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Revision f8d94608

Added by Amos Benari over 11 years ago

  • ID f8d946082e58b60213a27ded3e1e5f5373d976de

fixes #832 - adds parameterized class support

This patch is based on the original work of Olivier Favre
<> many many thanks!

This patch adds the following features
  • import class parameters, and try to understand their types
  • support a complex matrix of environments, puppet classes and their
    signature - each class can have a different set of parameters per environment.
  • adds an ignore yaml file 'config/ignored_environments.yml.sample' file were
    users can add regexp or class names that the importer should ignore.
    common usage case for this is classes such as ::config, ::install etc.
  • introduce a new type of smart variable - parameterized.
  • adds complex data types to smart vars, arrays, hashes, json, yaml etc are all supported now.

in order to use the new ENC format for puppet 2.6.5+ you should enable the
Parametrized_Classes_in_ENC and Enable_Smart_Variables_in_ENC within Foreman Settings

This is the initial patch just to get param classes support in, follow-up patches
would include a better UI and the relevant UI updates to host edit page etc.

Signed-off-by: Ohad Levy <>

View differences:

class Puppetclass < ActiveRecord::Base
include Authorization
has_and_belongs_to_many :environments
has_many :environment_classes, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :environments, :through => :environment_classes, :uniq => true
has_and_belongs_to_many :operatingsystems
has_and_belongs_to_many :hostgroups
has_many :host_classes, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :lookup_keys, :inverse_of => :puppetclass
accepts_nested_attributes_for :lookup_keys, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:key].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true
# param classes
has_many :class_params, :through => :environment_classes, :uniq => true,
:class_name => 'LookupKey', :source => :lookup_key, :conditions => 'environment_classes.lookup_key_id is NOT NULL'
accepts_nested_attributes_for :class_params, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:key].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true
validates_uniqueness_of :name
validates_presence_of :name
validates_associated :environments
validates_format_of :name, :with => /\A(\S+\s?)+\Z/, :message => "can't be blank or contain white spaces."
scoped_search :in => :environments, :on => :name, :complete_value => :true, :rename => "environment"
scoped_search :in => :hostgroups, :on => :name, :complete_value => :true, :rename => "hostgroup"
scoped_search :in => :hosts, :on => :name, :complete_value => :true, :rename => "host", :ext_method => :search_by_host, :only_explicit => true
scoped_search :in => :class_params, :on => :key, :complete_value => :true
scope :not_in_any_environment, includes(:environment_classes).where(:environment_classes => {:environment_id => nil})
def to_param
# Populates the rdoc tree with information about all the classes in your modules.
# Firstly, we prepare the modules tree
# Secondly we run puppetdoc over the modulespath and manifestdir for all environments

Also available in: Unified diff