = (Component, fixtures) =>
shallowRenderComponentWithFixtures(Component, fixtures).forEach(({ description, component }) =>
it(description, () => expect(toJson(component)).toMatchSnapshot()));

* run an action (sync or async) and except the results to much snapshot
* @param {Function} runAction Action runner function
* @return {Promise}
export const testActionSnapshot = async (runAction) => {
const actionResults = runAction();

// if it's an async action
if (typeof actionResults === 'function') {
const dispatch = jest.fn();
await actionResults(dispatch);

} else {

* Test actions with fixtures and snapshots
* @param {Object} fixtures key=fixture description, value=action runner function
export const testActionSnapshotWithFixtures = fixtures =>
Object.entries(fixtures).forEach(([description, runAction]) =>
it(description, () => testActionSnapshot(runAction)));

* Test a reducer with fixtures and snapshots
* @param {Function} reducer reducer to test
* @param {Object} fixtures key=fixture description, value=props to apply
export const testReducerSnapshotWithFixtures = (reducer, fixtures) => {
const reduce = ({ state, action = {} } = {}) => reducer(state, action);
Object.entries(fixtures).forEach(([description, action]) =>
it(description, () => expect(reduce(action)).toMatchSnapshot()));