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Revision 8edc3f0c

Added by James Powis over 7 years ago

allow enabling crl when server_ca => false

This allows the CRL to be enabled when puppet_ca is disabled.
Additionally, provide the ability to sync #{ssldir}/ca/ca_crl.pem
contents to #{ssldir}/crl.pem from a master of masters.

closes GH-460

View differences:

# $ca_port:: Puppet CA port
# type:Optional[Integer[0, 65535]]
# $ca_crl_filepath:: Path to CA CRL file, dynamically resolves based on
# $::server_ca status.
# type:Optional[String]
# $dns_alt_names:: Use additional DNS names when generating a
# certificate. Defaults to an empty Array.
# type:Array[String]
# $server_ca:: Provide puppet CA
# type:Boolean
# $server_ca_crl_sync:: Sync puppet CA crl file to compile masters, Puppet CA Must be the Puppetserver
# for the compile masters. Defaults to false.
# type:Boolean
# $server_crl_enable:: Turn on crl checking. Defaults to true when server_ca is true. Otherwise
# Defaults to false. Note unless you are using an external CA. It is recommended
# to set this to true. See $server_ca_crl_sync to enable syncing from CA Puppet Master
# type:Optional[Boolean]
# $server_http:: Should the puppet master listen on HTTP as well as HTTPS.
# Useful for load balancer or reverse proxy scenarios. Note that
# the HTTP puppet master denies access from all clients by default,
$configtimeout = $puppet::params::configtimeout,
$ca_server = $puppet::params::ca_server,
$ca_port = $puppet::params::ca_port,
$ca_crl_filepath = $puppet::params::ca_crl_filepath,
$prerun_command = $puppet::params::prerun_command,
$postrun_command = $puppet::params::postrun_command,
$dns_alt_names = $puppet::params::dns_alt_names,
$server_ip = $puppet::params::ip,
$server_port = $puppet::params::port,
$server_ca = $puppet::params::server_ca,
$server_ca_crl_sync = $puppet::params::server_ca_crl_sync,
$server_crl_enable = $puppet::params::server_crl_enable,
$server_ca_auth_required = $puppet::params::server_ca_auth_required,
$server_ca_client_whitelist = $puppet::params::server_ca_client_whitelist,
$server_http = $puppet::params::server_http,

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