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Revision 63902e07

Added by Trey Dockendorf about 9 years ago

Add support for master-slave configuration

Initial work came from PR #24. This varies from that pull request in the following ways

  • allow-transfer is not inside the "if master" condition
  • A few syntax errors corrected
  • Use "join" to generate values for allow-transfer and masters

Additionally changes to dns::zone to move variables to parameters and include sane default values

View differences:

# Define new zone for the dns
define dns::zone (
$zonetype = 'master',
$soa = $::fqdn,
$reverse = false,
$ttl = '10800',
$soaip = $::ipaddress,
$refresh = 86400,
$update_retry = 3600,
$expire = 604800,
$negttl = 3600,
$zonefilepath = $dns::params::zonefilepath,
$namedservicename = $dns::params::namedservicename,
$serial = 1,
$masters = [],
$allow_transfer = []
$allow_transfer = [],
$zone = $title,
$contact = "root.${title}.",
$filename = "db.${title}",
) {
$contact = "root.${name}."
$serial = 1
if ! defined(Class[dns]) {
class { 'dns':
zonefilepath => $zonefilepath,
namedservicename => $namedservicename
validate_array($masters, $allow_transfer)
# Validate that the value for soa is within the zone
$soa_parts = split($soa, '[.]')
$soa_hostname = $soa_parts[0]
if $soa != "${soa_hostname}.${zone}" and ! $reverse {
fail('soa must be within the defined zone.')
include dns::params
include dns
$zone = $name
$filename = "db.${zone}"
$zonefilename = "${zonefilepath}/${filename}"
$zonefilename = "${dns::zonefilepath}/${filename}"
concat_fragment { "dns_zones+10_${zone}.dns":
content => template('dns/'),
file { $zonefilename:
owner => $dns::params::user,
group => $dns::params::group,
mode => '0640',
owner => $dns::user,
group => $dns::group,
mode => '0644',
content => template('dns/zone.header.erb'),
require => File[$zonefilepath],
replace => false,
notify => Service[$namedservicename],
notify => Service[$dns::namedservicename],

Also available in: Unified diff