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Revision 0e862141

Added by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden over 4 years ago

Fixes #28436 - Add keycloak support

This adds support for keycloak when using the
keycloak-httpd-client-install command. A more native integration would
rely on the oidc support in puppetlabs-apache, but that's unreleased.

It drops the dependency chaining for the passenger package because it
was leading to dependency cycles and I don't see a reason for the
explicit chaining.

View differences:

Boolean $ipa_authentication = false,
Hash[String, Any] $http_vhost_options = {},
Hash[String, Any] $https_vhost_options = {},
Boolean $keycloak = false,
String[1] $keycloak_app_name = 'foreman-openidc',
String[1] $keycloak_realm = 'ssl-realm',
) {
$docroot = "${app_root}/public"
include ::apache::mod::intercept_form_submit
include ::apache::mod::lookup_identity
include ::apache::mod::auth_kerb
} elsif $keycloak {
# adds apache::mod::auth_openidc which allows for proper integration but
# the current release (5.4.0) doesn't include this yet.
include ::apache::mod::authz_user
apache::mod { 'auth_openidc':
package => 'mod_auth_openidc',
# This file is generated by keycloak-httpd-client-install and that manages
# the content. The command would be:
# keycloak-httpd-client-install --app-name ${keycloak_app_name} --keycloak-server-url $KEYCLOAK_URL --keycloak-admin-username $KEYCLOAK_USER --keycloak-realm ${keycloak_realm} --keycloak-admin-realm master --keycloak-auth-role root-admin --client-type openidc --client-hostname ${servername} --protected-locations /users/extlogin
# If $suburi is used, --location-root should also be passed in
# By defining it here we avoid purging it and also tighten the
# permissions so the world can't read its secrets.
# This is functionally equivalent to apache::custom_config without content/source
file { "${apache::confd_dir}/${keycloak_app_name}_oidc_keycloak_${keycloak_realm}.conf":
ensure => file,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0640',
file { "${apache::confd_dir}/${priority}-foreman.d":

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