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Revision 475afc0a

Added by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden about 4 years ago

Fixes #29602 - Refactor repository handling

This removes the repo parameters from the main class, in favor of a
standalone class that can be included. It uses an anchor because that
can be collected in the main class to keep the correct dependency
chaining while using composition.

View differences:

$configure_scl_repo = $facts['os']['family'] == 'RedHat' and $facts['os']['release']['major'] == '7'
class { 'foreman::repo':
repo => 'nightly',
gpgcheck => false,
configure_epel_repo => false,
configure_scl_repo => $configure_scl_repo,
repo => 'nightly',
# Needed for idempotency when SELinux is enabled
if $configure_scl_repo {
if $foreman::repo::configure_scl_repo {
package { 'rh-redis5-redis':
ensure => installed,
require => Class['foreman::repo'],

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