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Revision 12b22589

Added by Dominic Cleal over 8 years ago

refs #11081 - add DHCP split config files support

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<% dhcp_split_files = scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::dhcp_split_config_files") -%>
# Enable DHCP management
# Can be true, false, or http/https to enable just one of the protocols
:enabled: <%= @module_enabled %>
# valid vendors:
# - isc
# - native_ms (Microsoft native implementation)
# - virsh (simple implementation for libvirt)
# valid providers:
# - <%= "dhcp_" if dhcp_split_files %>isc (ISC dhcp server)
# - <%= "dhcp_" if dhcp_split_files %>native_ms (Microsoft native implementation)
# - <%= "dhcp_" if dhcp_split_files %>virsh (simple implementation for libvirt)
<% if dhcp_split_files -%>
:use_provider: dhcp_<%= scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::dhcp_vendor") %>
:server: <%= scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::dhcp_server") %>
# subnets restricts the subnets queried to a subset, to reduce the query time.
#:subnets: [,]
<% else -%>
<% if scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::dhcp") == true -%>
:dhcp_vendor: <%= scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::dhcp_vendor") %>
:dhcp_server: <%= scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::dhcp_server") %>
#:dhcp_key_secret: secret_key
#:dhcp_omapi_port: 7911
<% end -%>
<% end -%>

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