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Revision b3efb0eb

Added by John Mitsch almost 6 years ago

Fixes #24064 - Update upstream subs API response id

and always return local pool ids on index call.

This changes the index GET response for
The `pool_id` attribute is removed since it is redundant, the
id parameter will return the candlepin ID, so it was duplicating data.

Local pool ids are also always returned on an index call. Since
upstream sub information is being returned to us when we import
sub data from candlepin locally, its trivial to import this into
our database. Having this info in our database means we can match
the upstream subscriptions to local pool ids during the index call
to /upstream_subscriptions without adding much complexity to the

View differences:

object @resource ||= @object
attributes :pool_id => :id
attributes :pool_id
attributes :id
attributes :status
attributes :quantity
attributes :available
attributes :product_name
attributes :product_id
attributes :subscription_id
if params[:pool_ids]
attributes :local_pool_ids
attributes :local_pool_ids

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