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Revision c57f999b

Added by Ondřej Ezr about 5 years ago

Fixes #26299 - add schedule for report generation (#6642)

View differences:

(_('This will generate a report %s. Based on its definition, it can take a long time to process.') % h( +
'</p>').html_safe) %>
<%= text_f f, :generate_at, label: _('Generate at'), label_help: _('Generate report on a given time. Both date and time are required. Please use format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM +000') %>
<%= checkbox_f f, :send_mail,
label: _('Send report via e-mail'),
label_help: _('By checking this, the report will be sent to e-mail address specified below. Keep unchecked if you prefer to download the report in your browser.'),
onchange: 'tfm.templateInputs.toggleEmailFields(this)' %>
<div class="email-fields" <%= display?(!@composer.send_mail?) %> >
<%= text_f f, :mail_to,
label: _('Deliver to e-mail addresses'),
label_help: _('Valid e-mail addresses delimited by "%s"') % ReportComposer::MailToValidator::MAIL_DELIMITER %>
<%= f.fields_for :input_values do |input_values_fields| %>
<% inputs = {|input| input.input_type == 'user'} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= checkbox_f f, :send_mail,
label: _('Send report via e-mail'),
label_help: _('By checking this, the report will be sent to e-mail address specified below. Keep unchecked if you prefer to download the report in your browser.'),
onchange: 'tfm.templateInputs.toggleEmailFields(this)' %>
<div class="email-fields" <%= display?(!@composer.send_mail?) %> >
<%= text_f f, :mail_to,
label: _('Deliver to e-mail addresses'),
label_help: _('Valid e-mail addresses delimited by "%s"') % ReportComposer::MailToValidator::MAIL_DELIMITER %>
<%= submit_or_cancel f, false, { data: { disable_with: false } } %>
<% end %>

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