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Revision a282b0e5

Added by Brad Buckingham over 8 years ago

Additional updates to support puppet-pulp 1.0.0

This commit contains some additional changes to support puppet-pulp 1.0.0
on a capsule. This includes setting various pulp parameters to the
default values that katello/capsule had previously as well as inclusion
of the httpd conf files.

View differences:

class { '::capsule::install': } ~>
class { '::capsule::config': }
class { '::certs::foreman_proxy':
hostname => $capsule_fqdn,
require => Package['foreman-proxy'],
ssl_cert_name => 'broker',
} ~>
class { '::pulp':
enable_rpm => true,
enable_puppet => true,
enable_docker => true,
default_password => $pulp_admin_password,
oauth_enabled => true,
oauth_key => $pulp_oauth_key,
oauth_secret => $pulp_oauth_secret,
messaging_transport => 'qpid',
messaging_auth_enabled => false,
messaging_ca_cert => $certs::ca_cert,
messaging_client_cert => $certs::params::messaging_client_cert,
messaging_url => "ssl://${::fqdn}:5671",
broker_url => "qpid://${qpid_router_broker_addr}:${qpid_router_broker_port}",
broker_use_ssl => true,
manage_broker => false,
manage_httpd => false,
manage_plugins_httpd => true,
repo_auth => true,
node_oauth_effective_user => $pulp_oauth_effective_user,
node_oauth_key => $pulp_oauth_key,
node_oauth_secret => $pulp_oauth_secret,
if $pulp {
Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs'] -> Class['::certs::qpid']
Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::pulp_child']

Also available in: Unified diff