



From 04/09/2014 to 05/08/2014


03:28 PM Feature #4452 (Assigned): Build all non-SCL dependencies for EL7
Dominic Cleal


02:40 PM Bug #5539 (Closed): [deb] cleanup gemfile.lock on uninstall
Seems we don't cleanup properly:
root@wheezy934:~# apt-get purge foreman-postgresql foreman
Reading package l...
Greg Sutcliffe
01:31 PM Bug #5528 (Rejected): Assets should be precompiled in ruby-foreman-setup
foreman_setup ships assets (well, one small piece of javascript) so this requires compilation for use in production m... Dominic Cleal
12:49 PM Bug #5519: failure when installing GCE plugin with 1.5 rc2
Wheezy , and I was using the foreman-installer step by step , so first do the base install foreman , proxy , puppet
Jelle B.
10:51 AM Bug #5519: failure when installing GCE plugin with 1.5 rc2
I can't reproduce this, I'm afraid:
$ DEBUG=1 apt-get install foreman-gce
Setting up foreman-gce (1.5.0~...
Greg Sutcliffe


09:44 PM Bug #5519 (Resolved): failure when installing GCE plugin with 1.5 rc2
I had step by step installed the various plugins maintaining a controlled working environment.
Up to the point that ...
Jelle B.

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