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Revision 8ce716a4

Added by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden over 2 years ago

Fixes #34154 - Refresh on Pulp plugin installation

smart_proxy_pulp dynamically retrieves the Pulp content types and
Katello uses this. This means the features need to be refreshed after a
content type is added. The API also changes so that cache needs to be

This does refreshes on the foreman_smartproxy which could be considered
a private API from theforeman/foreman_proxy and collectors would
silently be skipped if anything changes. That's why this must be covered
by spec tests.

View differences:

rhsm_path => $rhsm_path,
# smart_proxy_pulp dynamically retrieves the Pulp content types and Katello
# uses this. This means the features need to be refreshed after a content
# type is added. The API also changes so apipie cache needs to be regenerated.
# lint:ignore:spaceship_operator_without_tag
if $foreman_proxy::register_in_foreman {
Pulpcore::Plugin <| |> ~> Foreman_smartproxy[$foreman_proxy::registered_name]
Foreman_smartproxy[$foreman_proxy::registered_name] -> Foreman::Rake <| title == 'apipie:cache:index' |>
Pulpcore::Plugin <| |> ~> Foreman::Rake <| title == 'apipie:cache:index' |>
# lint:endignore
if $puppet {
# We can't pull the certs out to the top level, because of how it gets the default
# parameter values from the main certs class. Kafo can't handle that case, so

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