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Revision b9bb68f7

Added by Adam Růžička over 1 year ago

Fixes #35455 - Generate an environment file for ansible

This file will be sourced by smart_proxy_ansible before it starts
ansible-runner. This way, people can tweak their own ansible.cfg, but
the values we need will have a higher priority.

View differences:

# of the key, which is not possible from non-interactive
# environments like Foreman Remote Execution or cron
# $stdout_callback:: Ansible's stdout_callback setting
# $roles_path:: Paths where we look for ansible roles.
# $ssh_args:: The ssh_args parameter in ansible.cfg under [ssh_connection]
Stdlib::Absolutepath $ansible_dir = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::ansible_dir,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $working_dir = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::working_dir,
Boolean $host_key_checking = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::host_key_checking,
String $stdout_callback = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::stdout_callback,
Array[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $roles_path = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::roles_path,
String $ssh_args = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::ssh_args,
Boolean $install_runner = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::install_runner,
$foreman_ssl_key = pick($foreman_proxy::foreman_ssl_key, $foreman_proxy::ssl_key)
$foreman_ssl_ca = pick($foreman_proxy::foreman_ssl_ca, $foreman_proxy::ssl_ca)
file { "${foreman_proxy::config_dir}/ansible.cfg":
file { "${foreman_proxy::config_dir}/ansible.env":
ensure => file,
content => template('foreman_proxy/plugin/ansible.cfg.erb'),
content => template('foreman_proxy/plugin/ansible.env.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => $foreman_proxy::user,
mode => '0640',
~> file { "${foreman_proxy::dir}/.ansible.cfg":
ensure => link,
target => "${foreman_proxy::config_dir}/ansible.cfg",
include foreman_proxy::plugin::dynflow
if $install_runner {

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