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import nock from 'nock';
// import checkForOuiaIds from './ouia_id_check';

// runs before each test to make sure console.error output will
// fail a test (i.e. default PropType missing). Check the error
// output and traceback for actual error.
const originalConsoleError = global.console.error;
global.console.error = (error, stack) => {
originalConsoleError(error); // ensure error is printed to console, comment
// in case of ouia-id check

/* Uncomment block below to filter out PF4 ouiaId errors */
// const ignore = ['in ForwardRef (created by Tabs)',
// 'in Button (created by Label)', 'created by _default',
// 'created by PaginationOptionsMenu', 'created by TypeAheadItems',
// 'The prop `ouiaId` is marked as required in `Modal`, but its value is `undefined`',
// 'created by WizardHeader', 'created by Navigation',
// 'created by ActionsColumn', 'created by InactiveText', 'created by Select',
// 'created by Context.Consumer', 'created by DualListSelector'];

/* eslint-disable-next-line no-console */
if (stack) console.log(stack); // Prints out original stack trace

/* Uncomment block below to filter out PF4 ouiaId errors */
// if (error && !ignore.some(e => error.includes(e))) {
// originalConsoleError(error); // ensure error is printed to console
// console.log(stack); // Prints out original stack trace
// }

throw new Error(error); // comment this and uncomment the next line when checking for ouia ids
// if (!error.includes('Failed prop type')) throw new Error(error);

// Increase jest timeout as some tests using multiple http mocks can time out on CI systems.
jest.setTimeout(process.env.JEST_TIMEOUT || 15000);

// uncomment this to see if tests are trying to make real API requests
// beforeAll(() => {
// nock.disableNetConnect();
// });

afterAll(() => {
if (global.gc) global.gc();

beforeEach(() => {
if (!nock.isActive()) { nock.activate(); }

// To see where you need to add ouiaIds:
// 1. uncomment this and the import above
// checkForOuiaIds();
// 2. (optional) uncomment the line in global.console.error function above

afterEach(() => {
