


Download (7.53 KB) Statistics
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import Immutable from 'seamless-immutable';

export const initialState = Immutable({
loading: true,
results: [],
pagination: {
page: 0,
perPage: 20,
itemCount: 0,
quantitiesLoading: false,
availableQuantities: {},

export const loadingState = Immutable({

export const emptyState = Immutable({
loading: false,

export const requestSuccessResponse = Immutable({
organization: {},
total: 81,
subtotal: 81,
page: 1,
per_page: 2,
error: null,
search: null,
sort: {
by: 'cp_id',
order: 'asc',
results: [
id: 3,
cp_id: 'ff8080815ea5ea44015ea617b1a5000b',
subscription_id: 2,
name: 'zoo',
start_date: '2017-09-21 16:18:44 -0400',
end_date: '2047-09-14 15:18:44 -0500',
available: -2,
quantity: -1,
consumed: 1,
account_number: null,
contract_number: null,
support_level: null,
product_id: '853987721546',
sockets: null,
cores: null,
ram: null,
instance_multiplier: 1,
stacking_id: null,
multi_entitlement: null,
type: 'NORMAL',
product_name: 'zoo',
unmapped_guest: false,
virt_only: false,
virt_who: false,
id: 4,
cp_id: 'ff8080815ea5ea44015ebb08e95a0024',
subscription_id: 3,
name: 'hsdfhsdh',
start_date: '2017-09-25 17:54:36 -0400',
end_date: '2047-09-18 16:54:36 -0500',
available: -1,
quantity: -1,
consumed: 0,
account_number: null,
contract_number: null,
support_level: null,
product_id: '947637693017',
sockets: null,
cores: null,
ram: null,
instance_multiplier: 1,
stacking_id: null,
multi_entitlement: null,
type: 'NORMAL',
product_name: 'hsdfhsdh',
unmapped_guest: false,
virt_only: false,
virt_who: false,

export const requestSuccessResponseWithRHSubscriptions = Immutable({
organization: {},
total: 81,
subtotal: 1,
page: 1,
per_page: 2,
error: null,
search: null,
sort: {
by: 'cp_id',
order: 'asc',
results: [
id: 4,
cp_id: '4028f95a62ce96190162cf435202005b',
subscription_id: 5,
name: 'Some RH Product',
start_date: '2013-02-28 18:00:00 -1100',
end_date: '2021-12-31 17:59:59 -1100',
available: 12,
quantity: 12,
consumed: 0,
account_number: 1000000,
contract_number: 20000000,
support_level: 'Self-Support',
product_id: 'Z3BRU11',
sockets: null,
cores: null,
ram: null,
instance_multiplier: 1,
stacking_id: null,
multi_entitlement: null,
type: 'NORMAL',
product_name: 'Some RH Product',
unmapped_guest: false,
virt_only: false,
virt_who: false,
upstream: true,

export const quantitiesRequestSuccessResponse = Immutable({
results: [
id: '9a95f981519abf020151ab082c5e0313',
quantity: 10000,
available: 100,
start_date: '2016-12-15T05:00:00+0000',
end_date: '2032-01-01T04:59:59+0000',
contract_number: '10880011',
consumed: 9469,
product_name: 'Some RH Product',
product_id: 'Z3BRU11',
subscription_id: '3802241',
local_pool_ids: [
id: '6b123381519abf020151ab082c5e4678',
quantity: 400,
available: 40,
start_date: '2016-12-15T05:00:00+0000',
end_date: '2032-01-01T04:59:59+0000',
contract_number: '10880011',
consumed: 9469,
product_name: 'Another RH Product',
product_id: 'ABIC300',
subscription_id: '3808964',
local_pool_ids: [
page: 1,
per_page: 10,
search: null,
sort: {
by: 'cp_id',
order: 'asc',
subtotal: 3,
total: 3,

export const successState = Immutable({
loading: false,
results: [
id: 3,
cp_id: 'ff8080815ea5ea44015ea617b1a5000b',
subscription_id: 2,
name: 'zoo',
start_date: '2017-09-21 16:18:44 -0400',
end_date: '2047-09-14 15:18:44 -0500',
available: -2,
quantity: -1,
consumed: 1,
account_number: null,
contract_number: null,
support_level: null,
product_id: '853987721546',
sockets: null,
cores: null,
ram: null,
instance_multiplier: 1,
stacking_id: null,
multi_entitlement: null,
type: 'NORMAL',
product_name: 'zoo',
unmapped_guest: false,
virt_only: false,
virt_who: false,
id: 4,
cp_id: 'ff8080815ea5ea44015ebb08e95a0024',
subscription_id: 3,
name: 'hsdfhsdh',
start_date: '2017-09-25 17:54:36 -0400',
end_date: '2047-09-18 16:54:36 -0500',
available: -1,
quantity: -1,
consumed: 0,
account_number: null,
contract_number: null,
support_level: null,
product_id: '947637693017',
sockets: null,
cores: null,
ram: null,
instance_multiplier: 1,
stacking_id: null,
multi_entitlement: null,
type: 'NORMAL',
product_name: 'hsdfhsdh',
unmapped_guest: false,
virt_only: false,
virt_who: false,
searchIsActive: false,
search: undefined,
pagination: {
page: 1,
perPage: 2,
itemCount: 81,
quantitiesLoading: false,
availableQuantities: {},

export const errorState = Immutable({
loading: false,
error: 'Unable to process request.',
pagination: {
page: 0,
perPage: 20,
itemCount: 0,
results: [],
quantitiesLoading: false,
availableQuantities: {},

export const quantitiesSuccessState = Immutable({
quantitiesLoading: false,
availableQuantities: {
4: 100,
5: 100,
6: 40,

export const loadingQuantitiesState = Immutable({
quantitiesLoading: true,

export const quantitiesErrorState = Immutable({
quantitiesLoading: false,
quantitiesError: 'Unable to process request.',

export const successActions = [
response: requestSuccessResponse,
search: undefined,

export const successActionsWithQuantityLoad = [
response: requestSuccessResponseWithRHSubscriptions,
search: undefined,

export const failureActions = [
error: 'Request failed with status code 422',

export const poolsUpdate = [{
id: 1,
quantity: 32,
}, {
id: 42,
quantity: 83,

export const updateQuantitySuccessActions = [
quantities: poolsUpdate,
response: requestSuccessResponse,

export const updateQuantityFailureActions = [
quantities: poolsUpdate,
error: 'Request failed with status code 422',

export const loadQuantitiesFailureActions = [
error: 'Request failed with status code 500',

export const loadQuantitiesSuccessActions = [
response: quantitiesRequestSuccessResponse,