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Revision d6c08a7a

Added by Daniel Lobato Garcia over 8 years ago

Fixes #11618 - Replace validation tests by shoulda-matchers

A good chunk of our unit tests are testing whether a validation is
working or not by testing it actively. For the validations we've
added ourselves I would say it's fine. However for validations that
come from the Rails framework, we're essentially testing their job.

Instead of testing (for instance) validates(:name, :uniqueness =>
true) by creating two objects and verifying the second one won't
save (these tests are already done at the framework level), we
should simply test we're including validations in our models.

The well-maintained gem shoulda-matchers provide easy functions to
check we're including such validations, and other helpers we can
use to refactor our tests further and not test Rails functionality

View differences:

# Raise exception on mass assignment protection for Active Record models
config.active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer = :strict
#enables a few aliases - context, should, and should_eventually methods
config.minitest_spec_rails.mini_shoulda = true
# Use separate cache stores for parallel_tests
config.cache_store = :file_store, Rails.root.join("tmp", "cache", "paralleltests#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']}")

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