



From 12/10/2015 to 01/08/2016


08:09 PM Bug #13094: Not able to list DHCP records for a particular subnet through DHCP SmartProxy API
This is the result from API call to 1.9.2 machine:
# curl -kSs --cacert /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem --cert /v...
Konstantin Orekhov
07:49 PM Bug #13094: Not able to list DHCP records for a particular subnet through DHCP SmartProxy API
Just verified that in 1.9.2 things were working correctly.
Something changed between DHCP browser versions?
Konstantin Orekhov
07:09 PM Bug #13094 (Duplicate): Not able to list DHCP records for a particular subnet through DHCP SmartProxy API
Listing of all subnets works just fine:
# curl -kSs --cacert /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem --cert /var/lib/pupp...
Konstantin Orekhov
07:25 AM Bug #13080 (Resolved): nsupdate module allows to specify mutually exclusive -k and -g options at the same time, which leads to a cryptic "Broken pipe" error
Traceback (this is 1.9.x version of smart-proxy, but the issue is present in develop):
D, [2016-01-07T16:24:06.773...
06:34 AM Bug #13062: smart-proxy throws an error when the field for fixed-address does not match a valid IP.
I assume this is related;
When using the following entry;
host test.domain {
hardware ethernet 00:50:56:84:3...
Tony Scheffer
03:59 AM Bug #13062 (Closed): smart-proxy throws an error when the field for fixed-address does not match a valid IP.
When doing the following;
host host.domain {
hardware ethernet 00:01:02:84:12:ab;
Tony Scheffer


01:06 PM Bug #13028 (Closed): foreman-proxy has error "Couldn't enable plugin dhcp_isc" on every restart
I've tried to set :enable:false in the settings.d and the error continues to appear. The proxy says it is active and ... Thomas McKay


04:49 PM Feature #11676: Proxy cannot be configured with remote DHCP server
One little thing, guys. It appears that this new option did not make it into foreman-installer documentation at http:... Konstantin Orekhov


06:33 AM Feature #12948 (New): as an api user, i would like to query puppet ca certificate additional information
the puppet ca inventory can contain additional information which is not exposed via the api, for example:... Ohad Levy


01:20 PM Bug #10378: smart-proxy service doesn't start on windows
Dmitri Dolguikh wrote:
> The fix has been merged, bundler_ext and the workaround mentioned above isn't needed. Pleas...
Zak Herner


05:09 PM Bug #10378: smart-proxy service doesn't start on windows
The fix has been merged, bundler_ext and the workaround mentioned above isn't needed. Please follow installation docs... Anonymous
04:26 PM Bug #10378: smart-proxy service doesn't start on windows
I'm unable to get this to work. I've tried the steps above with and installing bundler_ext without any lu... Zak Herner


12:51 PM Bug #12555: Only first FreeIPA XMLRPC call succeeds Foreman proxy 1.10 and FreeIPA, version: 4.1.4
Fix is also working for me on FreeIPA 4.2.3 with Foreman 1.9.3 Donny Davis
11:02 AM Bug #12555 (Closed): Only first FreeIPA XMLRPC call succeeds Foreman proxy 1.10 and FreeIPA, version: 4.1.4
Applied in changeset commit:07a6dae64560582b423abe921f5c6ff57946a5bb. Anonymous
10:56 AM Bug #12555: Only first FreeIPA XMLRPC call succeeds Foreman proxy 1.10 and FreeIPA, version: 4.1.4
Thanks very much for the testing Michael and Davy! I've merged it on that basis. Dominic Cleal
10:55 AM Revision 07a6dae6: Fixes #12555: switched to session-based freeipa api
Dmitri Dolguikh


04:29 PM Bug #12904 (Rejected): IP Address has already been taken - false positive - after corruption
Not much we can do if the leases file is missing or became corrupted -- current implementation of dhcp_isc module is ... Anonymous
03:31 PM Bug #12904 (Rejected): IP Address has already been taken - false positive - after corruption
when get's removed, corrupted, refreshed , reinstalled we start to observ "IP address has alread...
Veaceslav Mindru
03:59 PM Bug #12392: 100% cpu usage on foreman-proxy DHCP calls
example of request during this error
2015-12-21T20:56:52 [app] [I] Completed 200 OK in 305.5ms (Views: 1.0ms | Ac...
Veaceslav Mindru
03:24 PM Bug #12392: 100% cpu usage on foreman-proxy DHCP calls
after the patch when trying to deploy BareMetal
undefined method `ip' for nil:NilClass
Veaceslav Mindru
02:18 PM Bug #12392: 100% cpu usage on foreman-proxy DHCP calls
until now we didn't try the patch mentioned above. will try to patch our foreman installation tomorrow. Toni Schmidbauer
06:25 AM Bug #12392: 100% cpu usage on foreman-proxy DHCP calls
This "ip already in use" clearly not related to this bug and/or fix.
That's another issues related to our particular...
Alexandr Romanov
03:39 AM Bug #12392: 100% cpu usage on foreman-proxy DHCP calls
The false positive "ip already in use" during deploy is occuring only ocasionaly , i will post here if i will figure ... Veaceslav Mindru
10:57 AM Bug #12889: foreman-proxy fails with implicit conversion error message if sudo is not installed
Tomas Agartz wrote:
> 2: the forman-proxy package should depend on the sudo package on Debian (Currently, sudo is li...
Dominic Cleal
10:55 AM Bug #12889: foreman-proxy fails with implicit conversion error message if sudo is not installed
Even with log_leve set to DEBUG, there is nothing more interesting in the proxy log:... Tomas Agartz
09:18 AM Bug #12889: foreman-proxy fails with implicit conversion error message if sudo is not installed
Could you provide the log from the smart proxy itself? The strace is hard to read, and a copy of the log with debugg... Dominic Cleal
10:12 AM Feature #12896 (Ready For Testing): Allow proxy to list puppet class counts
Tomer Brisker
10:05 AM Feature #12896 (Rejected): Allow proxy to list puppet class counts
This will allow getting a quick count of classes per environment without going over each environment and counting them. Tomer Brisker


02:58 PM Bug #12889: foreman-proxy fails with implicit conversion error message if sudo is not installed
(checking tasksel in debian 8.2 and the "system utilities" or whatever the name used to be doesn't even exit any more... Tomas Agartz
11:29 AM Bug #12889 (Rejected): foreman-proxy fails with implicit conversion error message if sudo is not installed
Note: Debian does not install sudo by default if you do not select "system utilities", and foreman-installer does not... Tomas Agartz
11:40 AM Bug #12392: 100% cpu usage on foreman-proxy DHCP calls
meaning comment '#28' not issue 28 Veaceslav Mindru
11:39 AM Bug #12392: 100% cpu usage on foreman-proxy DHCP calls
Veaceslav Mindru wrote:
> Toni Schmidbauer wrote:
> > we are hit by the same issue. its propably related to bug #12...
Veaceslav Mindru


05:33 PM Bug #12392: 100% cpu usage on foreman-proxy DHCP calls
Toni Schmidbauer wrote:
> we are hit by the same issue. its propably related to bug #12359 as well. i'll try to impl...
Veaceslav Mindru


08:00 AM Bug #12392: 100% cpu usage on foreman-proxy DHCP calls
we are hit by the same issue. its propably related to bug #12359 as well. i'll try to implement the workaround mentio... Toni Schmidbauer


06:22 AM Bug #12775 (Closed): Commenting out dhcp_vendor causes cryptic error message
Commit db4a915 on 1.10-stable only. Dominic Cleal


06:26 PM Bug #12774 (Closed): DNS nsupdate configuration woes
@Dominic: D'oh! Thanks for your time and this thorough explanation. Frank Wall


03:28 AM Bug #12776 (Duplicate): Change Foreman DNS entry
You've already got a ticket open at #12759, please don't create more bug reports for support issues. I'm closing thi... Dominic Cleal
02:34 AM Bug #12776 (Duplicate): Change Foreman DNS entry
Hey guy so i want to run foreman on a debian 7.9 VM on this adress foreman.mediaman.local but overtime i start the fo... Hendrik Süßenbach
03:24 AM Bug #12774 (Feedback): DNS nsupdate configuration woes
This is a difference between 1.9 and 1.10. dns_nsupdate.yml etc are files that are only in 1.10, while in 1.9 you sh... Dominic Cleal
01:50 AM Bug #12775 (Ready For Testing): Commenting out dhcp_vendor causes cryptic error message
The Foreman Bot
01:44 AM Bug #12775 (Closed): Commenting out dhcp_vendor causes cryptic error message
The message is something like:
undefined method `downcase' for nil:NilClass
Phirince Philip


07:48 PM Bug #12774 (Closed): DNS nsupdate configuration woes
According to the examples [1] [2] as well as the puppet-foreman_proxy module [3], the configuration (dns_key, dns_ser... Frank Wall
11:02 AM Refactor #11081 (Closed): Move DHCP providers to plugin-capable layout
Applied in changeset commit:62c9e22d26c686702271e5d4b33fc6cde73d4a8a. Anonymous
11:01 AM Feature #12715: As a user I would like to know if the Proxy's available plugins are up and running and if they are not running why they did not load
I can't tell from the title if this is in the right project, it's missing a description (again). It may depend on, o... Dominic Cleal
10:03 AM Revision 62c9e22d: Fixes #11081: broke out dhcp providers into separate modules
Dmitri Dolguikh
06:02 AM Bug #12572 (Closed): Smart-Proxy includes RC4 in ciphersuites
Applied in changeset commit:508a9e8b18d8811f65f0f9f4201c287bae55da2d. Brandon Weeks
05:56 AM Bug #12555: Only first FreeIPA XMLRPC call succeeds Foreman proxy 1.10 and FreeIPA, version: 4.1.4
Confirmed to work for us too. Davy Stoffel
05:33 AM Revision 508a9e8b: Fixes #12572 - refactor openssl settings
Brandon Weeks

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