



From 07/05/2016 to 08/03/2016


10:22 AM Bug #15958 (Closed): Move to using strong parameters
Stephen Benjamin


09:12 AM Revision ad79b95e (foreman_salt): Fix version to match SPDX
Stephen Benjamin


12:02 PM Bug #14273 (Closed): Salt integration tets are failing
Applied in changeset commit:foreman_salt|106c122ef8340467926036029f30c49e3ca2379e. Anonymous
11:46 AM Revision 106c122e (foreman_salt): fixes #14273 - fix foreman compatability issues (#58)
Stephen Benjamin
11:41 AM Support #15627 (Resolved): [Foreman + SaltStack] - Couldn't retrieve ENC data: Could not send facts to Foreman: nested asn1 error
Hi there!
Sorry for the late response. it looks like you're reversed the certs and keys in your /etc/salt/foreman....
Stephen Benjamin


10:24 AM Support #15627: [Foreman + SaltStack] - Couldn't retrieve ENC data: Could not send facts to Foreman: nested asn1 error
[root@saltmaster ~]# cat /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d/salt.yml
> ---
> :enabled: https
> :autosign_file: /etc/sa...
Rodrigo Floriano de Souza
10:22 AM Support #15627: [Foreman + SaltStack] - Couldn't retrieve ENC data: Could not send facts to Foreman: nested asn1 error
[root@saltmaster ~]# cat /etc/salt/master
_> autosign_file: /etc/salt/autosign.conf
> master_tops:
> ext_n...
Rodrigo Floriano de Souza
10:20 AM Support #15627 (Resolved): [Foreman + SaltStack] - Couldn't retrieve ENC data: Could not send facts to Foreman: nested asn1 error
Hi, all!
I'm testing Foreman Integration with SaltStack, but do not run the trigger "state.highstate" on the but...
Rodrigo Floriano de Souza


11:13 AM Refactor #15591 (New): Use new structured facts parser
Stephen Benjamin

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