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Revision 193056aa

Added by Dominic Cleal over 9 years ago

refs #7227 - set PassengerRuby to ruby1.9.1 on Ubuntu 12.04

Explicitly set PassengerRuby from the passenger_ruby parameter and set it to
ruby1.9.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 to ensure Passenger runs under the intended version
if the system-wide default is changed.

Deprecates the passenger_scl parameter, which has been split into the
passenger_ruby and passenger_ruby_package parameters for more control.

Clarify the support policy which has been followed anyway, and begin to
document how to use N-1 support.

View differences:

it { should contain_class('foreman::config') }
it { should contain_class('foreman::database') }
it { should contain_class('foreman::service') }
describe 'with deprecated passenger_scl' do
let(:params) { { :passenger_scl => 'ruby200' } }
it { should contain_class('foreman::config::passenger').with({
:ruby => '/usr/bin/ruby200-ruby',
it { should contain_package('ruby200-rubygem-passenger-native') }
context 'on debian' do

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