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Revision 4e995792

Added by Eric Helms over 10 years ago

Fixing linting issues.

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# Katello Default Params
class katello::params {
if ($operatingsystem == "RedHat" or $operatingsystem == "CentOS"){
if ($::operatingsystem == 'RedHat' or $::operatingsystem == 'CentOS'){
$scl_prefix = 'ruby193-'
$scl_root = '/opt/rh/ruby193/root'
} else {
$deployment_url = '/katello'
if file_exists("/usr/sbin/tomcat") and !file_exists("/usr/sbin/tomcat6") {
$tomcat = "tomcat"
if file_exists('/usr/sbin/tomcat') and !file_exists('/usr/sbin/tomcat6') {
$tomcat = 'tomcat'
else {
$tomcat = "tomcat6"
$tomcat = 'tomcat6'
case $deployment_url {
$deployment = 'headpin'
default : {
$deployment = 'katello'
$deployment = 'katello'
# system settings
$host = ''
$user = "katello"
$group = "katello"
$user_groups = "foreman"
$config_dir = "/etc/katello"
$katello_dir = "/usr/share/katello"
$environment = "production"
$log_dir = "/var/log/katello"
$log_base = "/var/log/katello"
$configure_log_base = "$log_base/katello-install"
$db_env_log = "$configure_log_base/db_env.log"
$migrate_log = "$configure_log_base/db_migrate.log"
$seed_log = "$configure_log_base/db_seed.log"
$user = 'katello'
$group = 'katello'
$user_groups = 'foreman'
$config_dir = '/etc/katello'
$katello_dir = '/usr/share/katello'
$environment = 'production'
$log_dir = '/var/log/katello'
$log_base = '/var/log/katello'
$configure_log_base = "${log_base}/katello-install"
$db_env_log = "${configure_log_base}/db_env.log"
$migrate_log = "${configure_log_base}/db_migrate.log"
$seed_log = "${configure_log_base}/db_seed.log"
# katello upgrade settings
$katello_upgrade_scripts_dir = "/usr/share/katello/install/upgrade-scripts"
$katello_upgrade_history_file = "/var/lib/katello/upgrade-history"
$katello_upgrade_scripts_dir = '/usr/share/katello/install/upgrade-scripts'
$katello_upgrade_history_file = '/var/lib/katello/upgrade-history'
# SSL settings
$ssl_certificate_file = "/etc/candlepin/certs/candlepin-ca.crt"
$ssl_certificate_key_file = "/etc/candlepin/certs/candlepin-ca.key"
$ssl_certificate_file = '/etc/candlepin/certs/candlepin-ca.crt'
$ssl_certificate_key_file = '/etc/candlepin/certs/candlepin-ca.key'
$ssl_certificate_ca_file = $ssl_certificate_file
# sysconfig settings
$job_workers = 1
# OAUTH settings
$oauth_key = "katello"
$oauth_key = 'katello'
# we set foreman oauth key to foreman, so that katello knows where the call
# comes from and can find the rigth secret. This way only one key-secret pair
# is needed to be mainained for duplex communication.
$foreman_oauth_key = "foreman"
$foreman_oauth_key = 'foreman'
$oauth_secret = find_or_create_password('oauth_token_file')
# Subsystems settings
$candlepin_url = "https://localhost:8443/candlepin"
$pulp_url = subsystem_url("pulp/api/v2/")
$foreman_url = subsystem_url("foreman")
$candlepin_url = 'https://localhost:8443/candlepin'
$pulp_url = subsystem_url('pulp/api/v2/')
$foreman_url = subsystem_url('foreman')
# database reinitialization flag
$reset_data = 'NONE'

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