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Revision 49435dc0

Added by Stephen Benjamin over 9 years ago

fixes #8990 - deprecate port and separate http and https settings

View differences:

:settings_directory: /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d
# SSL Setup
<% ssl = scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::real_ssl") -%>
<% http = scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::real_http") -%>
# if enabled, all communication would be verfied via SSL
# NOTE that both certificates need to be signed by the same CA in order for this to work
# see for more information
<% if ssl = scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::ssl") && scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::ssl_ca") -%>
<% if ssl && scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::ssl_ca") -%>
:ssl_ca_file: <%= scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::ssl_ca") %>
<% else -%>
#:ssl_ca_file: ssl/certs/ca.pem
# https is enabled if certificate, CA certificate, and private key are present in locations specifed by
# ssl_certificate, ssl_ca_file, and ssl_private_key correspondingly
# default values for https_port is 8443
<% if ssl = scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::ssl") -%>
#:http_port: 8000
:https_port: <%= scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::port") %>
<% else -%>
#:https_port: 8443
:http_port: <%= scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::port") %>
<% end -%>
<%= '#' unless ssl -%>:https_port: <%= scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::real_https_port") %>
<%= '#' unless http -%>:http_port: <%= scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::real_http_port") %>
# shared options for virsh DNS/DHCP provider
:virsh_network: <%= scope.lookupvar("foreman_proxy::virsh_network") %>

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